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Topic: Crash when entering Options screen Read 2245 times  


So, I've installed System Shock 2 from my retail disc, ran SS2tool, and it worked fine for about 3 plays (Started, exited to do something else, not complete playthroughs). Then, all of a sudden, it's now crashing when I load a game, or try the options menu from the main menu.

My PC is as follows:

1.7 Ghz Pentium 4 Single core, no hyperthreading
Radeon 9200 128MB, using last supported drivers.

The game install is fresh (now) with SS2tool deployed with just the "Getting Mod Ready" and "Bug Fixes" sections checked, since I have the EA Classics edition, which is already patched up to 2.23.

Any ideas?
It's kinda hard to say what stopped SS2 from working on your box without any information about changes you made to either the game or your system... It doesn't just stop working by itself you know.


Actually, it did. I played up to deck 5, quit, and now it won't play again.

Made no changes to the game aside from SS2Tool, and no system changes, unless you count standard system accounting practices (Logfiles being added) and watching a video or two.
I would grab my save games, key binds and reinstall in that case I guess.
Save games are pretty obvious in the game directory, binds are in the file user.bnd and, if you saved a set, also in the Binds folder.


That's the problem. I reinstalled when it started showing up. It didn't fix the issue. I even tried reinstalling to a different directory.

EDIT:  Tried reinstalling to a different drive. So far, without SS2Tool, it does the same thing.

And after SS2Tool, still no dice. I used the "Getting Mod Ready" and "Bug Fixes" sections. I have not moved my saves over to the new install, however.
« Last Edit: 30. July 2008, 14:38:32 by DoktorSleepless »


Well if you're talking about Command deck you could try Zylo Command Deck Fix or even better SHTUP.
That's what I thought too, but then he couldn't get into the options menu...that sounds different.


I have no idea what's going on. I'll try tossing in a few mods, like SHTUP. See if that fixes the issue.
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Though, this one is less of a talkative activity, since we'll be panting and sweating as we run through... waaait a minute.
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