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Topic: Gamesys dml help Read 2066 times  

I want to load up my old shock2.gam and find what I tweaked and write it down, then implement those changes in the latest Secmod's shocksec.gam via ShockEd.

Off the top of my head, the changes I've made:

-every enemy's health buffed
-most (if not all) enemies have had their damage buffed
-some loot table chance edits
-cost of skill/stat upgrades has been increased
-cost of items increased

The big ones that I don't remember how to do are:
-Shotgun alternate fire mode is severely OP (I forgot what it's called in Secmod. Double-shot mode, I think?) so previously I asked someone for help  with nerfing that so that it doesn't immediately gib them
-Same with laser rapier -- the overhead strike would disintegrate most weaker enemies so that was nerfed
-Finally, with higher armor tiers, slug turrets and lower-level enemies would simply not hurt you at all, so that was fixed

I don't know how extensive those are but that was what I can remember.
« Last Edit: 30. October 2023, 19:19:28 by Moderator »


so as mentioned, ideally, you would load your modified Secmod3.1999 into the editor (open any map), then hit F3 and put -1 in, then click Export, then Export All, a text file will be created. do the same with unmodified Secmod3.1999, and compare the two resulting files with WinDiff (compare files, select the first one then the second one, then select the comparison and click expand, windiff will highlight your changes).

note the changes down, once you have that, you can create a dml that will apply them for you without touching the actual gamesys in the editor (that's the idea here).
Well, I got the first part and its text file, but I don't have an unmodified Secmod3.1999... is there a legacy post for Secmod that I don't know about that has all the versions available?


aha, right. attached here temporarily.
[SECMOD3.1999.7z expired]


so as mentioned, ideally, you would load your modified Secmod3.1999 into the editor (open any map), then hit F3 and put -1 in, then click Export, then Export All, a text file will be created. do the same with unmodified Secmod3.1999, and compare the two resulting files with WinDiff (compare files, select the first one then the second one, then select the comparison and click expand, windiff will highlight your changes).

note the changes down, once you have that, you can create a dml that will apply them for you without touching the actual gamesys in the editor (that's the idea here).

The problem with this approach is that it's still using an old version of secmod. This isn't advised for multiple reasons.

The much better approach is to open newest secmod, then make the changes in the editor, and compare the exported changes vs the newest version of secmod. That will accomplish the same thing while allowing using a more recent secmod, which should give you the latest changes and enhancements.


no, you misunderstood - we are trying to create a list of his changes to Secmod3.1999, once we have it, 3.1999 is out of the game forever. then this list will be used to create a dml, that will then be used with the latest Secmod.

doing a diff between his custom Secmod3.1999 and the last one would also list every other change TF (or I) made in the meantime, which is not desirable (as those don't have to be replicated in the new dml).


right, I thought you were asking him to compare his version with the old one and then using that as a base to build DML on without using the new stuff
Attached is a pic of a select portion of the differences -- mine are on the left, the default is on the right. What is next? Do I copy over my changes and paste them somewhere?
[diff.png expired]


now you will need the full list of dmlable properties (yaay new word). click into the command window of the editor (lower right corner), type dump_props_full and hit enter. that will create a proplist.txt file in your SS2 folder.

open it, CTRL+F and find Game: Damage Model: Max Hit Points, copy the code into an empty txt file with an added DML1 header (that header is only to be added once at the very top of the file):

//modifying the hit points for the blast turret
ObjProp "Blast Turret" "MAX_HP"
   "" 400
continue with the rest of the archetypes. once you are done with this property, move onto the next one, and keep going until you're done.

once you are, rename the new text file to gamesys.dml (windows needs to be set to show known files extensions, so you wouldn't end up with a gamesys.dml.txt instead), move it to the latest (!) Secmod folder, start a game and see whether the changes are applied.

also, add dbmod_log 10 into your cam_ext.cfg, the game will create a dbmod.log file each time a game is started/loaded. once you start a game with your dml, the freshly created log can be searched for errors and warnings, that will let you know whether you made a syntax error somewhere.

I finished the HP section but I wanted to upload what I have to see if I'm on the right path.
[New Text Document.txt expired]


It needs to be DML1, not DML 1

Other than that, looks good. Remember to save it as gamesys.dml, not New Text Document.txt
Right, I didn't want to tackle that part until the end. It's just a WIP. :)
Working on the next section. Previously, I changed a couple weapons' stat requirements, does this look right?
[ftymim.png expired]


yes, but you actually can omit those lines where you are not changing anything. so if you are changing just the STR value, then you only need that line.


Psst, Joe, you can copy and paste text into this forum.
@ZylonBane I see, will remember for future.

I got everything working. Thanks for the help guys. :)


well that was (unexpectedly) fast (there usually is more resistance). but sure, no problem, welcome to dml modding.
Well... it was unexpectedly fast because I didn't do it via dml. I just edited the shocksec.gam. After I got the HP section filled out and the file turned into a dml, I tried it and it didn't work, and so then I just used Diffchecker to see what I previously had. That means I also managed to re-implement those 3 big things I mentioned in a previous post.

It still works, so it wasn't ideal but the end result is the same. I don't really have a problem with doing it like that again should an update come out.


I'm tempted to update Secmod right after we get SCPb5 out just to teach you a lesson.
Oh god... please no...

EDIT: well I didn't mean for the picture to be so big  :tearsofjoy:
[begging-emoticon-vector-2287899.jpg expired]
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