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Topic: Can't DML modify shotgun slug/pellet damage properties?
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Can someone clue me in on how the armor stats works? Does the "Armor" ObjProp (with "Combat", "Toxic", and "Radiation" fields) do anything, or it purely controlled by the stim MetaProperties e.g. Medium Armor Effects (-3486)? Does the former just control the number displayed in the inventory? I ran some tests and it seemed like it was only the MetaProperties.


the tox and rad reduction value from the prop is applied directly - you pop a value of 100 there, you get tox/rad immunity, so definitely not just a number that gets displayed once you open the inventory.


It seems that the "Combat" field does nothing, however? I set NoPower (-5387)'s "Combat" field to 0. Ninja Shot has 10 WeaponBash stim, I take 8 damage with unpowered Power Armor instead of 10 with it off. So it's gotta be the metaproperty that affects that damage stim.

I look at the ObjList args in the hierarchy and see the following:
Code: [Select]
Reflec Armor (-82): NVImplantMeta="Powered Armor Effects"; NVImplantOffMeta="Light Armor Effect"; NVImplantOffSelfMeta="NoPower";I can't find any documentation for NVImplant or NVArmor, so I'm not precisely sure what these args do. But the assigned "Light Armor Effect" metaprop seems to be the culprit, so I try the following:
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -5387 "Armor" //NoPower
    "Combat" 0.00 //was 20
    "Toxic" 0.00
    "Radiation" 0.00
+ObjProp -82 ObjList = "NVImplantMeta="Powered Armor Effects"; NVImplantOffMeta=""; NVImplantOffSelfMeta="NoPower";" //Reflec Armor
Now I take 8 damage with unpowered armor on... and with it off! What gives? Should I just revert to vanilla scripts to revert Powered Armor? That's all I want, after all.


NVImplantOffMeta is added to the player and NVImplantOffSelfMeta to the implant/armor itself when equipped but depowered.

yes, the Combat field is just for show/the displayed inventory value afaik, the damage reduction comes purely from whatever is set on the (NVImplantOffMeta) metaprop. which is Light Armor Effect in this (SCP) case, so 20% reduction when depowered - to make it something else, a new metaprop will have to be created. the NoPower metaprop is only there to change the inventory icon and description of the armor itself when depowered and equipped.

so you would need to create a new metaprop for the player damage reduction effect (lets say "rsReflecNoPower Effect", with all the proper stims that would give full 10% damage reduction), and then the code would be;
Code: [Select]
ObjProp -82 ObjList = NVImplantMeta="Powered Armor Effects"; NVImplantOffMeta="rsReflecNoPower Effect"; NVImplantOffSelfMeta="NoPower";and set NoPower to display 10%.

NVImplantOffMeta=""; Now I take 8 damage with unpowered armor on... and with it off! What gives?
NVImplantOffMeta is probably not meant to be empty. I think the current version of ND fixes the issues with the vanilla implant/armor script, so technically, it should be ok to revert, but I'd probably try to avoid that.
« Last Edit: 29. July 2020, 19:12:00 by voodoo47 »


Yeah, I wondered if there was some other fix going on with charge or something, remembered something about that from patchnotes. EDIT: And it gives the unpowered icon, I see. I'd like to keep that if possible.

I want 0% protection when unpowered as in vanilla. I tried Basic Vulnerability (-1585), which has a 1.0x multiplier on everything, but I still take 8 damage instead of 10.
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -82 ObjList = "NVImplantMeta="Powered Armor Effects"; NVImplantOffMeta="BasicVulnerability"; NVImplantOffSelfMeta="NoPower";" //Reflec ArmorI tested it both with the armor already unpowered and with the armor going unpowered after the script param was changed, still have 20% protection. Not sure what's going on.
« Last Edit: 29. July 2020, 19:56:37 by RoSoDude »


you are probably trying to use the script in a way that wasn't intended. just tried to create an empty armor metaprop ("NothingMor", with, well, nothing), replaced Light Armor Effect with it, and it worked as expected - no protection when depowered (hybrid pipe hit without armor = 10hp, hybrid pipe hit with depowered armor = 10hp).


Huh, I think there's just some issue with changing it mid-game. I was getting 20% protection base even after taking armor off, but only after messing with the script params. On a new game I did what you recommended and have 0% protection as intended, so I'm going to assume you just need a new game for this to go into effect properly.


using a save where the power armor is already equipped to test the change does sound like a fairly bad idea - I did the change/testing in the editor.

anyway yeah, not using an old save when testing more complex changes/mods is something I'd recommend.


What properties are causing Energy and Heavy weapons to have no recoil? I tried copypasting the entire GunKick property from Viral Prolif (-29) onto Gren Launcher (-21) and it has no effect (testing in editor, spawned weapon).

Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -21 "GunKick" //Gren Launcher
"Setting 0: Kickback Pitch" 5.49 °
"Setting 0: Kickback Pitch Max" 5.49 °
"Setting 0: Kick Angle Return" 0.00 °
"Setting 0: Kickback Heading" 0.00 °
"Setting 0: Kickback" -0.20
"Setting 0: Kickback Max" 1.00
"Setting 0: Kickback Return" 1.00
"Setting 0: Pre-Shot Pct" 0.00
"Setting 0: Jolt Pitch" 21.97 °
"Setting 0: Jolt Heading" 21.97 °
"Setting 0: Jolt Back" 1.00
"Setting 1: Kickback Pitch" 5.49 °
"Setting 1: Kickback Pitch Max" 5.49 °
"Setting 1: Kick Angle Return" 0.00 °
"Setting 1: Kickback Heading" 0.00 °
"Setting 1: Kickback" -0.20
"Setting 1: Kickback Max" 1.00
"Setting 1: Kickback Return" 1.00
"Setting 1: Pre-Shot Pct" 0.00
"Setting 1: Jolt Pitch" 21.97 °
"Setting 1: Jolt Heading" 21.97 °
"Setting 1: Jolt Back" 1.00
"Setting 2: Kickback Pitch" 5.49 °
"Setting 2: Kickback Pitch Max" 5.49 °
"Setting 2: Kick Angle Return" 0.00 °
"Setting 2: Kickback Heading" 0.00 °
"Setting 2: Kickback" -0.20
"Setting 2: Kickback Max" 1.00
"Setting 2: Kickback Return" 1.00
"Setting 2: Pre-Shot Pct" 0.00
"Setting 2: Jolt Pitch" 1.10 °
"Setting 2: Jolt Heading" 1.10 °
"Setting 2: Jolt Back" 1.00


Ah nevermind, noticed the Player Gun Description flags.
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -21 "PlayerGunDesc" //Gren Launcher
"Flags" "KUp, JUp, JDown, JLeft, JRight"


Weird issue -- I don't think I can change the position of a tripwire object via DML? It works when loading the DML in ShockEd, but not in the actual game.

For example, eng1.mis.dml:
Code: [Select]
////Removes Many cutscene by simply moving the tripwire out of bounds
+ObjProp 833 "Position" //A Tripwire
    "Location" 0, -537.41, -38 //moved Z down from -30

Many cutscene is gone in ShockEd, but still present if I load a save prior to the Cargo Bay (no eng2.mis in save directory yet) and then load the Cargo Bays. Same goes for other tripwires I've tried to move via DML so it's not a fluke.

I have other workarounds for what I need, but it's an odd limitation I thought I'd call attention to.


yep, a tripwire definitely will have physics, and dml moving objects with physics is limited - basically, you have to dml strip the physics away, then move the object (and/or adjust the shape/size), then reassign physics, and it can only be OBB/6.

luckily enough, this works perfectly fine for tripwires.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


Anyone know if there's a property or script service that can tell me the currently loaded ammo type on a weapon? I know that the projectile links contain data for the weapon "Setting" and "Order" for each projectile, and the projectile has a link back to the ammo type, but I can't find any property on the weapon itself that indicates which ammo slot (say, 1, 2, or 3) it's currently on.


gun state will have ammo count and the weapon setting, and the projectile link will point to the archetype of the ammo type currently loaded. not seeing anything else that would/could help.


You mean the projectile link could indicate the loaded ammo type when fired, right? There's no way to know a priori what projectile type we're on, it seems.


seems like the link will get created upon first equip.
[gun.PNG expired]
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


SCP's eng2.mis is really crashy when I add scripts via DML. This was an issue before with NVCreateAndLink, and is rearing its ugly head again with the placement of an overlay handler script. I keep trying to put the script on different dummy objects and nothing is 100% stable. It seems the longer I spend in eng1.mis, the more likely the crash when I try to cross the bulkhead. I have no idea what's causing this, any advice on the matter would be appreciated.


post your logs and crashdumps. maybe the scripts as well.


I overwrote the last ss2.log trying to replicate the crash. It doesn't have anything noteworthy when it crashes, just the usual D3DProvide Startmode etc.

crash.dmp here, overlay scripts attached (require the rest of SS2-RSD to run). Good luck finding anything useful.

[rsdOverlayScript.nut expired]


the crash seems to be random, so just pray it won't happen again.


Quick question on attaching scripts to objects via metaproperties -- what order are scripts triggered? Is it metaproperty scripts followed by the object scripts? I ask because my "rsdPickup" script is not triggering on Electro Shock (-24), which has the "Don't inherit" flag on its "Scripts" property set to TRUE.

Code: [Select]
CreateArch "Misc Metaprops" "PickupContainer"
+ObjProp "Scripts"
"Script 0" "rsdPickup"
"Script 1" ""
"Script 2" ""
"Script 3" ""
"Don't Inherit" false
+MetaProp -24 "PickupContainer" //Electro Shock


very sure concrete object props override metaprops, not quite sure about archetypes though. but if it's doing that, then yes, most likely.
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