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Topic: SCP Beta 5/6 Issue Reporting Read 34167 times  


Submit all SCP Beta 5 (and 6) bug reports here.

Before you report a problem, make triple sure that you have patched up with the latest SS2tool (with no manual tweaks to the cfg and ini files) and are running a clean install of Beta 5 - if you want to report an issue you found in an earlier release (or even vanilla), you can, but you need to make sure it still exists in Beta 5 before submitting.

Also, it would be prudent to enable the stats overlay when playing/testing - hit SHIFT+; to bring the console up, type show_stats and press enter.
« Last Edit: 15. August 2024, 22:31:35 by ZylonBane »


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Bring out yer dead!


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting

in Hydrophonic sector B the body holding the access to sector A has a strange rendering in the leg under the knee, maybe it's because of the snow which covers part of the body, but I was wondering if this could be fixed. I know it's a very very little graphic issue, with latest SCP and other recommended mods installed this game is nearly perfect!

I patched my installation with SS2Tool version (no manual tweaks to cfg and ini files) and I'm running a clean install of Beta 5
PS Sorry I am even not sure if this is strictly related to SCP

« Last Edit: 20. January 2024, 15:18:40 by Pyornkrachzark »


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting

another (very little) issue. If you shotgun has only 1 bullet of a certain type (Slug, Pellet) it will not fire, as if you are out of ammunition. This doesn't happen with standard pistol.

Again, I'am not sure if this is specific of SCP


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
switch the weapon back to normal mode.
Acknowledged by: Pyornkrachzark
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
I have a big issue. I am at the door to fluidics, and I can't use the pad to enter the code. I have been through engineering and all to find the code but can't use the pad. It even highlights and shows the code on the overlay, but I can't use the pad to enter the code. I followed the install guide too. Please help?


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
It even ... shows the code on the overlay
User: Installs mod that explicitly disables keypads.
Also user: Blames SCP when a keypad is disabled.
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
So no keypad cheese is the issue. I didn't know that. Thanks. By the way lovew the easter egg and backstage pass extras.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
wait wait wait.

If you're having an issue with NKC, you should report it on the mod page. It might be conflicting with SCP5 in some way.

From my last test, every keypad should work. So something is wrong. Please post your issue in that thread so it can actually get fixed. Thanks.
« Last Edit: 23. January 2024, 02:20:55 by sarge945 »
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
I fixed it. Deleted that mod and started a new game and pad is working. Looks like nkc is included in scp. Thanks again.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Looks like nkc is included in scp.
WTF no it isn't.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting

Guess I'll never be able to figure out what went wrong.
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
I guess the mod needs to be updated before being used.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
If only someone who's personally experienced trouble with the mod was willing to help the mod author troubleshoot the problems with the mod.

But alas, no such person seems to exist


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
And it would be nice in the right thread, too...


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
So this is interesting...

EMP rifle shots have a projectile sound on them, "emploop".

But the sound file that emploop calls for, emploop.wav, doesn't exist, so the schema has never worked.

But emploop1.wav and emploop2.wav do exist! And aren't used by any other schemas!

But they don't seamlessly loop. They seem intended to have been one-shot projectile sounds, like the whoosh sound ninja stars make when they pass near you. Okay, I can set it up that way.

But that sort of setup is only useful for enemy projectiles. If a player projectile had a one-shot sound on it, they'd hear it immediately when firing, and would only ever hear such a projectile on approach when in multiplayer.

Oh well.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
And my god the EMP rifle overload mode is useless. It uses 10 times the ammo for only double the damage. Who would ever use that? Yeah the blast radius is larger, but mechanical targets hardly ever bunch up enough that it would be worth the ridiculous power consumption.

Now if the overload mode did, say, incendiary damage, that would be pretty cool. It could make the Energy branch not completely useless once you get into the BotM.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Ammo isn't the worst concern in the world given that it can be recharged, at least not until Rick or so. But it does seem pretty wasteful for a measley double damage bonus.

It only really makes sense if you want it to degrade less, which isn't very realised since AFAIK it degrades more per shot than the regular fire mode, so it barely breaks even.

There's absolutely no way it should be made to work against non-bots. It's the botkiller weapon. It absolutely obliterates them. That is it's purpose. Energy is quite specialised but in a good way.

If I went into the editor and made a DML mod that literally removed all of the bots from the game, they would still be more of a threat than they are against the EMP rifle.

I would instead tweak the values, or give it an EMP damage over time on top of it's double damage or something.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
ahh, the "bots just became irrelevant" rifle. definitely no damage against flesh, that would defeat the purpose. the secondary mode can be wasteful, as the rifle is so powerful it hardly matters. pay extra charge which is free anyway to go from super bot annihilation mode to mega hyper bot annihilation mode? sure, whatever, zap zap zap and everything goes boom either way.

but why not, beta6 20% damage nerf and overcharge mode ammo cost down to 4x. or something.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Quote by RSD Changelog:
-Fixed EMP Rifle NORM mode not inheriting damage bonuses from modification and Sharpshooter
-Increased EMP Rifle NORM mode consumption from 2 to 3
-Decreased EMP Rifle OVER mode damage from 40 damage to 30 as it now benefits from scaling (vanilla 15, intended 45)
-Decreased EMP Rifle OVER mode consumption from 20 to 15
-Decreased EMP Rifle degradation rate from 1.5% per shot to 1% per shot


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
I never did get that bug report...


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
A little detail I noticed on the Rickenbacker turrets... they have a blue highlight over the muzzle, but fire red shots. I wonder if they were originally intended to fire blue shots, or if the modeler screwed up and put the wrong color highlight. I'm kind of feeling inclined to swap the colors around so the muzzle is red and the sight is blue.

And regarding healing items: Currently, if you spam a bunch of healing items at once, it queues up more HP to heal, but doesn't actually heal you any faster. To me, it would feel more intuitive for each individual healing item to run on its own timer, so if you jabbed five med hypos in yourself at once, you'd heal five times faster. But all that healing HP would potentially exceed your max HP. So there would be a tactical tradeoff: Faster healing in exchange for wasted resources.

67d3529e92e5eNameless Voice

Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
I think queueing up the health was a very intentional design decision, as it would have been easier to code to just have them work simultaneously.

They didn't want you to be able to heal too quickly during combat.  Otherwise they could have just made the healing stack, or even just made it instant.
Acknowledged by 2 members: Marvin, voodoo47

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