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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Y'know, I think maybe the SS2 Mod Manager should have two categories of conflict warnings-- a low-priority warning for asset mods like sound and graphics that usually play well together, and a high-priority warning for things like strings and gamesys files that will seriously mess things up.
I'm planning to make final release of mod manager in next month so if you have any bugs to report, please put them in this thread.

Personally I think it would be best if it gave out a list of the conflicting files. Marking important ones red or something like that.

66f900adaafc0Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Right now, though, I'm waiting on ZB to make an updated version of SHEMP...
You are? Crap. Guess I better get on that then.

Luckily, the project is merely blocked awaiting an interrupt, not being polled.

A more pressing issue is that I haven't actually managed to work out how to use the DDFix texture replacement option with SS2, even with the modified ddfix.dll.

66f900adab128Daemon Prince

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hello there, guys. I have a little problem with SecMod. On Command A, right after e-mail from Marie Delacroix and gonig into the bulkhead, game crashes. More than that, autosave on Command A changes - my inventory become fully empty.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hello there, guys. I have a little problem with SecMod. On Command A, right after e-mail from Marie Delacroix and gonig into the bulkhead, game crashes. More than that, autosave on Command A changes - my inventory become fully empty.

Sounds like the COM6 bug, try this: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php/topic,894.0.html


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hey guys,

It's been a while since you've heard from me but i'm still around. Anyways two issues.
1. When the WormHeart Implant is inserted in the Second slot (when the double slot trait is unlocked) the message NVSpy: "Timer" on Player [192] from [ 0 ]  pops up in the console. The implant does not work when it is implanted. This happens with both slots. When the implant is removed the message NVSpy: "Endscript" on Player  [192] from [ 0 ] comes up. ([ 0 ] should not have spaces, I just did that so the text would stand out  :D) I'm guessing this is just a a terminating script but still wanted to let you know.

And my main issue is:
2. I can't find the POWER CELL for the basketball court CIRCUIT BREAKER on RECREATION deck. If anyone could give me some hints as to where it has been placed I would greatly appreciate that.

Btw, i'm using SecMod 2.8

One more note. I started out on hard difficulty and then changed it to Normal because I was getting my ass whooped. One thing that didn't change was the  speed of the hybrids. (Was this intentional?) They are now one of the hardest enemies to get past. They move fast and attack faster. You cannot attack them from the front. This definitely steps up the difficulty of the game  :thumbwink:. Also, I've had them gib through the elevator. That's not a problem, makes for a great suprise!

Cheers on the great mod and keep it coming.

VB Munitions Officer


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well, nevermind about the power cell. I found it were it should have been, on the dead woman outside of the elevator at the beginning of the level. But that body had not spawned until I returned from the Crew Quarters section of the deck. Glitch or purposeful?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Ok, so now i'm travelling through the Body of The Many and have gotten to the first sphincter. I blew the (switch) pod after the radiation filled water and it didn't trip the sphincter. Now, I've tried blowing the pod and then approaching the door and i've also tried approaching the door. The door/sphincter will not open. Any ideas? Did SecMod change anything in that part or is my game buggy?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Unless SecMod changed this, there are two pods that control that sphincter.

66f900adac289Annelid Arachnid

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hello. This is my first post on these forums, and first of all I'd like to say that it's great to see such a good forum about such a great game. And of course this mod is awesome.

Now, enough of that and to the point. There seems to be a minor problem when I use this mod.
Whenever I open a door with a keypad either by hacking it, or typing in the code, a message appears:
[Debug:Changed from 0 to 5] ,and almost right after that
[Debug:Changed from 5 to 0]

When I hack a replicator, it says: [Debug:Changed from 0 to 5] ,but nothing more.

When I fail to disable a ICE node while hacking, and the keypad breaks I get: [Debug:Changed from 0 to 1]
,and when i fix the keypad it says: [Debug:Changed from 1 to 0]

I tested these in the Navy training simulation on Earth, but the same thing happens ingame.

Also, when I start a new game and go to the navy training room and open the door for the first time during that game (doesn't happen if i exit and re-enter the room, only for the first time of every game) it says
[Debug:Changed from 0 to 0]
[Debug:Changed from 0 to 5] and after that the
[Debug:Changed from 5 to 0]

I've come to the conclusion that the 0 means that the door is in its normal state, 5 means that it has been hacked, and 1 means that it's broken.

This doesn't affect the gameplay in anyway, it's just annoying.

I'm not 100% sure if it's because of secmod. When I disable all of my mods and start to play and I go to the training room, it doesn't complain when I open the door by typing in the code (which by the way is 00000) But when I try to hack the door I can't press the nodes. I can press the HACK-button, but from there I can't hack it.  :confused: The game doesn't freeze, I can shut the Hack window.

And Yes, i have made my Sysshock mod ready with Kolya's tool and i use modmanager.

Also two other things that I noticed: 1. The broken electric sign, that's above the lift thingies above ground at the Ramsey center, seems to be misplaced. 2. The two plant pots near the first robot you see  (where you go to basic or advanced training) are missing texstures. (what textures are missing depends on from where you look)

And ANOTHER thing: I remember reading that it's possible to get to the building roofs on Earth in secmod. So, if it's possible please do tell me, 'cause i've been trying to get there by searching every little detail, but haven't succeeded.

And last thing (promise): Why is there a picture picture of a potatochip in bitmap that is named
F**K ? (without stars  ;)) There are other pictures of chips in bitmap\txt16 wit same kind of names (F**K00, F**K01 etc.) There's also F**KYOUBSP.bin in obj

66f900adac3b2Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The debug messages are something I must have forgotten to take out of one of the scripts before releasing.  Easily remedied - I'll fix it at some point.

You can indeed get to the rooftops.  It's tricky, but possible.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I don't think anyone else here has experienced anything like my problem or if they have I must have missed it, but I'm having a devil of a time getting rebirth to work with Secmod. As far as I know I'm following the installation/activation instructions exactly (using the System Shock modmanager: rebirth-complemented first, Secmod next, then the Secmod rebirth patch) but whenever I start a game the rebirth models are not there and the vanilla ones are. If I de-activate secmod the rebirth models appear. The only other mod I am using is the high-res texture pack. I've tried clean installs but nothing works. Anyone know what I'm doing incorrectly? Secmod looks fantastic but I really want to get the full experience and this is driving me crazy! Thanks!


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
(using the System Shock modmanager: rebirth-complemented first, Secmod next, then the Secmod rebirth patch)

So applying Secmod sets the old models for everything and the rebirth patch after that doesn't do anything?
Really shouldn't happen, has anyone else had to something special to use Rebirth with this mod? Maybe I missed something.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
No, I didn't have any problems combining Secmod and Rebirth, in the same order Jarkov describes. Not sure what's causing this.
Jarkov, did you install all of the mods via the modmanager? Sounds like you did, so just asking.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Yeah, I've done everything using the mod manager. I'm using a CD version as well, if it makes any difference. Is there something to do with Rebirth that I'm not understanding? Do I need to have the Rebirth beta activated simultaneously with Rebirth complemented or installed/activated in a particular order apart from the Secmod instructions?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I'm using a CD version as well, if it makes any difference.

CD version?
If you mean you have a CD of the game, that's fine. In fact we expect that you have a CD (or CD image) and followed the SS2 Tech FAQ for the installation.
And Rebirth-Complemented is the full thing. Also your activation order is correct.
Try deactivating all mods, then search the game directory for files of the type: *.ss2mmbak
Delete them all. Then activate rebirth-complemented, secmod, secmod's rebirth patch.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Try deactivating all mods, then search the game directory for files of the type: *.ss2mmbak
Delete them all. Then activate rebirth-complemented, secmod, secmod's rebirth patch.

I did what you said and searched for any *.ss2mmbak files types but couldn't find any unless I activated the mods. I went through the activation order again and still had the same problem. I even did another fresh install and made sure to follow the installation steps exactly, including anything related to setting up the mods. There must be something I'm not doing right somewhere along the line but I'm fairly certain I've followed all the instructions correctly. I appreciate your assistance in helping me to get this working :)
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I just tested this two times in a row. I dropped the mod files into the DataPermanentMods folder to save some time, but it really makes no difference. I have a game with the same setup (+some other mods) installed via the modmanager here. Oh well.

Deactivate all mods, then download these files and extract them in the same order as displayed here into your DataPermanentMods folder, overwriting existing files.

1. rebirth01_complemented.zip
2. SS2_TF_Secmod_2.8.7z
3. SS2_TF_Secmod2_RebirthPatch.7z

Start a new game. Enjoy Secmod + Rebirth.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I just tested this two times in a row. I dropped the mod files into the DataPermanentMods folder to save some time, but it really makes no difference. I have a game with the same setup (+some other mods) installed via the modmanager here. Oh well.

Deactivate all mods, then download these files and extract them in the same order as displayed here into your DataPermanentMods folder, overwriting existing files.

1. rebirth01_complemented.zip
2. SS2_TF_Secmod_2.8.7z
3. SS2_TF_Secmod2_RebirthPatch.7z

Start a new game. Enjoy Secmod + Rebirth.

Sorry, I've tried everything and it isn't working. I don't know what's different about my machine or copy of System Shock 2 but no matter how many times I follow your instructions nothing works. It seems that for me, Rebirth and Secmod were not meant to be joined together. I think I'm just going to try to go through it with the original models :(

Thanks for your help and for all the great work you guys have been doing to keep SS2 fun and fresh all these years later.
« Last Edit: 03. June 2010, 00:22:29 by Kolya »
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
You tried to start a new game, right?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Perhaps running SS2Tools would help somehow?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
You tried to start a new game, right?

sry for the dbl-quote

Yes, everytime I change anything I start a brand new game (if I hear that voice telling me to step into the grav-shaft one more time I'm going to snap :p). The only thing that I'm thinking could be off is that I had trouble getting cinematics to play so I followed your guide to getting them working (then one that requires using the command prompt in administrator mode to [register?] the errant .dll file). I know it's a long shot but is there anyway that could be potentially conflicting with getting rebirth\secmod to work alongside each other?

LarkSS: I ran SS2Tool after I installed/copied SS2 onto my PC, so I don't know if it would change anything if I ran it again but I can try.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Running again shouldn't be necessary.... No idea if this would affect anything, but did you do a Full/Complete installation in the very beginning?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
No idea if this would affect anything, but did you do a Full/Complete installation in the very beginning?

Yes, in the very beginning I did a Full/Complete installation, but since then I have deleted/re-installed SS2 probably half a dozen times in order to try and ensure as clean a slate as possible to make this work.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
It's got to be some problem with the installation. Did you try following the SS2 Tech FAQ closely? That is, do not use the official installer but copy the shock folder.
Video problems are unrelated to this.

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