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Topic: SCP Beta 5/6 Issue Reporting
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It was an unanticipated interaction with hooks being placed in BotM for modders to add background music. Turns out that if you transition to a new level without explicitly shutting off any currently playing (or just triggered to play) music, Dark will immediately start playing the next level's music.

Anyway, on a different topic...

It's always bugged me that when you destroy the Med/Sci wall consoles, it leaves behind absolutely blank wall, as if the console was never there. To address this, I've come up with a way to spawn a decal on the wall behind consoles when they're destroyed.


The problem is that to do this properly would require unique artwork. What should the wall behind these things look like? Some sort of mounting bracket? Any artistic types out there have any ideas? @eldrone?

Had some many times I was going to do this but didn't want to mess with the regular behaviour 😅

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