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Topic: SCP Beta 5/6 Issue Reporting
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Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
same here, but this would be quite a big change in the mechanics, so probably best avoided.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
And another thing-- If you try to leave the first Rickenbacker deck without having reversed gravity, SHODAN will stop you, but she will not stop you if you haven't completed the black eggs quest, which is a bit of Mandela Effect thing for me, because I always remembered her stopping me for that too.

I figure she really should stop you, because there is zero reason for players to want to skip ahead and clear out the next deck, then backtrack to finish off the eggs. If you try to leave the inverted deck without having destroyed all the eggs, SHODAN will stop you then.

My guess as to why it allows you to leave the first deck with black eggs still intact is that maybe the quest initially had black eggs across all three Rickenbacker decks. Supporting this theory is that the security door on the bridge has a check for this quest being complete. This check is normally impossible to fail (because the previous deck already checks it), but if you load the level directly in DromEd and summon the appropriate security card, it will refuse to allow you through, with SHODAN demanding you "remove the foul black eggs."
Acknowledged by: tiphares4


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
if you load the level directly in DromEd and summon the appropriate security card, it will refuse to allow you through, with SHODAN demanding you "remove the foul black eggs."

Much to my extreme annoyance, I might add.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Electron Suppression freezes cameras in place, but does not actually blind them as it should. This is unlike the behavior for the stasis field generator.

To fix, simply replace the OnStasisStimulus() function in scpCameraHelper with an OnFreeze() function that does the same thing, such that it will work identically for both the stasis field generator and electron suppression.
Code: [Select]
//RSD: fix for SCP oversight where electron suppression doesn't blind cameras like it should (SCP should just replace OnStasisStimulus with this)
function OnFreeze() {
if (!Object.HasMetaProperty(self, "Blind")) {
Object.AddMetaProperty(self, "Blind")


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
This was fixed by adding an effect to the Electron Suppression projectile to add the metaprop directly, since that's all the script was doing anyway. The same optimization was applied to the stasis projectile.

Also "SCP oversight" is a weird choice of words for "Irrational oversight that SCP hasn't fixed yet".


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Also "SCP oversight" is a weird choice of words for "Irrational oversight that SCP hasn't fixed yet".

Let the man mald in peace
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Ever since I first played SS2, it's irritated me that once you step on some worms or get bitten by a spider, you either hope you have some anti-toxin hypos, or you WILL die, eventually. Unlike radiation poisoning, which ironically decays quite quickly.

SCP makes this somewhat less harsh by fixing medbeds to remove toxins, but it still feels kind of absurd that a finite amount of toxin can theoretically deal an infinite amount of damage, since you can just run around indefinitely while poisoned, consuming healing items to keep it from killing you.

So I wonder if it would be a good change to make toxins decay.
If they'd wear out, they would need to deal more damage, and quicker, to offset the difficulty change.
Acknowledged by: RoSoDude


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Radiation is extremely deadly but dissipates over time. Toxin kills you slowly but doesn't dissipate. If you made toxin dissipate over time (and deal more damage to compensate), they may no longer occupy distinct gameplay roles. Sure, one would come from environmental hazards and the other from biological sources, but the strategic response from the player would be about the same.

However, if the decay of toxin was so slow (say, 1 pip per minute) that you wouldn't need to increase the damage at all to compensate, that might be acceptable. The strategic response from the player would be the same (use anti-toxin hypos immediately if available), but it would be viable, if inefficient, to outheal the damage if you're far away from a med bed or a Value Rep that sells anti-toxin hypos. So I suppose I'd be alright with that.
Acknowledged by: Marvin


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
would maybe allow slow toxin dissipation for those who have the strong metabolism os upgrade, apart from that, I'd leave it alone. feels a bit too much for SCP.
Acknowledged by: Marvin


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
In the Ops deck mess hall massacre sequence... why is everyone facing a wall? Shouldn't they be facing the doors?

I suspect it made sense in an earlier version of the map, but then they changed the layout and didn't have time to reorient the apparitions.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
my assumption always was the security people were standing right next to the wall to the right (backs to the wall). so should be ok?


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
The sequence starts with hearing the doors open, but the first apparition is walking toward and recoiling from the direction of the wall, as if Bronson magically teleported over there. It's all very odd.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Toxin decay implemented for testing. Toxins damage the player once every ten seconds, so the code counts these damage ticks and reduces the toxin level by one after a specified number of ticks.

Currently I have it reducing the player's toxin level by one per hour, which feels about right.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Hey, so I was talking to someone about this on here, RoSoDude I think. But there is a issue with the music triggers on some of the maps. I'm currently in the Medical/Crew sector on Deck 2 and when I enter, there's no music, I played a few days earlier and the music only triggers when I walk through the crew corridor back to med. RoSoDude also told me that there's the same problem in the security sector on ops. I don't know if you are already aware of/working on that, but I just thought I let you know.

P.S. I am using the Vintage Song Remake Mod in case that affects anything.
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
For the Ops massacre scene, I think they were going for something like this. The door opens, the victims hear the door and casually look over, see Bronson's guards entering & don't react, initially thinking it's another scare tactic or situation update. The guards very quickly line up on the wall in a firing squad formation, prompting the first "It's Bronson & her men" ghost to walk over to them curiously, before they realise what's about to happen, recoil & start pleading.

Of course it is still framed a bit oddly...maybe having a few footsteps from the door to the wall & then the ghost sequence plays out?


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Thinking again about how the Hydro deck environmental regulators are the only quest gadgets in the entire game that get marked on the automap. There's really no logical or game design reason why they would get marked but the Ops deck simulation units or the Engineering deck override computers, etc. would not.

Maybe we could regularize this so that, say, on Easy difficulty only these sort of quest locations get marked on the map.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
would perhaps extend this to normal difficulty as well, but sure, why not.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Or maybe make it a minimod. Some people are hyper sensitive to perceived dumbing down.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
it's a good thing we don't really care about those people then.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Currently, annelid swarms can be killed by incendiary damage sources. I wonder if that should be expanded to standard impact sources as well, since that's the damage type assigned to non-incendiary explosive grenades and rockets. Seems like the shock and flame from even a standard non-incendiary explosion would be enough to incapacitate those little things, and anything that makes the grenade launcher more useful would be a win.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
hmm. the research results are very specific that the swarms cannot be damaged by any known means, but as we already made them vulnerable to fire, we might as well go all the way.

research string modification to "swarms cannot be damaged by any standard projectiles" or similar is recommended.
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Heads up that in SCP Beta 6, the hack text for the SHODAN shield interlock computers will be updated to reflect their altered effect. So you'll need to set HackText on CPU1/2/3 back to Shield_Interlock.

When you say 'SCP Beta 6', is that likely to be released in the near future, or will it take years like beta 5? I'm not knocking the time taken to release beta 5, BTW, as SCP is brilliant and amazingly comprehensive, and well worth the wait, all the more so since it's the work of a few unpaid individuals. But if beta 6 might be released in the next few months, then I might delay my next SS2 playthrough until then.


Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Beta 6 is 99% done. Basically just in testing now.
Re: SCP Beta 5 Issue Reporting
Nice to hear. I'm curious though when is the mod gonna get actually released

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