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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The first time I installed it (before I found this site) I just did a straight full/complete install from the CD installer. In my many deletes/reinstalls since then I've done only copy/pastes of the SHOCK folder into my c:\games\ subdirectory and followed the SS2 Tech FAQ to the letter.

Just double-checking, but should the modmanager be detecting incompatibility errors between the three mods I've been trying to get working? For example, it says that Secmod might not be compatible with the Secmod-rebirth patch, and that Secmod is not compatible with Rebirth complemented. I have just assumed that this was the modmanager being overly picky.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Just double-checking, but should the modmanager be detecting incompatibility errors between the three mods I've been trying to get working? For example, it says that Secmod might not be compatible with the Secmod-rebirth patch, and that Secmod is not compatible with Rebirth complemented. I have just assumed that this was the modmanager being overly picky.
That's fine; SS2MM checks for incompatibility based on whether or not any two mods have the same files in the same folders, which is likely to be the case between mods and their patches, and is definitely the case between Secmod and Rebirth (which is why the Rebirth patch is necessary).
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I just wanted to post and say that after a Windows update forced me to reboot I logged into SS and found that Rebirth and Secmod were existing peacefully, side by side. Thanks for helping me work through this thing, the mod is fantastic so far.

But quick question: am I crazy or does using stuff in my inventory not do anything? I don't know if I wasn't paying attention but am I no longer allowed to guzzle cola and eat chips like a fiend to gain health back because when I use them nothing happens. Additionally I cannot use any hypos I've found, but I have a feeling this intentional and I need some sort of skill.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Sounds like Broken Use/Shoot mode.
By the way, glad it's working now, I was almost falling from faith with this one.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Used the modmanager to fix it, everything's working like a charm now. Thanks again, you guys are great!

66f8e613afd19Dead space

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Pretty awesome had a blast messing around with it.
took me 1day to fly thru it. i must admit ammo got very hard to find.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I just finished an OSA run of this and while it was fun I did find something: avoid using the CYB-boosting psi power to meet the Cybernetic Mesh (new armor) requirement of CYB 6 because there will be crashes aplenty when the psi power runs out.

66f8e613b01f6Nameless Voice


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I think it might be NVImplant trying to remove the implant metaprops twice because:

1. the psi power runs out: the NVImplant effects stop working (invisible to turrets etc) but it stays equipped and keeps draining its energy -> metaprops must have been removed
2. armor taken off or armor's power running out -> crash if step 1 occured because it will try to remove the metaprops again

66f8e613b055fNameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Wouldn't items normally be unequipped if you no longer have the required attributes (e.g. armour dropped if Psi Strength runs out)?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Wouldn't items normally be unequipped if you no longer have the required attributes (e.g. armour dropped if Psi Strength runs out)?

Yep, but it's hardcoded for strength only apparently.

66f8e613b09b7Tekk Man

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Okay what's up with the secret room and computer destroying minigame. As in, I destroyed 2 computer consoles and 6 cameras (I think and I can't find the open room.

Also, just finished the game with the PSI Wizard and the secmod. Dear lord that was challenging. I loved all the changes you made. Also, I should thank you for making the Navy even more combat effective with that whole turret business.

A bit of an issue arrived in the Botm, right at the last area, my invisibility spell didn't work on anything there after the first time I used it. I know it doesn't work on robots and cyborgs anymore but I thought it effected all things fleshy.

66f8e613b0b7cDigital Hitman

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
First off, almost every change ingame I loved, but since this hasn't been adressed I'm going to need some help.

When exploring earth I had managed to get on top of the happynoodle shop (strangely they don't sell any type of noodle product, wierd...) but on the roof I had found a mystery hatch and naturally I got curious so I went looking all around the rooftops, the UNN station, and the shop, but I couldn't find any button of any kind to open that hatch, so is this hatch just for retconning the idea that sombody might be living up there with two crates, a bag of potato chips and a giant wig, or is there somthing that I'm too dumb to find :P

66f8e613b0ceeTagappi - Non-logged in

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I have couple of questions for everyone, why cant I do anything with; osmium, lead, iridium and radium? But I still can do hypos? Do I need something else too with the tinker trait, or is it a bug?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Okay what's up with the secret room and computer destroying minigame. As in, I destroyed 2 computer consoles and 6 cameras (I think and I can't find the open room.

A bit of an issue arrived in the Botm, right at the last area, my invisibility spell didn't work on anything there after the first time I used it. I know it doesn't work on robots and cyborgs anymore but I thought it effected all things fleshy.

The secret room in the Shodan level is that room that was usually blocked off by those strips of binary numbers, when you take down all security the strips are gone.
Invisibility bug might have to do with the new 'Cyber Mesh' armor if you ever used that, needs looking into sometime anyway.

on the roof I had found a mystery hatch and naturally I got curious so I went looking all around the rooftops, the UNN station, and the shop, but I couldn't find any button of any kind to open that hatch, so is this hatch just for retconning the idea that sombody might be living up there with two crates, a bag of potato chips and a giant wig, or is there somthing that I'm too dumb to find :P

Nah you guessed it, there's nothing else there.
I have couple of questions for everyone, why cant I do anything with; osmium, lead, iridium and radium? But I still can do hypos? Do I need something else too with the tinker trait, or is it a bug?

You gotta combine the chemical elements with a "Molecular Grafter" first, which would give you an "Osmium Grafter" and so on, the list in the readme should have everything.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
People, is it possible to make that killed bodies do not disappear with time? I remember there was a topic related to disappearing corpses but I can't find it...


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Non-disappearing bodies in combination with unlimited respawning is a recipe for disaster.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well, you know better. I just thought it would be ok...

66f8e613b1b08Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
It would eventually make the engine explode, yeah.  Having a maximum number of corpses limit might work, though, I guess.

66f8e613b1c69Mr Rayford

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
What about putting the corpses of non-alarm spawned monsters on timers and when the timer runs out the body disappears and is replaced by a handful of worms, as if the worms ate it?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
What about putting the corpses of non-alarm spawned monsters on timers and when the timer runs out the body disappears and is replaced by a handful of worms, as if the worms ate it?

Could work, we wanted to play at making long-term effects but all that came out of it is that grub organs (from destroyed eggs) degrade into wormpiles after about 30 seconds.
If we went that route we might as well make it spawn a random egg sometimes, since supposedly that's one way the annelids get biomass for making their eggs.
NVExclusiveObject could also keep whatever is spawned from flooding a level as long as it's a new archetype.

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The eggs are made in the BOTM but I wouldn't mind a random egg now and then. Could be a nice distraction.
And since we're talking about it: One thing I always expected but never happened are corpses coming back to life once you get near...


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I was playing through the engineering level, the area with the radiation. I got an error saying, "System Shock 2 has stopped working" Why?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hello Everybody,

In Engineering Deck there is a door in front of the two Laserturrets that need the Keycard "Security Access" to open it.
Where can I find this Keycard??


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