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Topic: SS2 Complete Map Model Read 4482 times  


As a gift to all non-VR users here, I thought it would be a fun idea to combine all the levels I imported into unity into one giant map.
I've tried my best to align them in a realistic way, but some overlap does exists. Mostly it all fits together though.

You switch to "first person mode" in the viewer for a better viewing experience.


SystemShock2 All Maps Colored - Download Free 3D model by hardkern (@Hardkern) [c321eac] - Sketchfab
All maps from SS2 (except earth and station) all in one map! Aligned to my best knowledge. SS2 world is largely overlap free and could be a real place.nNOTE: the levels are from SCP a modded Version of SS2 that contain somewhat improved geometry but should match the original game closely.nExported to FBX by HardKern - SystemShock2 All Maps Colored - Download Free 3D model by hardkern (@Hardkern) [c321eac]

(Its the SCP modded levels if that makes a diff for you)

I can also upload a textured version. But that file is about 150mb large. So I will only do that if there is demand for it.
Acknowledged by 5 members: Briareos H, RoSoDude, sarge945, Valet2, Maggot
The maps actually fit the profile of the Von Braun better than I thought it would. Nice to see someone finally do this for SS2 after seeing UUW and SS1's complete maps.


i would personally kill for a textured version, but as it stands this is still pretty cool
Acknowledged by: Maggot


Sorry, uploading the textured version doesn't work. Too many materials.

These screenshots are the best I can do.

« Last Edit: 29. January 2021, 00:08:42 by Moderator »
Acknowledged by: Briareos H


Sorry, uploading the textured version doesn't work. Too many materials.

These screenshots are the best I can do.

If you could send the model with all the materials I could try to remap it into one or a few big atlases (I suspect there is a ton of tiled textures, but I believe there might be a way to achieve a reasonable result).


Had to split all the levels into their own file to even open them in blender.
Here are the eng1, eng2, medsci1 and medsci2 levels. See if you can do something with them. I will give you the rest if so. Don't want to waste time exporting and reexporting every level.

In blender the textures fade to white, but that is only a material issue.
It might save some work & bits if I use the original geometry and textures files. The modded texture files are usually 2x - 4x as big.
I'm curios how you are planning to merge 2200 (Edit: probably less then that. Just the amount of materials in my project, which includes everything.) materials. Hopefully not per hand, right?  :/

I've seen your name as the name of some texture folders. Kinda cool to talk to the person behind those.
« Last Edit: 29. January 2021, 00:10:03 by Moderator »
Okay, for anyone wondering how to make the textured version show the textures, they all should be unpacked from fam.crf, converted to PNG and placed to the \Assets\SS2\Fam\_ACC\ subfolder (relative to the .fbx files).

Was pretty obvious, but just in case.


You are right. Damn assumed the whole time they came packaged.

I can upload my fam folder, if someone wants it. Its like 120mb


I didn't have a lot of time today, but I did a quick test for medsci1 mesh. I feared an entire level for one texture is going to be a a lot and it is.
The resolution could've been better and there are a lot of glitches, some might be related to the fact that the UV packing tool I used detected some errors in mesh but it might as well be problem with texture reprojection.

I'm curios how you are planning to merge 2200 (Edit: probably less then that. Just the amount of materials in my project, which includes everything.) materials. Hopefully not per hand, right?  :/
First I use a little script to merge all meshes and materials, then I packed the UV using RizomUV as tightly as possible. Finally I used Unity plugin I wrote for work that reprojects textures from one model to another, in this case from the original mesh with all the materials to combined mesh. It works very similarly to xNormal, except it can handle multiple materials and automates the process of gathering model data like materials and textures a lot better.

I've seen your name as the name of some texture folders. Kinda cool to talk to the person behind those.
I wish I could've done more for the Four Hundred mod, there's only a handful of my textures in there. But ACC did amazing job.


Wow. Good job looks awesome.
Since you know how to use unity, I could just give you all the level files as a unitypackage. How about that?
For the final version you may want to remove the dev-rooms. The unseen rooms where things get stored for cutscenes and stuff. Or you may not, IDK what would be better.

I don't see the glitches in the image (if there are some supposed to be there?)


Unity package is perfect for me.
You are right about the unseen rooms, they are just taking up UV space.
That screenshot was just an example of a good spot. Here are some examples of glitches I've talked about:

Some walls literally have portions of them with wrong texture. Also all the screens are gone.
You can actually see some of the artifacts in the atlas texture and the white areas are missing textures I think.


Maybe a unitypackage wasn't such a great idea after all. It took 30min to create and is about 1/4 GB.

You can try importing it, but expect it to take like 30min. Its probably caused by the 10k small meshes that are included. Level meshs get split into a ridiculous amount of meshs (~2000 per .mis).

I might look into reducing the amount of meshs created, if you can't work with it.



Thanks, I will take a look.
But I need to first identify the problem with the texture glitches. It must be an issue with my texture baking tool which I must say I completely didn't expect to encounter after about a year of using it with little problems.

I know more or less what might be causing this but it might take me a bit to debug it.

BTW I've noticed there are some degenerate triangles in original cell meshes, might be a good idea to remove them. UV packing tools don't like them a lot.


Alright, I was able to remap all levels almost without any visible glitches.

There are some problems with original cell meshes like default materials without a texture in some places (water, and a lot in earth) and caustic texture instead of terrain everywhere where water reflection was applied.

Some maps have better texel density than others, rick1 is definitely the worst. In those cases it would probably be better to seperate level into smaller segments.
For now I ended up with 1x 4096x4096, 5x 8192x4096 and 15x 8192x8192 textures (+2x 8k for station and earth maps). That is a lot for RAM and VRAM and I don't know if Sketchfab can survive that.

I read somewhere that Sketchfab automatically merges materials if there are more than 100 detected. I've counted around 560 unique materials for everything except station and earth. I wonder if premerging cells (but without duplicating materials) before upload would help the process in any way.


Hmh. The total size is now twice of what it was before. I think we are moving in the wrong direction.  O_o I'm gonna try an approach of my own soon. Thinking about creating a texture atlas instead of creating a super texture with lots of repeating information.

Btw, at what company are you working with unity? Game related? Is it good?


Don't get discouraged by the size of the zip, if you load up all the models and textures I provided (preferably with a lower imported resolution for starters) it's actually a lot easier to render not only for Unity but other 3D editing soft as well.
It's all those cells and individual materials that generate a lot of drawcalls.

I did a quick test in Sketchfab and it seems to be working! I didn't arrange the levels in any way for this test.

But it's definitely squeezing VRAM on GPU as the total uncompressed size of all these texture is about 4,5 GB.
I wouldn't be surprised if some people would experience browser crash after opening this but I think it's worth uploading @Hardkern.

Hmh. The total size is now twice of what it was before. I think we are moving in the wrong direction.  O_o I'm gonna try an approach of my own soon. Thinking about creating a texture atlas instead of creating a super texture with lots of repeating information.
I have a feeling for that you would need to find the largest common tiling area of a specific material and put that into a square on an atlas and then remap all the geometries into that tile. Otherwise I am not sure how the tiling would work, because majority of level UVs are spread across many tiles of one material.

Btw, at what company are you working with unity? Game related? Is it good?

I work at Black Eye Games. It's been a one giant well of experience for me. Learned a ton about Unity, graphics, shaders and coding in general.


Right, I forgot about the tiling. So that approach is off. But I'd like to try just merging every mesh with the same material and see if that makes a difference. This should reduce draw calls (unless sketch fab does some batching) and file size.

Interesting company. I've never heard of the game you guys are devloping, but it sounds like a unique premise. RTS from the perspective of a besieged civilianship. Good luck!


Yeah, it might be worth trying just merging all meshes with materials.
There still is a bit smarter way to merge everything and minimize repeating information, something like I mentioned before about finding largest common tile for each material (within level, to be safe), but it's a lot more complex and would require time to code.


Okay merged everything by material and downscaled all textures by 0.25. Everything now fits into a neat 15mb zip.

Too bad its still 500 over the 600 material limit. I've uploaded it to a different site that does not have this restriction. Only thing is their viewer has terrible camera controls. Download it if you want to explore it properly is my advise.


This is a link to the model + textures (15mb):
« Last Edit: 06. February 2021, 01:59:50 by Moderator »
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