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Topic: System Shock 2 VR
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Lol.  There *might* be a couple people who help slightly.  :thinking:   :awesome:


The amount of community help will determine the quality of experience. For example, I'm right now working on getting the pistol to function. ´Problem is, the pistol is one solid mesh. That means no shooting animations, and most importantly no reload animations. (The ones in SS2 are hillariously bad) You won't be able to pull the slide back like in any other VR game. There is also no good muzzel flash and bullet casing sprite.

All that could be created by other people for me to integrate, but if no one steps up, what I can do with the assets given has to suffice.

In this case that means reloading will be done by touching the pistol with ammo. Simple as that, with no animations what so ever.
I can live with that. There is too much work to spend time fiddling around in blender.

(Might steal bullet holes and impact sounds from Source though. Not having bullet holes was always kinda lame in the original)


the SCP pistol has a slide animation, and a better muzzle flash (SHTUP-ND). SCP also has bullet holes.


That means no shooting animations, and most importantly no reload animations. (The ones in SS2 are hillariously bad)
Please describe the HILARIOUSLY BAD animation for us, so that we can properly appreciate the HILARITY and the BADNESS of it.
I don't see what's so bad about them either. But I'd prefer Hardkern to get on with his project over an emotional discussion about reload animations.


In this case that means reloading will be done by touching the pistol with ammo. Simple as that, with no animations what so ever.
I can live with that. There is too much work to spend time fiddling around in blender.

I'd definitely just go with fast placeholdery stuff like that. It should be fairly easy to swap them out with proper art assets once your project is far enough along any interested talent might be convinced that it's actually going to happen. Making assets for Unity is certainly easier than Dark Engine. Also I wouldn't get too caught up with trying to refine advanced VR mechanics since the bulk of the work is actually porting the original game in full to Unity which is no small task.

Also the 'touch to belt' style quick reloading seen in some VR games always reminded me of SS2 since the animation is simply ducking the weapon out of view for a moment.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


the SCP pistol has a slide animation, and a better muzzle flash (SHTUP-ND). SCP also has bullet holes.
Thanks for pointing that out. Have used "SS2 Tacticool Weapon Replacements" before, because I thought that was the best version of the weapons available.


Tacticool pistol also has working joints, but do note the animation needs to be set up in the gamesys for it to actually play.


Does someone here know about the binary format for the new "WREXT" chunks? They where added by the NewDark patches I think. Can't read them. Have to use old versions of maps for now.


Acknowledged by 3 members: Kolya, Da9L, voodoo47


the pistol texture looks messed up. yeah, as already mentioned, vanilla weapon scales are way off, you will have to shrink them down by 20-30% to make them look ok. also, no idea about WREXT, so vanilla geometry it is, I suppose.

and hey NDS, if this guy can reimplement mtl support, then so can you.


NDS = NewDark Source?

Also, I'm mostly parsing MTL to get the texture paths. For the rest of the attributes I still have to figure out a good way of bringing them over. An extra render pass for an emission map is just crazy. Enviroment reflections can be discarded, as unity will do those themself. For UV animations I probably have to write a bunch of shaders with those parameters.
« Last Edit: 18. October 2020, 10:31:20 by Hardkern »


NDS = NightDive Studios, the current Shock ip owner porting SS2 to KEX.


I remember reading in some document something about joint/axle names, but I can't find it anymore.
It went into detail what the characters in a joints name like "@s00dis" mean.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


if we are talking about creature joints, maybe @RocketMan would know.
Oh wow, I totally skipped out on this thread. Just from the title I thought it was just about getting the original VR support going. But this is way more interesting.

There are 2 types of model files in the game. One is the mesh files which is for characters and other models that work with animation files. The other one are object files which are for static models and don't work with animation files. They have joints which can be controlled from the engine (ShockEd commands and so on).
There is some information in the header by whish you can distinguish them.

For mesh files this is a good information source.

The joint name you have right there looks more like it's an object model. In that case the name isn't really that important. The behaviour is set in the way the file is structured. Like one part of the model is the child of another part, and then rotates/slides at given point xyz.
The user nemyax created an importer/exporter for Blender (only works till 2.79 as anything 2.8 upwards changed it's plugin API). You can take a look at the thread over here which also links to the sourceforge page. Maybe you can get the information you need from his sourcecode.


I'm afraid I learned everything I know from existing literature and posts.  While I have a bit of experience regarding how to use these resources, the links above do better justice to the academics of the topic than I ever could.


Thanks for the help. I figured it out.

I also found out, that the pistol model with a moving slide is a special model that comes with hand and all unseen polygons removed. The guns you find in a level are different models without a moving slide.

I'll just redirect my focus to the laser pistol. No moving parts.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not even reloading. Why didn't I thought about this earlier?


Can someone here tell me how to open maps from SCP in ShockEd? My ShockEd crashes on load. (It also doesnt find "shockscp.gam" automatically)


you need to patch your SS2 install with the tool, load SCP as a mod and enable it. then just run the editor exe and load the map.


Thanks. I thought I already applied the tool, but I guess not. Anyway, it works now.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


New video up.

The impossible takes a little while - #5 Devlog SysShock2 VR port - YouTube
ViewOfTheFew VR is an on going fan project to port SystemShock2 to VR using Unity3d. The end goal is to have the entire game playable in VR. I'm doing my bes...
« Last Edit: 07. November 2020, 22:44:37 by Moderator »


ooh, I see SCP world geometry, nice. also, edited the video into the post, the non-clickable picture was just weird (seemed intentional, but why? the forum supports proper youtube embedding).

would maybe want to know more about those flawed objects, that could be something we should be fixing.
« Last Edit: 07. November 2020, 22:52:11 by voodoo47 »
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