
3 Guests are here.
Hi all,

I'm looking to play System Shock 2 for the first time, and I've run into an issue with SS2Tool It's like the installation doesn't complete properly, but there are no error messages at the end of the install.

I'm on Manjaro Linux XFCE. Installed the GOG version of SS2 through Lutris. The game installs and runs without issues. I went through the 3 tutorials and stopped at the role selection crossroads, because I've read that after installing mods I'll need to start a new game.

I then follow the instructions at the "File Archives » SS2 General » SS2Tool v6.1" thread: I download the tool, place it in the same folder as ss2.exe, and use Lutris' option to 'Run exe inside Wine prefix'.

The tool says "The local game content version is unknown. An update is recommended."
It only offers the Perfect Mode option which is fine by me. I leave every component on default and start the install.

Apparently it backs up ss2.exe (along with a few other files) but doesn't replace it with anything, so the game is not startable, even with the shortcuts the Tool places on the Desktop of the Wine prefix.
The log shows rsync errors, even if I turn off the firewall on my system; however, it's able to download ss2bmm.exe and a few other files. The rsync errors show up in a few places in the log but are always the same:

rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: The descriptor is a file, not a socket (108)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.8]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (43 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(601) [generator=3.0.8]

When I start ss2bmm.exe, and click the "Select game folder" button, the OK button is not active, probably because of the missing ss2.exe file.

I have deleted and reinstalled everything from scratch at least 6 times, to no avail (yes I know the definition of insanity)

I'm sure you guys have seen this a million times. Would someone please offer some advice?

I'm happy to provide any other info you may need.



This is actually a known issue.

I have a workaround for it in the form of a shell script which I use on my Linux machines, however after talking with Kolya about it, I am not allowed to post it here as it potentially gives access to copyrighted game data by bypassing some of the checks in the original ss2tool, which is technically illegal and I don't want to rock the boat.

I have been meaning to actually properly host both the script and the game data, to fix the Linux install issues, but I haven't gotten around to it. That would move the liability to me rather than this forum, which I am prepared to accept.

I am about to do a MAJOR interstate move, but should be free to do this in the coming weeks. So this should be resolvable. For now, you can run Windows inside QEMU and install it there, then copy the files over (I know that's not a good solution but it will work).

Please PM me if I forget about this at the end of January. If you really can't wait to play until then, and don't have access to a Windows machine, you can use the native rsync binary to do it but I can't tell you the server address/password or how to circumvent other checks, you're on your own. The only clue I can give is that you will need a hex editor.


I ended up installing the Windows version of Shock 2 in Proton, copying my game folder to a virtual machine running Windows Vista, and running SS2Tool on that. It was annoying, but I couldn't find any other way to get rsync to work because finding the login details for the SS2 rsync server is beyond my abilities.


I have got SS2 set up on my server, and it can auto-run ss2tool every week or so to stay up to date with the main version. The issue currently is I can't rsync to my desktop from my server, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I just get random socket errors and such.

I am not a sysadmin, and the rsync daemon seems like dark magic to me.

If someone wants to help me with this, I can have a proper Linux script set up to replace ss2tool ready to go so we don't need any more Windows shenanigans.

I wish Kolya was still around, I assume he set up the ss2tool stuff in the first place.


he did, and it's not like he is gone completely, just say @Kolya and he probably will notice in a couple of days.
Acknowledged by: sarge945
Hey, I'm really no rsync expert and got no idea what random socket errors are caused by, sorry.
Back when Al taught me about rsync to do server backups and then I got the bright idea to use it as a game update system. I figured the usage of the rsync client from it's manpage (years ago): https://rsync.samba.org/documentation.html
I didn't set up the daemon myself. But here's a useful article: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-setup-the-rsync-daemon-on-linux

Acknowledged by: sarge945


a quick note - recently, I have seen a few linux people complain about cutscenes not working properly (audio only). recoding the cutscenes to h264 seems to fix the problem.


That would seem to indicate that their installs are somehow configured for system native video playback, instead of using ffmpeg as they should be.


Are they using Proton (ie playing the game though Steam)?

I'm no expert, but from what I understand, Proton does all sort of wacky stuff with libraries to redirect all sorts of calls, in an attempt to improve compatibility. It could be doing something funky.


this is the last topic on steam, and I've seen a few more around the internet lately.
just gonna chime in and say that for the cutscenes to work you need to install icodecs through protontricks, it's a missing dependency issue.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


does the gog version have the same issue?

If so, protontricks won't work. I assume we can do the same thing with winetricks?

I have never actually had issues with the GOG version and cutscenes, though.
not sure about the gog version, but winetricks will accomplish the same thing as protontricks, just need to point it in the right prefix. i'm just not sure why this is an issue now because it sounds like it wasn't an issue before, transcoding the videos to some widely avaible format would prevent this problem from popping up in the future though.


"Transcoding" (actually RE-encoding) is problematic with videos this old, because they're so low-res, low-bitrate, and in such primitive codecs that they're full of compression artifacts. So re-encoding would introduce generational quality loss that would amplify these artifacts even more, unless someone went to the extreme measure of compressing them losslessly.

Also, the ffmpeg implementation of Indeo 5 isn't perfect, so using it as the basis for re-encoding would introduce even more subtle artifacts.
@Kolya I'm having the same SS2Tool issue, however I was able to get the ss2tool.log file.  It looks like there is something going on with how rsync is being called.  I'm running Lutris 0.5.12 on Ubuntu 22.04.

Code: javascript:void(0);
SS2Tool Log
08.09.2023 16:57:45
You have the latest version of SS2Tool
Game dir: C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2
Exec dir: Z:\home\adam\Games\system-shock-2
AVI: 10/10/103401/103401
CRF: 24/17/308344/307850
MIS: 23/23/91788/247908
Installed: Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
Syncmethod: PERFECT
Create folder: C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\Docs
Rename: C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\Manual.pdf->C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\Docs\Manual.pdf
Manual.pdf moved to Docs\manual.pdf
Creating Data & FM folders
Assuming English language game
Downloading exclusion list
opening tcp connection to www.systemshock.org port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvlogDtpre.isf --bwlimit=300 . ss2tool/eng/SS2ToolExcludeSync
receiving incremental file list
delta-transmission enabled
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: The descriptor is a file, not a socket (108)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.8]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (43 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(601) [generator=3.0.8]
Synchronising local game with master build at Systemshock.org
Fuzzy searching and syncing known files
backup_dir is SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/
opening tcp connection to www.systemshock.org port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvblogDtprze.isf --bwlimit=300 --backup-dir SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35 . ss2tool/eng/
receiving incremental file list
delta-transmission enabled
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: The descriptor is a file, not a socket (108)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.8]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (678 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(601) [generator=3.0.8]

Removing unknown files and checksum syncing known files
backup_dir is SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/
opening tcp connection to www.systemshock.org port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvblogDtprcze.isf --bwlimit=300 --backup-dir SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35 . ss2tool/eng/
receiving incremental file list
delta-transmission enabled
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: The descriptor is a file, not a socket (108)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.8]
[generator] protecting file 7za.exe because of pattern 7za.exe
[generator] protecting directory current because of pattern /current/
[generator] protecting directory FMsArchived because of pattern /FMsArchived/
[generator] protecting file gog.ico because of pattern /gog*
[generator] protecting file goggame-1207659172.hashdb because of pattern /gog*
[generator] protecting file goggame-1207659172.ico because of pattern /gog*
[generator] protecting file goggame-1207659172.info because of pattern /gog*
[generator] protecting file goggame-galaxyFileList.ini because of pattern /gog*
[generator] protecting directory ss2tool because of pattern /ss2tool/
[generator] protecting file SS2ToolExcludeSync because of pattern SS2ToolExcludeSync
[generator] protecting file unins000.dat because of pattern /unins*
[generator] protecting file unins000.exe because of pattern /unins*
[generator] protecting file unins000.ini because of pattern /unins*
[generator] protecting file unins000.msg because of pattern /unins*
backed up sq_scripts/allobjs.nut to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/sq_scripts/allobjs.nut
deleting sq_scripts/allobjs.nut
deleting sq_scripts/
backed up patch/strings.crf to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/patch/strings.crf
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deleting patch/iface.crf
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deleting patch/bitmap.crf
deleting patch/
backed up doc/sw_cc/sw_cc_notes.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/sw_cc_notes.txt
deleting doc/sw_cc/sw_cc_notes.txt
backed up doc/sw_cc/cc.fx to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/cc.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/cc.fx
backed up doc/sw_cc/cc-noise_bayer.fx to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/cc-noise_bayer.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/cc-noise_bayer.fx
backed up doc/sw_cc/cc-noise.fx to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/cc-noise.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/cc-noise.fx
backed up doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16b.fx to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16b.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16b.fx
backed up doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16.fx to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/cc-dither16.fx
deleting doc/sw_cc/
backed up doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2_samples.nut to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2_samples.nut
deleting doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2_samples.nut
backed up doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2OverlaySample.nut to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2OverlaySample.nut
deleting doc/squirrel_script/samples/T2OverlaySample.nut
backed up doc/squirrel_script/samples/SS2_samples.nut to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/samples/SS2_samples.nut
deleting doc/squirrel_script/samples/SS2_samples.nut
deleting doc/squirrel_script/samples/
backed up doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/userDefineLang_SquirrelOSM.xml to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/userDefineLang_SquirrelOSM.xml
deleting doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/userDefineLang_SquirrelOSM.xml
backed up doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/Squirrel OSM.xml to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/Squirrel OSM.xml
deleting doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/Squirrel OSM.xml
backed up doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/ReadMe.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/ReadMe.txt
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deleting doc/squirrel_script/Notepad++/
backed up doc/squirrel_script/squirrel-copyright.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/squirrel-copyright.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/squirrel-copyright.txt
backed up doc/squirrel_script/ReadMe.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/ReadMe.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/ReadMe.txt
backed up doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_services.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_services.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_services.txt
backed up doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_messages.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_messages.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/API-reference_messages.txt
backed up doc/squirrel_script/API-reference.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/squirrel_script/API-reference.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/API-reference.txt
deleting doc/squirrel_script/
backed up doc/script/ss2sample-osm.7z to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/ss2sample-osm.7z
deleting doc/script/ss2sample-osm.7z
backed up doc/script/ss2_overlay_sample.cpp to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/ss2_overlay_sample.cpp
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backed up doc/script/script_notes.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/script_notes.txt
deleting doc/script/script_notes.txt
backed up doc/script/Version.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Version.txt
deleting doc/script/Version.txt
backed up doc/script/ShockOverlay.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/ShockOverlay.txt
deleting doc/script/ShockOverlay.txt
backed up doc/script/Quest.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Quest.txt
deleting doc/script/Quest.txt
backed up doc/script/Property.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Property.txt
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backed up doc/script/Physics.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Physics.txt
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backed up doc/script/Networking.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Networking.txt
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backed up doc/script/Engine.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Engine.txt
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backed up doc/script/Debug.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Debug.txt
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backed up doc/script/Camera.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script/Camera.txt
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backed up doc/uvmap_cylinder2.jpg to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/uvmap_cylinder2.jpg
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deleting doc/subtitles-sample.sub
backed up doc/ss2-material-mod-sample.7z to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/ss2-material-mod-sample.7z
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backed up doc/script_services.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/script_services.txt
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backed up doc/new_commands.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/new_commands.txt
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backed up doc/mtl_incidence.jpg to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/doc/mtl_incidence.jpg
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deleting doc/
backed up OSM/squirrel.osm to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/OSM/squirrel.osm
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backed up webcache.zip to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/webcache.zip
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backed up release_notes.txt to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/release_notes.txt
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backed up readmep.wri to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/readmep.wri
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backed up SS2.exe to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/SS2.exe
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deleting SHOCK.CFG
backed up Readme.wri to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/Readme.wri
deleting Readme.wri
backed up Launch System Shock\#231 2.lnk to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/Launch System Shock\#231 2.lnk
deleting Launch System Shock\#231 2.lnk
backed up LGVID.AX to SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/LGVID.AX
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deleting CAM.CFG
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (1110 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(601) [generator=3.0.8]
Setting soft bloom (cam_ext.cfg)
1 line(s) starting with ";postprocess" replaced with "postprocess 1" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
1 line(s) starting with ";bloomscale" replaced with "bloomscale 4" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
1 line(s) starting with ";bloom_threshold" replaced with "bloom_threshold 0.85" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
Setting game GUI slightly transparent (cam_ext.cfg)
No line starts with "d3d_disp_2d_overlay_alpha" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "d3d_disp_2d_overlay_alpha 0.9" to EOF.
Enabling subtitle support (cam_ext.cfg)
No line starts with ";enable_subtitles" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "enable_subtitles" to EOF.
No line starts with ";subtitles_hide_types movie+player+convo+bark+nonverbal" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "; subtitles_hide_types movie+player+convo+bark+nonverbal" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_hide_types" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_hide_types nonverbal" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_dim" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_dim 20 80 86" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_font_dir" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_font_dir fonts\" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_font_name" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_font_name mainaa" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_spacing" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_spacing 1" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_bg_color" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending ";subtitles_bg_color 0 0 0 0" to EOF.
No line starts with ";subtitles_show_descr" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_show_descr" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_max_dist_bark" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_max_dist_bark 50" to EOF.
No line starts with "subtitles_extra_time" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "subtitles_extra_time 800" to EOF.
Enabling new mantle (cam_ext.cfg)
No line starts with ";new_mantle" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "new_mantle" to EOF.
Limiting GPU buffer to 1 frame (menu and game) in cam_ext.cfg
1 line(s) starting with "d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1" replaced with ";d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
No line starts with ";d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "d3d_disp_limit_gpu_frames 1 1" to EOF.
Enabling crop movies (cam_ext.cfg)
1 line(s) starting with ";crop_movies 0 70 640 340" replaced with ";;crop_movies 0 70 640 340" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
No line starts with ";crop_movies" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "crop_movies" to EOF.
1 line(s) starting with ";;crop_movies 0 70 640 340" replaced with ";crop_movies 0 70 640 340" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
Enabling multisample anti-aliasing (cam_ext.cfg)
No line starts with ";multisampletype 8" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "multisampletype 8" to EOF.
Enabling weather effects (cam.cfg)
No line starts with "fogging" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam.cfg", appending "fogging 1" to EOF.
No line starts with "enhanced_sky" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam.cfg", appending "enhanced_sky 1" to EOF.
No line starts with "render_weather" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam.cfg", appending "render_weather 1" to EOF.
No line starts with "game_screen_size" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam.cfg", appending "game_screen_size 5120 2880" to EOF.
Quicksaves are stored in save slot 13 (cam_ext.cfg)
Autosaves are stored in save slot 14 (cam_ext.cfg)
1 line(s) starting with "shock_quicksave_slot" replaced with "shock_quicksave_slot 13" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg".
No line starts with ";shock_autosave_slot" in "C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\cam_ext.cfg", appending "shock_autosave_slot 14" to EOF.
Downloading Blue mod manager
backup_dir is SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35/
opening tcp connection to www.systemshock.org port 873
sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvblogDtprcze.isf --bwlimit=300 --backup-dir SS2ToolSyncBackup/2023-09-08-16-59-35 . ss2tool/eng/ss2bmm.exe
receiving incremental file list
delta-transmission enabled
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 8 bytes to message fd [receiver]: The descriptor is a file, not a socket (108)
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(1530) [receiver=3.0.8]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (51 bytes received so far) [generator]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at /usr/src/rsync/rsync-3.0.8/io.c(601) [generator=3.0.8]
Create folder: C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\DMM
Create folder: C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\DMMArchives
Creating start menu shortcuts
Creating desktop shortcut
Creating start menu shortcuts for ShockEd
Creating start menu shortcuts for ShockEd
Creating log file at C:\GOG Games\System Shock 2\ss2tool.log
any update on this? would love to see a fix
the log indicates a write error on your machine, which could be due to all kinds of reasons: incompatible or incomplete emulation, lack of or failing memory, etc
the tip is to try running it on windows


It worked for me just fine, not too long ago. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the latest version of Lutris. I dunno why. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


the log indicates a write error on your machine, which could be due to all kinds of reasons: incompatible or incomplete emulation, lack of or failing memory, etc

It's not this simple.

I get the same issue even when running rsync manually as root. Using system rsync it works fine, so something is up with the way WINE works or the specific version of rsync included with ss2tool. It used to work fine, then it stopped working all of a sudden.

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