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System Shock 2 UNN Rickenbacker Deck B Un-Inverted Demo
July 2023
by ZylonBane

This is a demo mission that allows you to play through Deck B of the UNN Rickenbacker in its original un-inverted orientation.

To play, install as a mod, or as an FM I guess if you really want to, then start a new game.

This does NOT un-invert the level in the standard campaign.
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki


I love it how the chapel pews are the same tech-chairs used elsewhere. It looks really strange.

I never really noticed that in the inverted version


Looks much more beautiful than the upside down version in my opinion..

Could also be anywhere on board of the von Braun as well, very fitting; still has that cramped & compact feeling like the rest of the ship(s).

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