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Topic: SCP Beta 5/6 Issue Reporting
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I already fixed this (aligned all JAMMED weapon icons to the normal versions).
Sounds like you did the inverse of what I had in mind. For example the aforementioned assault rifle icon is only 28 pixels wide, but the black parts of inventory cells are 33 pixels wide. So the AR icon floats to the left instead of being centered.

I'm guessing that whoever created the icons assumed that whoever was coding the inventory was going to make it automatically center icons on their spaces. An entirely reasonable assumption that unfortunately turned out to be incorrect, so instead we got left-justified icons.


EMP grenades have both a contact damage stim (3) and a radius damage stim from the explosion (10). Same in vanilla.

I have no idea what purpose this serves. No other grenades are set up like this.
What does 'stim' mean, please? I can't see it meaning damage caused, as surely the radius damage would be lower than the contact damage amount.
I'd assume the developers' original intention was to give EMP grenades just a little bit of damage when hitting non-robotic targets directly, in case of a panic/emergency situation. Ditto for an EMP exploding near by? Real life grenades from launchers require traveling a certain distance to properly arm their explosive fuze. Being hit by a non-armed grenade round from a launcher would be very, very unpleasant, but not really lethal. Unless you get whacked in the head or neck but eh.

I have no idea what the stim damage values precisely mean, as I know nothing about Dark engine editing, so maybe it's an oversight or they ran out of time to properly implement their idea.


the ''thing needs to do more kaboom, lets keep adding some numbers somewhere until it does'' scenario is more likely. just like ZB pointed out, situations where it's obvios the original mapper had next to no idea how the systems work and just kept tweaking the values until the result was tolerable are not extremely rare.
What does 'stim' mean, please?
stim is the signal that is sent when its emitter is activated. basically when the grenade pops, it screams "hey, 10 points of emp damage, any takers?'' robotic targets are set up to receive the signal (receptrons), so they go ''yes, me me me, I'll take your 10 points of emp damage and lower my health accordingly''.
« Last Edit: 23. September 2024, 13:36:09 by voodoo47 »


I have suggestion again:

There is some sort of continuity error which has always been noticable & quite jarring for 25 years imo: In engineering command control room (above the shuttle bay) there is a large chunk of the Von Braun's megastructure visible right outside the windows.

But when down in shuttle bay it isn't visible anymore (?), although it should be, shouldn't it? it would be right within the players view axis.

Also if fixing - it would maybe nice to even double or triple the size/length of that structure - so it is more visible & also give better sense of scale of the VB. it would be epic view :3

There is some incontinuity of such outer hull vistas throughout the game imo - almost all of them are in med/sci & recreation mostly. This would make it more coherent with the rest of the game.

A gravlev™ crane in the shuttle bay would be nice as well (maybe even operational from that small observation room); similar like the one that was added next to the command deck cargo & shuttle bays in scp 5 i think.
It would all make engineering shuttle bay feel more believable & make it a real visual point of interest; it always felt extremely lifeless/bland & dissappointing. It would also be more coherent & foreshadow the later antigrav crane section on rickenbacker as well/make it feel less gamey.

Pictures are added for better comprehension.


yup, that bit probably should be visible from the cargo bay too. I'm guessing annoying brush work would have to be involved to make it happen.

note that fixing everything up so that all the maps would properly fit both ships is definitely out of scope.


Not really an "issue" per se, but I feel like the insanely slow turret turning speed should be increased, even if just a bit.

It's almost comical watching them slowly, gradually, eventually turn to face you after 3-4 seconds. Someone really needs to oil those servos!


this is the veteran player vs new player dilemma - while you perceive the turrets as slow, clunky, and almost not a threat, this is not the case with someone not yet aware how to handle them properly. a good example is the security checkpoint at the end of eng1 - veteran players will have little trouble dealing with the turrets there, but new players will struggle a lot, and I mean a LOT.

so no, there are no plans to make the turrets harder in the main branch.


this is the veteran player vs new player dilemma - while you perceive the turrets as slow, clunky, and almost not a threat, this is not the case with someone not yet aware how to handle them properly. a good example is the security checkpoint at the end of eng1 - veteran players will have little trouble dealing with the turrets there, but new players will struggle a lot, and I mean a LOT.

so no, there are no plans to make the turrets harder in the main branch.

Those particular turrets are both already facing in the players direction when they enter the room, which is part of the reason why they are so deadly - turrets can shoot almost instantly after opening if they are already facing you. Increasing the turn rate doesn't make them any harder, it only makes the easily cheesable ones a bit harder, and prevents circlestrafing. Veterans are often going to be circling around turrets hitting them with a wrench, which is made harder by increasing their turn rate, which doesn't affect newer players at all. This makes the super easy joke turrets a bit harder, without affecting the already difficult ones.

yup, that bit probably should be visible from the cargo bay too. I'm guessing annoying brush work would have to be involved to make it happen.

Making it technically happen is quite easy, since the two rooms are directly on top of each other, so I just deleted the bottom one and extended the top one down. The problem is it doesn't look particularly great...

Although I think most of the problem can probably be solved with minor brush work, mainly stretching out some things and adding a few vertical sections around the sides to make it look less like a flat plane.

« Last Edit: 11. October 2024, 05:40:08 by sarge945 »


Thank you very much for trying/tinkering around :.) it already looks more interesting than before.. Maybe stretch it more like suggested before & add some more or less diagonal sections around the sides; to give the impression of actually being underneath a colossal ship hull? i don't know.

It is kind of moving to see it for first time how it would look like though. too bad i'm too dumb for shocked, otherwise i would have tried myself (also anti-g crane would be nice :v).

Maybe some simple greater structure (huge ship hull) above this already visible section would be the solution?

This would really set the tone for rest throughout the game & deliver the sense of scale. No need for other additional vistas imo.

Something like this for example:
« Last Edit: 12. October 2024, 15:42:15 by tiphares4 »


I did it because it was literally 15 seconds of work. I'm not going to bother doing anything else. I'm not a mapper and find mapping extremely tedious and annoying.

If you want to give it a go, I'm sure someone more familiar with mapping can link a dromed mapping guide.
« Last Edit: 14. October 2024, 08:16:12 by sarge945 »


Is this little nook in rec2 even accessible at all?

There's a speed hypo in there (object 1521) but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get up there.

Am I just dumb?

If a speed boost is required to get up there, then it seems kind of redundant given that the reward is a speed boost.


yes, that's exactly it. *trollface*

Fair enough. I won't randomise it then.

On another note, the new shop counters added to rec3 in SCP b5 (or was it b6???) seem to have a strange texture quirk...

(Here I am looking at object 1326)

Maybe this is just a problem with unfiltered textures?


ALL of your textures seem to have a strange quirk.


yes, this is an unused vanilla object that was restored, and that texture bit was not used anywhere else until now, so it's not being updated by SHTUP at the moment (so it's painfully lowres). should be fixed in the next SHTUP update.


He doesn't have SHTUP installed. Pretty sure he's talking about the counter top, which is supposed to be a solid color.


oh right, no-SHTUP people do exist, my brain has a hard time acknowledging this fact, so I didn't even consider that.

yeah, I think he does (mean the top/surface), and yes, that looks normal if you have texture filtering enabled. some people indeed are their own worst enemy.


That's not normal in the absence of SHTUP. That counter's top should be a solid color.


well, yes? and it is as long as you keep filtering on, just checked (SHTUP or no SHTUP).

SS2 was made with texture filtering in mind, so if you turn it off, some things will inevitably look incorrect/broken.


Activating Duke Nukem mode has nothing to do with it. It's a sold color. Not filtering a solid color wouldn't suddenly cause weird patterns to appear.


looking at it again, and it seems like there is some stretching going on, and no-filtering just makes it worse. lets have Olfred take a look.

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