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Topic: need help editing monsters on map Read 1612 times  

so i made a gamesys mod and changed characteristics of monsters among other things, several years ago. while in game, i realized that many of the monsters were actually unaffected by my changes and learned that i must change each monster already placed in the world, individually. ive opened a map and attempted to do this but im completely lost and dont know where to go about doing such a thing. will someone help point me in the right direction? all i see is a jumbled up mess up wireframe... i cant locate or select an enemy to edit... do i do it through the main editing tab, like you do with gamesys edits?


typically, you'll want to hide terrain and room brushes when working with objects, that should make the view less overwhelming - click on filter (lower left part of the window), and click on Terr and Room to disable/enable.

you can then type hilight_obj_type -162 to the command window (lower right part of the window) and hit enter to highlight all the AIs.

F2 will cycle the view type - as long as you are in a room and solid view is selected, you are able to pretty much ghost through the level, looking at all the stuff directly.

make sure to use the pre-configured editor that comes with SS2tool, that will ensure everything is up to date and working properly.
i unclicked terr and room filter and it did nothing

so part of the problem im having is navigating the interface. what are the keyboard mouse combos i use to move around in the world? im using w to go forwards and the s and d to look but what about moving up and down? and what about keyboard+mouse shortcuts for manipulating the wireframe windows? such as moving the map around, and spinning and rotating the map, etc. or where is the document i can read which describes all of these functions so i can research it on my own?


QWEASDZXC to move around. if you do not see any terrain or rooms, then you are editing a stripped level, which isn't a great idea - you should grab its unstripped version from here. you can hover the mouse over the map and use the wheel to zoom, or rightclick and teleport and other things. you manipulate the map elements by selecting them by leftmouseclicking and doing whatever is necessary. some tutorials are available here, but if you are hoping to skip the rather harsh Shocked learning curve, you'l be disappointed - you will need to get dirty and dig around until you find your editor feet.

or better yet, just use dmls to make the edits, and you won't have to mess around with maps at all.
am i even going about accomplishing what i intend to, the right/most efficient way? can i just edit the gamesys text for each map and have it push through the edits to all of the enemies placed in the world that way instead of selecting them individually, etc? basically im trying to increase the projectile velocity for midwife shot.. and robot shot accuracy/velocity, because when i changed these in the gamesys, they only applied to enemies which i spawned manually.

im under a midwife entry for what i assume is the physical manifestation of the the midwife on that map, and i dont even see projectile velocity under there or the link. so i must assume that its using a seperate projectile entry to derive its velocity from for ALL midwives on any particular map? so all i do is edit this projectile velocity entry, and all of the midwives should automatically inherit it i assume? so i see that "midwife shot" i set to 125 but it didnt work, but then under it is "a midwife" and that shot is set to 50 so that must be the discrepency and what i must edit, yes? all of the midwives on the map will inhereit it after edit or i must edit each individually?


the most efficient way of accomplishing this would be to ask someone here to do it for you. so the question really is, do you want to learn how to mod, or just the mod itself?

yes, you can edit the prop in the gamesys (or a gamesys dml, which would be ideal for this), and deploy it onto all the already existing concretes, as long as you are willing to learn some basics of NVscript (which will do the deploying part) - each midwife concrete will have its own projectile concrete, that's what needs the edit (those props do not inherit from their archetype, so editing just that will not help).

there is no way around this, other than the hard way. the good news is that once you have the basics down, you'll be able to make such simple minimods in minutes.
i dont get why you didnt just tell me i could edit the monsters 1 by 1 in the tree... you led me to believe the entire time, that i must navigate the map and manually select them. and then you told me theres no way to do this without learning all about shock ed first. also that using nvscript is not required to implement these changes. if i were to imagine how id respond to my own question if someone else asked it, id say something along the lines of... "the best way to do this is to load your map and go in the object tree and click the pull down menu and click all and then navigate to your monsters and their linked projectiles and edit them all manually for each map you want changed", in so few words. i dont understand why getting the most basic questions answered on this site is always like pulling teeth. with all of that said however, thanks for what you did contribute.


aha, my mistake, projectile velocity is not a link value, and therefore you can use the hierarchy op to copy it to all the map concretes without selecting them manually. guess I should have checked. ah well, nobody is perfect. //ok, I remember now - last time I've been messing with this, I was changing the projectile launch joint, which is a link value, and has to be changed manually on all the concretes.

you finding out means you're getting the hang of this, which is not a bad thing one way or another.

NVscript can deploy the value upon level start, that will essentially do the same thing, but in a different way - which way is better depends on the circumstances.
« Last Edit: 14. June 2020, 18:51:47 by voodoo47 »
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but once you get to the later stages of the game, and choose your psi disciplines right, you can walk around laughing while everything around you just whimpers and dies.
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