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1.4- Prevented Rec1 Transmitter and medsci1 training wheels keypad (45100) from displaying their codes on the HUD1.3- SCP Beta 5 Fixes.1.2- Added a secondary method for keypads to enable themselves, based on finding their own keypad code within logs - This should add potential automatic support for FMs, but only if they don't do custom things with Keypad scripts. - Many FMs such as Ponterbee will still require custom patches to work fully. - Now, instead of a message in the top message box, the HUD String of the keypad will be updated.1.1- Fixed issue where you could get the medsci2 armoury code early, as it was tied to the wrong note.1.0- Initial Release
Just making an unsolveable keypad seems pretty easy, you set its code to a negative number or a number shorter than 5 digits.
Wrong. It's not an "exploit", the code was deliberately set to 00000 to reward players who try to guess the code. If they'd intended it to only be accessible by hacking, they would have given it a more randomized code.
class keypadRand extends SqRootScript { function OnSim() { SetProperty("KeypadCode", Data.RandInt(0, 99999)) }}
I have no idea why you think you need to send parameters to Squirrel scripts. If you want things to happen to keypad codes when the code is obtained, you need to set up a QB trigger (Simple QB Trigger (-2498)) for the code's quest note, linked to a script that restores the code.
class keypadLock extends SqRootScript { function OnBeginScript() { if (HasProperty("QBName") && !IsDataSet("done")) { local code = GetProperty("KeypadCode"); if (code <= 99999) { SetProperty("KeypadCode", code + 100000); } Quest.SubscribeMsg(self, GetProperty("QBName"), eQuestDataType.kQuestDataCampaign); OnQuestChange(); } } function OnEndScript() { if (HasProperty("QBName")) { Quest.UnsubscribeMsg(self, GetProperty("QBName")); } } function OnQuestChange() { if (Quest.Get(GetProperty("QBName")) > 0) { unlock(); } } function unlock() { SetData("done", true); local code = GetProperty("KeypadCode"); if (code > 99999) { SetProperty("KeypadCode", code - 100000); } }}
SetProperty("KeypadCode", code + 100000);
//SetProperty("KeypadCode", code + 100000);