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Topic: WUP - Weapon Upgrade Project
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« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:59:13 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:59:07 by Pacmikey »


If you're messing around with the vanilla weapons, do you have any interest in creating improved vanilla weapon models that don't cull as much at higher FOVs? The vanilla Assault Rifle and Shotgun models are missing grips, triggers, right arms. The Fusion Cannon model could cull a bit less too. Also, the vanilla Pistol model has a broken slide animation, the joint is reversed so the slide actually goes forward during the animation.

Also, if you really want to get crazy with things, you could set up joints on the Assault Rifle to make the bolt reciprocate when it's fired, similar to the Pistol's slide animation.
Acknowledged by: sarge945


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:34:20 by Pacmikey »


ThiefsieFoolThank you for the detailed reply. I messed around and see how it works now.(target, rate etc) Time for the typical 200+ hours of gamedev trial and error.

Also how did you define joints? Was it done in Blender by adding constraints?
It's done in Blender/etc by giving objects the right names, yeah.
My memory on that is a bit rusty so hopefully this can help: https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142374

And more info on joints: https://thief.fandom.com/wiki/DromEd/Properties/Tweq/Joints


Bolt animation is planned, since I now know how to do it after looking at the various pistol models. When? idk
In my game the slide doesn't move at all

The pistol slide animation is driven by the Gun->Gun Anim Post property. It's not used in vanilla, but it's set up in SCP to make the Tacticool pistol model slide move backwards. Unfortunately, it makes the vanilla pistol model slide move forwards, since its joint was set up backwards (can't be fixed with the property assignment either), probably why the feature was never used.

DML for the property (I recommend speeding up the anim so it doesn't unintentionally cap the fire rate):
Code: [Select]
+ObjProp -17 "AnimPost" //Pistol
"Flags" "Target 2"
"Joint Num" 0
"Rate 1" 4.00
"Rate 2" 6.00 //SCP: 4.00
"Target 1" -0.25
"Target 2" 0.00

If you follow the Pistol's joint setup for the Assault Rifle, you could also use this property to drive a reciprocating bolt animation. It probably won't be useful for a Shotgun pump animation though as the animation can't be delayed.
« Last Edit: 12. December 2022, 20:51:08 by RoSoDude »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:34:37 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:34:51 by Pacmikey »


What tools/addons were used for exporting jointed guns? The vanilla pistol and shotgun have joints on them that work, but in Blender, using this addon joints are lost when exporting it. BSP.exe also gets stuck and can't convert it from 3ds. I read about some people having similar problems on TTLG.

Not sure, @Olfred might be able to help with import/export issues.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:35:08 by Pacmikey »
That's a really nice find. I wasn't aware of that.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 01:35:24 by Pacmikey »
Acknowledged by: ThiefsieFool


So what about OG models, aren't they ready yet? Can't wait to play with low poly hands. They're looks cool, you're doing very great job.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 18:12:01 by Pacmikey »


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 18:11:22 by Pacmikey »
I love this. I hope ND implements this to the EE.

Keep up the good work.


this is the Engineering, it can be spammed with wip resources.


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 12:10:46 by Pacmikey »
This makes me wonder, would it be possible to add hands to weapons like wrench and rapier?


« Last Edit: 20. August 2023, 12:12:36 by Pacmikey »
For wrench two handed would be cool. Even as a single handed weapon, I wish the hand was more visible. I am guessing changing the fov on specific weapons are not possible.

By the way, are you consider adding second hand to the other weapons as well? I am wondering where you would put the second hand for Annelid Launcher for example :D

I always disliked the new EMP Rifle model, I assume you are not working on that one.

As for Stasis Field Generator model, I always hated it. Would you consider rigging it if I provided you a new model for it?

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