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Is there a recent preview video of the new System Shock 2, please?


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While I do prefer "Enhanced Edition" over "25th Anniversary Remaster" I am at least happy it seems to be releasing this year. Apparently it's going to have the date announced next month. March 20th at GDC from what I've read. Also there is now a switch port coming out.

Besides 25 years after 1999 is 2024 right?
« Last Edit: 17. February 2025, 05:04:29 by Xkilljoy98 »


"System Shock 2 HD: Ultimate Enhanced 25th Anniversary Championship Remaster Platinum Edition Pro Alpha Plus Turbo DX: Nah Memories"


Acknowledged by: Valet2
Since SCP is being added to EE, I'd like to request one thing:

I'm not a big fan of the "Where Am I" cyberspace remix song that was added in SCP Beta 6. Is it likely that it will be added to EE as well? I'd really like a way to toggle it off in the options menu. I know that you can delete the song from the mod folder but that won't be an option on the console ports (which I also intend on playing).


That music is only supposed to play in the final boss fight, not through the entire level.

What did you mess up to make it play through the entire level?
I'm not sure, I only have SS2Tool and SCP Beta 6 installed. I've uploaded my save file to the SCP Reports thread, though. Sorry about that.

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