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Topic: System Shock 1 Remake Reviews
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ZylonBaneWhen the Typhon are using my fellow dead spacemen as enemies, then yes!


WTF are you talking about.
Nameless Voice
Well with texture filtering it sure looks worse judging by screenshots.


Acknowledged by 3 members: Nameless Voice, Chandlermaki, voodoo47


Kind of amused at people on Reddit being so angry at my making a mod to enable texture filtering that they had to make a whole thread attacking the very idea of anyone being unhappy with the pixellated look.

You must be very new to Reddit if you find that surprising.

People say Twitter is a cesspool since being bought by musk, but Reddit still takes the award for "worse site ever made"

67cfc20e23735Nameless Voice

Never understood how much people seem to hate on Reddit as a whole, it's basically just a set of oddly-sorted forums.  Some are toxic, others are fine, totally dependent on the subreddit in question.
« Last Edit: 07. June 2023, 21:49:22 by Nameless Voice »
Acknowledged by: icemann
Lolwut. You're telling us you didn't shit yourself the first time you encountered a weaver, telepath, or technopath?

Er, no. And I'm not denying that I would be terrified if I saw one in real life, I would be petrified with fear, of course. But for some reason, the game's enemies, which are supposed to be non-human, or human/hybrid, or mechanical/organic hybrid, etc, and the stuff of nightmares, just didn't inspire apprehension in me, the way many other games' enemies did. Many games with good, foreboding atmosphere tend to have (or at least aim to have) enemies that seem threatening somehow. But I never got that feeling from the enemies in Prey.

The security guards in Half-Life usually drop dead within a minute of the player meeting them.

But I usually went to the trouble to keep the Half-Life security guards (and scientists) alive. Even the tiny amount of personality and sentience that the Half-Life guards possessed seems more than Prey's NPCs have.  The latter didn't feel alive at all.

Most of the living humans you encounter in Prey are part of the plot, so it pretty much has to keep them safely away from everything "interesting".

Of course. But the question of "How are these seemingly unarmed people able to safely traverse the space station, despite the presence of deadly predatory enemies?" still stands out. If the makers of the game would have tried to explain it, even with something as simple as Morgan's ex-girfriend saying, when he meets her in his office, "Morgan, thank goodness you're still alive. It's been *horrible*. On my way here, I met up with Johnson, and Andrews, and...  I can't remember his name, but someone from the cargo bay, Johnson and Andrews had pistols. [Laughs harshly and slightly unbalanced] Lot of good it did them. Morgan, they are all dead. I never even found out the name of the other guy Morgan, what's going on?"

It would have acknowledged the issue, and shown that the danger to the important NPCs was real (at least real to the NPCs, story-wise).

Most games don't have randomization. Deus Ex doesn't have any randomization. Are you saying Deus Ex has no replayability?

Not at all, no. But randomization (done properly) would benefit replays of the game. In Prey, it's just too easy to know before you enter a level, roughly where you will find the enemies. Compare them to, say, System Shock 2, which handles this much better. In SS2, it genuinely feels like you can randomly encounter an enemy almost everywhere, which really increases the tension and atmosphere.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude
Regarding the hacking minigame, there is the One Button Hacking mod. Or for a more modern solution, Hackerman, which uses DLL modding to just remove the minigame entirely and do hacks instantly once you press the hack button


Never understood how much people seem to hate on Reddit as a whole, it's basically just a set of oddly-sorted forums.  Some are toxic, others are fine, totally dependent on the subreddit in question.

Read the "We did it Reddit!" origin story and you will hate Reddit forever.

The problem with Reddit (and this effects every subreddit) is that it's consensus based. The most popular topics make it to the top of a particular subreddit, and if they're really popular, to the front page (wow!).

This encourages a culture of extreme conformity, where nobody is allowed to have a different opinion because they will get downvoted to hell. If they do have a controversial opinion, they have to frame it in a way that will not get them downvoted, or worse, banned.

Reddit also has some of the strictest, most ban-happy moderators of any site, and many of the users are extremely authoritarian when it comes to supporting bans or deleting "bad comments", because being seen as being against some controversial opinion is considered a good thing, so people make all sorts of public displays of virtue by tagging moderators etc under "bad" comments, so they can gain more upvotes for themselves by "doing good". Brigading "bad subreddits" is extremely common despite being against the rules of the site, and people would rather insult someone with a cheap "slam dunk" for having a "wrong opinion" than address their point, because it's easier to score upvotes that way (and maybe even heckin' Reddit Gold!).

Your entire post history is also publicly visible, so it's very common that if you disagree with someone, they will dig through your post history, find something they feel is objectionable, and insult you about it in hopes that people will go "you go girl!" and upvote them.

This whole thing combines to make a site where nobody has an original thought, unpopular opinions are suppressed or banned, and everyone is competing for fake internet clout.

Similar things happen on sites like 4chan, but because it's based on last post times rather than popularity, controversial posts (or troll posts) are more likely to occur because they will get lots of responses.

Reddit is like the corporate friendly version of forums, which is why so many people on reddit have worthless, milquetoast opinions.

Reddit is great for things like technical support. Sometimes the only answer to a question is on Reddit. If that's your only exposure to the site, or posting in some weird niche group where the admins don't overpolice things and people are generally more polite, it can seem like a good site. But ALL of the popular subreddits, the front page, and most of the subreddits about anything important, are all complete garbage.

There's a reason why the redditor stereotype is a brainless authoritarian zombie who always supports the status quo and always has unoriginal opinions dictated by someone else, usually corporations.

Not at all, no. But randomization (done properly) would benefit replays of the game. In Prey, it's just too easy to know before you enter a level, roughly where you will find the enemies. Compare them to, say, System Shock 2, which handles this much better. In SS2, it genuinely feels like you can randomly encounter an enemy almost everywhere, which really increases the tension and atmosphere.

Yeah, it's just a shame none of the weapons or items in SS2 are randomised. I feel like that would add a lot to the gameplay.
« Last Edit: 08. June 2023, 02:41:07 by sarge945 »


Assuming the thread is still intended to be about reviews, here's a link to a review from the Austrian broadcasting network (ORF, German only)

It was a bit baffling to me to see an iconic image (that of Citadel) on the frontpage of the news page.


It is.


IGN review. They loved the pixelated look, and enjoyed the game overall. I was not aware than on lower difficulty levels for mission it apparently is a bit more blatant on what your goals are. How that is communicated I dunno.
« Last Edit: 09. June 2023, 07:26:26 by icemann »


I was not aware than on lower difficulty levels for mission it apparently is a bit more blatant on what your goals are. How that is communicated I dunno.

I hope it doesn't mean QUEST MARKERS
Not a review, but a thorough comparison between various parts of remake and original.
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