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Is it possible to add new sound schema to a DML mod? I'm trying to add new edited sounds for the Shotgun triple blast (additional sounds, NOT replacing the fire sound for normal shotgun blast), but I can't figure out how to actually implement the sound schema. I've been trying to follow the only guide I could find on the issue, which seems to predate NewDark DML mods.

In my mod's \snd\Weapon\ folder are my new sound files, F_SG1_extended.wav and F_SG2_extended.wav

In my mod's \schema\ folder I have rsdSFX.sch with the following:
Code: [Select]
schema fire_shotgun0
archetype WEAPON_FIRE
volume -100
f_sg1 f_sg2
env_tag (Event Shoot) (WeaponType ShotgunRSD) (AmmoType RSlug Pellet) (WeaponMode 0)

schema fire_shotgun1
archetype WEAPON_FIRE
volume -100
f_sg1_extended f_sg2_extended
env_tag (Event Shoot) (WeaponType Shotgun) (AmmoType RSlug Pellet) (WeaponMode 1)

Nothing actually gets loaded when I try to do this. I can put the new rsdSFX.sch file into the base SS2\Schema\ folder instead and "reload_schemas" in the editor, at which point "play_schema fire_shotgun0" and "play_schema fire_shotgun1" works in the editor window, but when actually testing the game I have no sounds for the shotgun at all.

Any tips/guides I can follow for this? Is it only possible to add new schema in gamesys mods?


not sure whether possible, because as far as I'm aware, unless you reload schemas in the editor and save the gamesys, there is not going to be any deal.

also, the amount of schemas has a hard limit, which has been depleted by SCP, so you would have to remove something to be able to actually add something else.

I'd go for something simpler, like making the pellet emit the sound.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


The 255 limit is on "schema tags", which are basically categories of sounds. Surface types, AI voice sets, doors, etc. But within each category you can have as many sounds as you want, so adding a new sound to the WEAPON_FIRE category would be no problem.

That being said, schema files are only processed by DromEd. Some of the imported schema information ends up exposed in the object hierarchy under "Schema", but information like which WAV files to play is not, presumably buried internally in the gamesys.

There has been some thought given to providing a bank of generic schemas in SCP for mods to use, but that runs into the issue of conflict from different mods claiming the same schemas.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


I've been trying to experiment with overriding unused schema instead, but nothing works.

In Schema\TestVoic.sch, there's the following schema:
Code: [Select]
schema ts1foubod
archetype AI_BOD

ts1fbody.wav is in snd\unused\testvoic\ in the Data\res\ folder. I figure if I overwrite it with DMM\[modname]\snd\unused\testvoic\ts1fbody.wav, and set up the PlayParams for ts1foubod, I should be able to attach it to some object. Unfortunately, "play_schema ts1foubod" doesn't play any actual sound in ShockEd, whether the unused test sound or my new shotgun sound. Any ideas? I set the volume to -100.


I'm not sure why, but that schema set doesn't work at all. If you set an AI's voice to "vtest", they're completely silent.


Another schema-related question; I know it's possible to change volume of existing sound schemas by altering "SchPlayParams"->"Volume", but is there an artificial limit on this? For example, fire_shotgun has a default volume of -100. I can make it quieter by going lower, say -1000, but going to -1 (the typical maximum) doesn't seem to make it any louder than it was at -100.
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