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Wasn't Irrational forced to use a pretty restricted color palette, as was the standard at the time?
Additionally, consider this: Aliens (1996) was a huge cultural presence while SS2 was in development. And what did Aliens prominently feature?
for the midwife ass - if they wanted to give her more ass, they would have done so back in 1999. so no extra ass, would you kindly.
Stupid question: how does the process of making/porting animations for both the Anniversary models, and the vanilla models, work exactly with the two different types in the 25th Anniversary version?If you make say, a two-handed shotgun hybrid carry animation for the Anniversary models (a la early SS2 screenshots), is making it also for the original models, fairly easy with the updated model tools you've developed? Or do you have to do vastly different rigging, joint bones etc for "25th Anniversary" vs "Original models"? Ditto for weapon model animations.In Half Life 1, there's the HD pack models, which have different joints compared to the original ones, different animations and infamously, different timings for certain stuff like running: some mods back in the day had their scripted sequences messed up if the player was using the HD pack. Fans had to make custom HD pack models with correct speed/timing to fix this, many years ago.