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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I have found out the bug. It happens when you activate/deactivate Secmod several times. As I noticed, program doesn't delete all files and folders during deactivation and after repeated activation the mod is not activated actually, bugs appear. I reinstalled the game and added all the mods one by one activating them. And it works fine now. Maybe I mistake, of course, but I don't want to try to reactivate Secmod once again...
The Secmod is awesome, by the way :)


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I have found another bug. When I create swarm ammo for my viral proliferator by filling beakers with swarm pod organs in my inventory, it gives me some unholy huge amount of ammunition (several thousand) per organ. Ordinarily, I thought that the weapon would cost a few hundred units of ammo to fire a shot, but the viral proliferator holds 8 swarm shots and costs 2 to fire a cloud of flies out. I've checked the ammo count in my inventory and it has decreased by two to something just under 200000.

My setup is a 2.1 installation which was played up to the end of Hydro, at which point I installed the 2.2 patch and continued playing (bad idea?)


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8

[obsolete attachment removed]
« Last Edit: 02. March 2010, 16:00:37 by Kolya »


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8

The current 2.2 7z package seems to be faulty, since it has in it a file which is set as read only. The file is faucet.gif. This causes the modmanager not to work correctly when dealing with this mod. Also, there are some Thumbs.db files in the archive which should not be there, since Thumbs.db is a cache for image thumbails in Windows. They are hidden system files and specific to system. Also the mod.ini states that the version is 2.1, although this doesn't matter much.

After I removed the read-only attribute from faucet.gif, deleted all Thumb.db files and recreated the archive, I got the package working on my machine with the modmanager.

Hope this helps those who have problems.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Updated the mod to version 2.3 with the gam file provided by TF.
I also took the tips by Saarela into account.
Cumulative patch is also available.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
ok, another thing for thinking: I installed Secmod and when I entered the Chemical Storeroom there was a granade hybrid. Obviously, he was trying to shoot me with his granade launcher, but the weapon was invisible and there was no shooting actually. When I killed him, he had a granade launcher in his inventory. I haven't met shotgun hybrids yet, but smth tells me they will have the same bug...
Besides, when I install Crion's Impossible MP mod, this hybrid in the Chemicals disappears. When i enter the room I just feel that smth prevents me from coming near the corpse of a man. But this something doesn't hit me. It seems like an invisible column standing in the room...
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Crion's mod replaces shock2.gam. They're not compatible.


« Last Edit: 28. September 2008, 20:58:02 by Barbach »


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
baaaaaad question )))
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
"Crion's mod replaces shock2.gam. They're not compatible."
Thanks for the tip.
Well, all seems to be normal now except that hybrid in the chemicals room on the Med level. Though it is not crucial...


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Are bots hackable with this mod ?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
use 'summon_obj og-gl' and tell me if the spawned hybrid is also missing its launcher

if he does you must be missing NVScript.osm which is present in every patch and powers half the mod's features, i don't know how that could happen though

And no, hackable bots are overpowered as is the hack skill already


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
And no, hackable bots are overpowered as is the hack skill already

Yeah I'm a coward so what ?! :D

66f970cd08a20Mr Rayford

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Alright, I can't find the 4th vial of Toxin A. I found all the ones in Hydro B/C. Can someone point me in the right direction (or outright tell me) of the 4th.

Also, while hackable bots are overpowed, ther so damn fun.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
if you want fun with bots then use the scramble grenades on them, it's balanced because they make the bots hostile against everything including the player


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I'm also in Hydroponics and looking for the 4th toxin vial, combing visualwalkthroughs.com and wandering the halls.  I'm sure I'll find it, I don't think I've even found a 4th envirothingy yet.

But I'm in Sector D and I've found that area with the broken EMP rifle and the flamethrower fuel.  If I break the windows there, I can get to this pool of nasty liquid that has the power armor (previously found on the dead woman nearby) and some cybernetic modules at the bottom.  I know because I've jumped in and died.  Is there a way to drain this goo or make it non-lethal, or are ya just messin with us?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I'm messing with you because the power armor is pretty good now, you can still get it you'll just get burned a bit. Well unless you're playing impossible, then you won't have enough HP to pull it off most likely but that's fine since impossible is supposed to leave you with less gear to pick up anyway.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
"use 'summon_obj og-gl' and tell me if the spawned hybrid is also missing its launcher"
Tell me, please, where and how to use it. And I have NVScript.osm, btw.
I also noticed some odds with modifications. My modify skill was 2. When I had modified my pistol twice, I still had one modification possible, which required skill 2. But I got a messge "This weapon cannot be mofifed any further". It seems that this feature came from original version and prevents implementing more than 2 modifications. Does anyone except me has this bug?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
in the console that you open with shift+;
that's not a bug it's fully intended, 2 mods is more than enough


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I think that there should be some sort of spawn limiting in both this and adaob.  I don't know if it's possible, but, I know that there's supposed to be an official number of crew compliment for the Von Braun and Rickenbacker and with all the bodies, the four body bags, it's just annoying and takes me out of the game when I can see hybrids and protocol droids and whatever spawning in a pixelated swirl of mist before my eyes in a not so discreet area.

It reminds me of being stuck at a jump point in Privateer 2 and just wanting to move onto the next one and then more pirates jump in.  Again and again and again and again.  I mean, sure, it keeps me with a steady supply of nanites, potato chips and rifled shotgun slugs, but, damn if it doesn't ruin the entire experience for me.

One especially problem area is the long shaft with all the doors in the Engineering and Cargo Bay areas.  Just look at all these bodies:
Image: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/3126/bodiesgt1.th.pngImage: http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/1102/evenmorebodiesnx7.th.png

Right now I'm running around the Operations deck and I just got the simulation chip thingy from the red assassin and I can't even leave the room because a droid or a hybrid spawns behind me when I try to leave and also around the corner in front of me.  Again and again and again.  At this rate, I'm going to kill more hybrids than there are crew aboard the ship.

All the bodies around also messes with my frame rate.  Would be cool if I could use the recycler to turn the bodies into a nutritious protein shake.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Yeah I'm in the Engineering/Cargo Bay right (god I hate this place) and I could see the "pixelated swirl of mist" with massive spawning.

Thing is, it could be nice to spawn monsters far from the player, it could be very nice actually


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
i think you're staying in that area for too long or something, i didn't alter any spawn rates
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I saw those spawning hybrids in the purple mist too, only once though...
I would like to ask about prox. grenades. When I shoot, it falls on the ground and lays there. Theoretically it should explode when an enemy comes near. But it doesn't until I shoot the grenade by some weapon. Is this normal?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I'm not trying to stay in the area long, but, they just keep on spawning and spawning.  The game tries to spawn new hybrids behind two doors away either when I turn my back or when the door shuts.  I've tried tossing stuff against the doors to hold them open so they don't spawn, which only kind of works halfway (and using hybrid organs causes the organs to disappear after a while).  Go there, check it out.  If you explore the area thoroughly to get all the logs and bits, the game will not let you progress unless you hack security and run to the bulkhead while trying to dodge shotgun blasts.  Most people are used to killing their attackers and moving on, not fighting this annoying by-design flaw and progressing at a snail's pace because they never ... let ... up.

The swirly thing is blatantly obvious when you return through that same bulkhead and a droid or a hybrid spawns right before your eyes and charges.  The one with the camera, two laser turrets, a bunch of crates and that room with the light armor and half of the upgrade units.

I even turned off spawning when I replayed this a few years ago on my old machine.  It's just unbearable.

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