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Topic: WUP - Weapon Upgrade Project
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Looks great! Is the full grip and trigger in there somewhere?


If you end up making "fixed vanilla" versions of the weapons (versions with working bolts, the pistol slide fixed, and the rest of the models updated for high FOV), it would probably make sense to include those ones in SCP by default, and have the left-arm versions as a separate download.


Here's a legit model.
extra image for no reason...
« Last Edit: 27. May 2023, 00:31:08 by Pacmikey »


other than the missing back-half of the Assault Rifle, this all looks extremely based.

I really wish NewDark supported Viewmodel FOV. That would fix a lot of these problems.


missing back-half of the Assault Rifle
That AR doesn't look that different with a stock, the design just kinda pops it out.
The shotgun doesn't need to be altered, even at the max FOV you cant see the back. Even after shortening the model considerably you can barely see it.

I really wish NewDark supported Viewmodel FOV. That would fix a lot of these problems.
You can simply push the model forward/back in Blender and reexport it for whatever FOV you want.

« Last Edit: 27. May 2023, 14:13:24 by Pacmikey »


Looking good! Awesome work as always!

Can't wait to play this!


anyone know how vhots work? trying to fix the muzzle flash

also where in the files is the shotgun fire and pumping sound? I wanna do a shotgun overhaul that pumps

[20240301153111_1.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 01. March 2024, 21:11:46 by Pacmikey »


vhots have to be set on the weapon model, Olfred can help with that I'm sure. then the muzzle flashes need to be set up in the gamesys, couple of ways will work, either the very basic vanilla setup, or the SCP setup which is much smoother. explore the gamesysi (sounds are also defined there). if you just need the files, snd.crf\Weapons\ is where you want to go.
Are you working with Blender, or which tool do you use?
And if anyone wants to know anything from me, feel free to send me a private message or @ me. I don't browse all topics anymore.


based king eldrone has saved the day, muzzle flash fixed
Great to see you back on this, Pacmikey.
PacmikeyAh, I use the same.

Good that you already got a solution!


had a nice modding binge yesterday

All thats left are a few tweaks and clean up, assuming I don't hit any major roadblocks

I'm considering releasing different versions/variants, depending on viewmodel style and FOV, original/lowered etc. you can see the differences in the screenshots. Each gun will be separate, you can pick and choose and not need to install all of them if you dont want.

Anyway expect a release soon, not SoonTM but actually soon
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« Last Edit: 03. March 2024, 19:50:00 by Pacmikey »


fusion cannon really should be shoulder mounted, that old mod that did this had the right idea (though the left hand should definitely be holding the underside of the gun, not the barrel, or whatever it is).

first, third and last pic are ok, hard pass on the rest.
[arcfn.jpg expired]
In my opinion the other pictured fusion cannon looks much better. Well, hardly an opinion when it doesn't have those fat block fingers in your face. In reality, all weapons should be two-handed pistol included. Who cares. Not everything needs to be 100% realistic.

This looks cool as fuck, takes up less screen space, doesn't shove a low res low poly model right in your face, and no block hands visible. Absolute no brainer.

Huge improvement to the aesthetics of the weapon while not actually changing the model or texture itself. I may actually consider a maxxed out heavy build again.
If the weapon's description specifically states it is shoulder-mounted, I would retconn that (change the text or just ignore it) and regret it none.

Keep up the good work.
« Last Edit: 07. March 2024, 07:39:44 by Join2 »


the feeling of heaviness is lost when the model is used in an assault rifle position, and I'm not a fan of that.

but considering how messed up the world model is (no visible trigger, the butt is all weird), it's pretty much impossible to tell what the proper way of handling should be, so anything goes, probably.
Meh. Nothing is heavy for goggles anyway. Ultimate Chad carries a small armory around.


the worm launcher is shoulder mounted (or rather, wrapped), I ain't budging on that.


Here's a moving shotgun, there's a weird issue where if the joint goes backward it snaps instantly but if it goes forward it's smooth. still neat though.

left comments in the DML if you wanna tweak it.

[20240312233024_1.jpg expired]
[VanillaShotgunPump.7z expired]


Quick note, that .7z file contains an extra folder, so you'll need to move the contents out of DMM\VanillaShotgunPump\VanillaShotgunPump\ after installing in the mod manager.

Anyway, I like the following DML settings for a backward pump which reverses to the forward position at the same time as the pump sound:
Code: [Select]

+ObjProp -19 "AnimPost" //Shotgun
"Flags" "Target 2"
"Joint Num" 0
"Rate 1" 0.35
"Rate 2" 2
"Target 1" 0.20 // negative = forward, positive = backward. also feel free to play with the numbers
"Target 2" 0.00


Here's how it looks in SS2-RSD with my delayed shell ejection FX:

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