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DML1//New metaprop for Camera ArmourCreateArch "Vulnerabilities" "Camera Armor"//Add vulnerabilities to Camera Armor//It's invulnerable to everything except AP Rounds, Energy, EMP, High Explosives, and Electricity+Receptron "Camera Armor" "EMP"{ Min 0 Max None Target Me Agent Source Effect "Amplify" { "Multiply by" 4.00 "Then add" 0.00 }}+Receptron "Camera Armor" "Armor Piercing Impact"{ Min 0 Max None Target Me Agent Source Effect "Amplify" { "Multiply by" 2.00 "Then add" 0.00 }}-Receptron -367 "Standard Impact" 00200009 //Remove default bullet damage-MetaProp -367 "Mechanical Vulnerability" //Remove old "Mechanical Vulnerability" weaknesses+MetaProp -367 "Camera Armor" //Add Camera Armour
+Receptron "Camera Armor" "Armor Piercing Impact"{ Min 0 Max None Target Me Agent Source Effect "damage" { "Damage Type" 0 "Use stimulus as type" TRUE "Multiply By" 1.00 "Then Add" 0 }}
NVTrigQVar(NVTrigger)An improved version of the standard TrigQVar script.Watches the state of a quest variable, and sends TurnOn when its value changes to satisfy the formula specified in the Trap->Quest Var property. If the value changes so that it no longer satisfies the formula, it sends TurnOff instead.For details of how to use the Trap->Quest Var property, see Telliamed's excellent guide.NVTrigQVar and NVTrapSetQVar support a few new features, however.Firstly, you can use the name of a quest variable in place of the numerical argument, in which case the value of that variable will be used instead. For example, you could use >QVar2:QVar1 to check if Qvar1 is greater than QVar2. You can also place a question mark ('?') in front of the name of this qvar to give a random number between zero and its value.
so for example me changing all shotgun hybrids to fusion cannon hybrids for the duration of the give VB engine control to Shodan quest would be pretty trivial.
no, not yet. but I'm thinking about it, as I would maybe want to redo and expand the pistol hybrid mod, and use exactly that setup to make things smart. anyway, it's really just digging around NVscript docs or asking NV directly and finding out whether NVRelayTrap/NVMetaTrap supports a qvar check, and anybody can do that. my bet is that it does, because why for example me changing all shotgun hybrids to fusion cannon hybrids for the duration of the give VB engine control to Shodan quest would be pretty trivial.
now why does this sound like something I would actually like to see in action?