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Topic: SS2 Randomiser
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Here's a sneak peek for the upcoming Version 2.0 release.

Enemies in new spots:

Hazards in new spots:


(enemies and eggs maintain the same numbers in each map, so some old spots will be removed, while new spots will be used instead.)

And finally, something I have been wanting to do for a long time, a lot more item spots rather than just using the existing ones:

Some of these item spots were in the previous version, but there was an issue where having more possible outputs would unbalance the number of items in containers vs physically placed in the world, getting worse with each new spot added. Since the randomiser rolls for each output in random order until it runs out of things to randomise, containers were making up less and less of the total number of possible outputs as more and more locations were added, which would result in levels filled with empty containers, which felt really unnatural/bad. As a result, in the current version, the number of extra item spots is very limited, usually less than 5 per map. For 2.0, this has been resolved, it now auto-balances between containers and output locations based on the ratio of the items in the original game, so there is now no practical limit to the number of possible item locations, outside of the tedium/manpower required to create the DML for each of the markers, which isn't particularly time-consuming but adds up quickly.

I will hopefully have 2.0 done by the end of October, but please don't take that as a promise/deadline. It will be done when it's done.
« Last Edit: 20. September 2024, 01:39:15 by sarge945 »
Acknowledged by 2 members: voodoo47, RoSoDude

679fd8497b0b2herbie thebigh

hi im getting a crash entering either of the bulkheads that lead to the REST of the recreation deck, the parts with the garden and all that. i can access the mall and the deck itself, but the adjacent maps it crashes right as the level finishes loading and i need to end SS2 through task manager. is there a way i could send my crash report?


post your full mod loadout (ss2bmm.log) and the last save.


ss2.log might be useful as well.

Are you sure the crash is related to this mod? Have you disabled it temporarily and travelling through the bulkhead to the other maps?

I may have a runaway loop or something.

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