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Topic: WUP - Weapon Upgrade Project Read 21139 times  


Hands for guns. FYI this was intended for 90-100 fov but alt versions are coming

[VanillaFusion.7z expired]
[VanillaEMP.7z expired]
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[VanillaShotgun.7z expired]
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« Last Edit: 12. March 2024, 15:59:34 by Pacmikey »


Re: Hand Models for Weapons
be in sync with what we can (barely) see in the cutscenes, would you kindly. or you can simply check the MP player model.

also, don't overdo it with the polycount, this is an old game, superhires things tend to look out of place.
[goggles.jpg expired]
[googlesgun.jpg expired]
« Last Edit: 04. November 2022, 20:37:11 by voodoo47 »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 12:09:55 by Pacmikey »


Re: Hand Models for Weapons
the game has monkeys, ninjas and zombies, on a spaceship. logic has no power here. also, the worm guns may actually be pleasant to touch, who knows. and if you have seen the updated worm launcher from NDS, it seems to have another part that may be pleasant, if you are a lonely soldier. also, he ends up literally shooting himself up a giant worm's rear end, I'm guessing touching a patch of some weird skin wouldn't be a big deal in comparison.

anyway, consistency with the player model is preferable. or you can offer alternate textures as a separate download.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 12:07:48 by Pacmikey »


Re: Hand Models for Weapons
hardcoded/not modifiable, afaik. that little pull down and up while reloading is all you'll get.

some limited gun animations are doable though, Secmod worm guns pulsate and emp rifle opens up its business end some more when overcharge mode is selected. not sure how this works though.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:23:19 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
I doubt it, but we'll see. soon..ish?

@Olfred would be able to help as far as objects are concerned, I bet.

shotgun model looks nice, but something is off with the AR. maybe the gun cutting into the hand in an unnatural way? also possibly cover the arm with the suit texture just a tiny bit more.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:21:36 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
yeah, I always disliked that (much more skin exposed on the hand meshes than on the full model). "whatever looks better in the end", I suppose.
Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
I wanted to tweak the Tacticool Pistol but it seems reverse conversion to .E can't handle its polycount. It cuts off at the 1300 line range.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which tools are you using for conversion? I never had that kind of trouble and I think I even have a tacticool pistol as blend file somewhere.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:12:38 by Pacmikey »
Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
I've been using the im/exporter from nemyax in most cases. It's superb for importing models into Blender. The exporter works quite well but I had cases in which the model did have incorrect lighting on export. In that case I reverted back to using BSP.
There is also the limitation that it will only work for static models. In case you didn't know, the game basically does have two model formats. One is for static models which are most of the world models and the most weapons. Then there is one for mesh models, which are the characters, monsters and some of the weapons (if I remember correctly, all the melee models).

You can get it at https://sourceforge.net/projects/blenderbitsbobs/ it's the io_scene_dark_bin-0.4.20161124.zip file. Make sure to check the wiki.

I'm on a business trip the whole week. So if you still have problems with the pistol I can give it to you at the end of the week.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:12:57 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
That looks really nice!

In a sick, twisted way I kind of hope for someone to make a mod where we get the stumpy dolphin-fin looking hands on the original weapon models.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:13:08 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
the two handed pistol - while technically correct, it looks just weird. wouldn't do it.


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
One-handed is just cooler.

Acknowledged by: icemann


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
yes. also the MP Goggles model actually holds the fusion cannon in one hand. take that, realism.
Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
Also, sensemaking. If soldier was holding the weapon with two hands how exactly is he using the inventory?


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
The same way he does while holding a gun and climbing a ladder.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:13:20 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:13:37 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand Alpha - Hand Models for Weapons
about 17.74% less weird, yes.

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