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Topic: WUP - Weapon Upgrade Project
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« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:33:00 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:14:00 by Pacmikey »
Acknowledged by: sarge945


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
checked the first topic, dunno about the laspistol being held as a smg..


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:14:19 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
also note that the laspistol has an alternate model that will have to be handified as well.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:14:39 by Pacmikey »
Acknowledged by: sarge945


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
should be in the Tacticool package, lasehan2.bin iirc. vanilla lasehan2.bin can be found in the SCP package.

technically I could hexedit your lasehand.bin to create the new lasehan2.bin, that is how the original models were created in the first place (the alternate model uses different textures, the gun is red when set to overcharge).


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:14:53 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
ok, once this is (kind of) done and marked to be moved out of Engineering, I'll do the edits.


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
voodoo47It does? Where?

Also here's the vanilla shotgun
Gonna try and add the vanilla arms to the guns now

These are looking GREAT! Keep it up.

I know some of us vanilla-lovers (what a cringe bunch) love the idea of the original cones but with proper hand positions :)


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:15:20 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:15:35 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
voodoo47@Olfred I know the guns are just static unanimated objects, but is it 100% not possible to add reloading? The Tacticool pistol has the slide go back. I want to at least add a pump animation for the shotgun. I realize it means adding joints and other stuff (and various Dark Engine jank) Any pointers are appreciated.

Also I wish we had more info for the Enhanced Edition. Don't want to continue if NDS ends up adding arms/animations anyway (making this obsolete).

I also wanted to edit the weapon bob to make it more fluid. Doesn't that require editing the map files? Would it be incompatible with every other mod?

extra googley eyes cause my friend said the vanilla arm mesh looks like a sock puppet 🤣

probably gonna edit the vanilla meshes and give them some extra polygons
If you are this driven then we can probably help. You will indeed have to make joints and control them with custom scripts.
Like I said before, we have a custom script called NVGun, it sends an AmmoUp message as soon as reloading begins, that's enough to activate a joints-based reload animation.
Acknowledged by: Nameless Voice
Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
Yeah, I'm really the wrong guys to ask here about that. I can help with what you would need to do on the model. But anything that goes on in the engine and ShockEd shenanigans are beyond me.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:15:52 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
I very, very, very much doubt Night Dive is going to do anything to the reload animations. Making them more elaborate, consistently across all weapons, with support for modded weapon models, would be a huge amount of work for something that most players just don't care about.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:16:07 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:16:20 by Pacmikey »


Re: Sight of Hand - Hand Models for Weapons
I've seen maybe a handful of requests for that sort of thing in my entire life. Searching the ss2-general Discord for references to reload animations returns 5 results scattered over 4 years. Googling for System Shock 2 reload animations returns only two relevant results-- a thread on the Steam forum that only got a few replies, and... this thread. If you want modern reload animations, hey, that's great. I'm sure a few other people do too. But don't fool yourself into thinking it's something everyone is clamoring for.

Flashy reload animations belong in games focused around gunplay. They're a little visual reward for players who've emptied a clip into the bad guys, a distraction while you impatiently wait to get back into the bang bang bang. But SS2 is built around survival. Every bullet, every round, is precious. Reloading isn't a reward, it's a punishment. It's a reminder that you've had to expend an entire clip of precious ammunition to survive. So SS2's brutally minimal reload animations are actually perfect for the mood it's trying to build. Like how in Subnautica there are no death sounds or animations for slain creatures. They just go limp and sink to the bottom. The developers did that intentionally to make killing creatures unrewarding.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 02:23:35 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 02:06:44 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:59:30 by Pacmikey »


What's the significance of AmmoUp? What makes it able to do joint animations? What/where would I need to edit it to make gun animations possible? (just cpp stuff not blender)

I'm a virgin when it comes to OSM and Dark Scripting, but I do know how to code and my way around VS.
I'm actually not sure if you really need to modify the C++ code there.

You should have a look at the Secmod setup for the Emp Rifle, by opening the gamesys in Dromed and then using the object hierarchy or "find_obj X" commands to examine some of the objects.

You'll see the "Emp Rifle" object is set up with custom scripts to add the MEmp metaproperty to the actual gun arm object that is used in-game, this is because the "Emp Rifle" object is the weapon that's lying around or sitting in your inventory, while the gun arm object that you see when actually holding the gun is separate and spawned at runtime.
In the "MEmp" metaproperty you'll see the actual properties for configuring Joints animations, and triggering them. The setup there makes animations trigger after "setting0" and "setting1" messages because it's a mode-switching animation rather than a reload animation, you'll want to use only one message and set it to "AmmoUp", then you'll have a joint animation that triggers on reload.

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