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  • Company: N/A
Yeah IK what it is but I came across more than 3 I think IIRC


in the original texts? why even care, they are so different from the audio that it almost doesn't matter.


  • Company: N/A
I am just saying I came across them in both, and even then I think it is good to have a mod version of that as an option


feel free to list them, lets make sure I didn't skip anything. but for example, the audio of the previously mentioned Stack-15oct log actually says "its", so there is no need to change anything if you are already using the corrected logs from the Enhanced Logs (EL from this point on) mod.

basically, if we are correcting this, then lets focus on the version that already corrected everything else.


  • Company: N/A
I suppose and IK the voice logs use he/it less than the text does but still I don't see any harm in having two versions of this mod

If I can get the proper text log version to actually work since IDK why it won't


sure, I won't stop you from doing more than (I think) is actually necessary.

anyway, feel free to list the vanilla log texts that need to be corrected just like I did for the EL version.


  • Company: N/A
IDK the full list off the top of my head, but here are the vanilla logs if you want to see them:



well yes, but I don't think I want to sift through them, that was the point.


  • Company: N/A
Well I already edited it, I just need to get the proper log version to work and I can't for the life of me figure out why it won't work but the vanilla log one will


I'll probably (finally) try the editor out in a couple of weeks (possibly taking a shot at editing the audio), so maybe I'll see myself.

my understanding is replace the vanilla cybstrng.res with the EL cybstrng.res, load into the editor, fix the texts, save, new cybstrng.res is produced, done. that is what I would expect, anyway.


  • Company: N/A
Yeah it should work that way, in fact I am going to see if it works with pre SP


maybe (and I'm really just throwing random ideas around now) open the vanilla cybstrng.res, grab the fixed texts from the EL cybstrng.res, stick them into the vanilla cybstrng.res after correcting those three logs, save the now fully edited vanilla cybstrng.res, maybe victory?

the assumption here is the EL cybstrng.res has been saved in some way the new editor cannot handle. if that's the case, the above mentioned shenanigans could help.


  • Company: N/A
I have thought of that, though it is a lot of text and it takes awhile to select and copy it, guess I could try it and see if it works.


well, not like there is anything else to do until dertsetha is back.


does anyone have a ss1 (EE or EESP) save near the end of the game? would like to check the modified logs (male references to Shodan removed both from the log text and audio. attached, feel free to check, level1 Kevin O'Connell, level7 Willard Richie, level8 Elizabeth Taggert). to install, replace both original res files with ones from the archive (no SSEESP script file for now).

note - looks like we have two versions of enhanced logs floating around, the older one from 2008 has about 130kb (SS1_text.zip), and the other one from 2018 about 80kb (Proper_Logs_SSEESP_1.05.7z), the file from 2018 only works with SSEESP. probably the reason why you were getting the crashes, Xkilljoy98.

//first log close to start actually, checked real quick and it works as intended. still, not going to post this proper until the other two are checked and confirmed working.
« Last Edit: 22. October 2022, 14:05:00 by voodoo47 »


Here's a SSP save from right before the final SHODAN fight. May or may not be useful.
[SAVGAM07.7z expired]


it is, thanks - had to actually fire up the DOS version, but the updated res files work properly even there, so all should be good. also urgh, going back from EE/Shockolate to the original DOS game is.. not pleasant.

anyway, will see whether I can redo the Richie and Taggert audio - I think it got clipped a bit too much. once done, I'll add a proper EESP script file (not looking forward to that), and it's off to the downloads.

slightly bothered by the fact the log res file actually grew in size a bit even though the audio files that have been imported are smaller than the originals. but oh well, if it works..
« Last Edit: 21. October 2022, 20:58:13 by voodoo47 »


I'm 89% satisfied with the result (the already somewhat awkward audio clips are just a bit more awkward if you know exactly where the edits were done), so repacked and posted in the Proper Logs topic. didn't bother with a separate download for SSEESP (technically doable, would save some bandwidth, but whatever, sorry dial-up people).

@Xkilljoy98 moving this topic back to Engineering, please redo your stuff with the original CYBSTRNG, that should fix the crashes, once the mod is ready we'll create a separate new topic for the download, this is now too long and messy to be in the downloads subforum.
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