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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Thank you, I have attached it in the EMP rifle thread.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Oh god, not here now too.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Объяснить эти скриншоты. Или не пишите скриншоты. Спасибо.
Explain these screenshots. Or don't post screenshots. Thank you.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Looks like it's possible to glitch the new weapon modification screen. I think a save and reload might fix it.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
It's been a while since I was around here trying to get some of these mods to work in multiplayer.

I know it's probably been asked before and answered, but does SecMod work in multiplayer yet, and if not, will it ever be revisited?  I've been waiting to play this mod properly for yeeeaaaaarrrsss, and I am still very much interested in doing so.  :thumb:


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
It could still happen but I don't know when, you're not missing anything out of Secmod by playing in singleplayer btw.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I may be mostly alone in this, but I only ever played System Shock in multiplayer.  When it got patched for coop play my interest went through the roof.

I've played it multiplayer several times since, and more recently with some of the mods here on the forums, but I've always wanted to play SecMod in coop and was disappointed when it didn't work.  Some mods would fail in Med/Sci, and this one likes to fail and crash at Engineer, which gives the false impression its working until BOOM.

So I would just be thrilled if it were made to work, because another playthrough is definitely something I'm looking forward to doing.

Like, REALLY looking forward to. <3
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I may be mostly alone in this, but I only ever played System Shock in multiplayer.  When it got patched for coop play my interest went through the roof.

Heh, same here actually. I know singleplayer delivers the penultimate immersive experience and I understand why - but co-op is what really cinched the deal in this game for me. To the extent where my local LAN gaming circle goes out of it's way to play through the game annually as a special measure - no other game gets this honor.

Because of that and a personal drive to forget as many details of the game as possible between playthroughs, playing the game in singleplayer ahead of our next LAN co-op session feels a bit wrong because it would spoil the experience ahead of our next event. My only interest is in playing the game in co-op.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I've been surfing this board for a while and  I generally do a playthru of SS2 when ever the mood strikes me. but i've never used this mod, this time around, i'd like to  So my question is what order would i install this with the "newbie" mods, 

I know there are incompatibily Issues, I'm just trying to get the most unique feel for the game, for my next play thru.

I normally just go with

2. ADaoB
4. Rebirth
5. Four Hundred
6. Tacticool
7. Eldron Psi Amp
8. Vurt's Space Textures
9. Vurt's Goo (organics)
10. Vurt's Water
11.Vurt's Flora Overhaul

So what would i have to remove and or change the order to include this mod?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
you would have to leave out ADaoB. the rest is compatible.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
First of all, sorry for my bad English.

Is the SS2 Enhanced Monitor Package(SHEMP) textures not work becouse of sec mod v2.8 installed?

Sry, if i wrong, i rly dont know i have SHEMP or not... i have installed SHTUP, Arcaniac, secmod, vurts..., and others mods wich is fully compatible with secmod, but i have not all the "game displays/monitors" changed to new hi-res textures. For example i have no  textures changes at the second floor on the first level, and the "half-textured" in other places:

Image: http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/1615/xfny.jpg  Image: http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/5779/stkj.jpg  Image: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/244/0lma.jpg  Image: http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/285/vl4m.jpg
Image: http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/3876/5wx4.jpg  Image: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/5870/6t17.jpg 
Is it secmod or Shtup issue?

Please help me, how can i fix it? I just want to play a secmod with this amazing displays:
Image: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/6127/rzd2.jpg  Image: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3439/48yz.jpg 

Sorry, dont know how to correct upload a pictures, just click on ":Image:" and it will open in full size.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
currently, SHEMP can only be installed with ADaoB, which is incompatible with Secmod. the new version of SHTUP will address this when it comes out.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
currently, SHEMP can only be installed with ADaoB, which is incompatible with Secmod. the new version of SHTUP will address this when it comes out.
Thank you for quick answer! Hm.. and SHTUP is not a dead project? You mean, when the new SHTUP version comes, it will be include the SHEMP textures? If it does, should it will work with sec mod? Sorry for my crappy Engl again  :ninja:


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
yes, the NewDark edition of SHTUP will include SHEMP. the new version is coming soon™.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I am experiencing a consistent crash when trying to transfer out of Hydrophonics A.  Loading an alternative save file in that area fails to work and loading the auto save gave me a corrupted save with stats and items altered and no key cards ensuring I was stuck after exiting the area.  Since this mod edits the .mis files I would assume this mod is the cause.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
you should have a crash.dmp and shock2.log files in your SS2 folder - zip them up, upload to sendspace or mediafire and post the link.

so basically, you have a save which you can load properly, but if you try loading another save, or try to get away from the current map, the game will crash, do I get this right?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I tried using this with alya and they wouldn't work together so i turned this one off.
I found that the game wouldn't start up and kept crashing unless i had this activated. Eventually i just had to redownload the game because this mod kept crashing the game when it wasn't active. It works fine now without this
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
As Rainalkar pointed out (and as explained in the SS2 Tech FAQ) mods that include a gamesys are not compatible. Just stating this here again so no one gets a false idea from your post. It's not SecMod's fault.

I know that at least Blue's mod manager has a check for this. I'm not sure about Zee's mod manager. The old manager (by Zombe/TheBrain) definitely doesn't and is incompatible with modern SS2 setups and New Dark anyway.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Thank you for quick answer! Hm.. and SHTUP is not a dead project? You mean, when the new SHTUP version comes, it will be include the SHEMP textures? If it does, should it will work with sec mod? Sorry for my crappy Engl again  :ninja:

Maybe you already know that but... while waiting for the new SHTUP, installing Four Hundred -> ->https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4240.0 will give you most of the standard monitors in HiRes, with reflecting effect... Kool thing.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I've noticed that installing SS2Tool without the multiplayer option (or at least I think this is the reason), will disable the kool secmod logo in the main menu. I know it's stupid, but I want it. So, I renamed the NETMAIN related files in MAIN (*.pcx & *.STR) and it works. But the empty multiplayer box appear in the left bottom corner... and yes, I know it's very stupid, but I've done some modifications to the pcx files and now I am finally happy! Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img30/8246/xbtl.jpg
Maybe a better resoluted botton and a feeble, red pulsing light...

Oh... ok. It was so simple... thanks Kolya.
« Last Edit: 21. December 2013, 14:54:44 by motoko »
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The most likely reason is that Secmod modifies only the multiplayer interface graphics that have the multiplayer button. Different graphics are used when multiplayer isn't enabled, so the Secmod logo does not show up.
SS2Tool itself only switches multiplayer on and off, by writing the line "netplay_ui" into shock.cfg.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
A friend and I were able to play this multiplayer even though the engineering deck. We're still on engineering 2 but it seems to work. The game is very difficult in multiplayer and my friend dies a lot.
For simplicity I'll call myself 'Red' and my friend 'Blue'. Red is the host, Blue has a high ping due to geographical distance from host.

We were using using a modpack that Red put together that was a combination of a lot of sound/music/texture/models from this forums, and secmod being the only mod installed that modified map/gamesys.

Both client and host were using the steam edition of ss2, made sure to move the ss2 folder to somewhere with less than an 80 character directory, ran SS2Tool from here: https://www.systemshock.org/index.php?topic=4141.0 with the ss2 directory as the target. We changed nothing besides to enable multiplayer in gamefeatures dropdown.

After that, having a fresh newdark 2.42 from ss2tool, Red also had a hunch and had both Red and Blue make sure they had the latest nvscript. http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134166
1.2.3 was put into the datapermmods folder and overwrit the older version that came with secmod.

The game seems to mostly work under these conditions in 2 player multiplayer.

Bugs encountered: 
1) Red activated the first broken locker, closed it and walked away. Blue activated it, and Red saw the locker's interface pop up on their screen for a moment before going away.

2) Both Red and Blue show up as "Red" on the minimap instead of different colours like in normal system shock 2.

3) Numerous items will desynch, seemingly at random but kind of rare. One example could be turret covers, where one player can manipulate them and put them back on turrets and the other can't. Another could be hybrid organs or monkey brains, where one player could have them and the other player could experience the objects spontaneously ceasing to exist from their own inventory despite being different items from different sources. Blue once complained about a champaign they couldn't use, tried to drop it for Red, and experienced it vanishing into thin air.

4) That hackable console in cryo recovery doesn't seem to do anything interesting or useful once hacked? Or maybe it's supposed to but bugs out?

5) Repaired turrets will sometimes get stuck broken and unfixable despite being repaired. Same happens with broken batteries. No sense or logic in this, seems totally random. Red also accidentally used a portable battery on the quest battery to get into medsci 2, and noticed the cursor with the portable battery on it stayed charged. Putting the 'charged' portable battery in the inventory rendered it broken, as it should be. Red was too surprised at the event to actually test if they could charge multiple things using one portable battery this way, and forgot to test it afterwards.

6) players will sometimes get stuck at desynch screen when changing areas. Fixing it involved both Red and Blue quitting to desktop, Red rehosting and Blue rejoining, and Red reloading the last save.

7) One player at random will rarely get stuck with a black screen with no inventory but still technically be in the game and can hear things/react with things. This also happens on level shift. It seems your best bet is to reload from a prior save.

8) This may be related to 7: Reliably on shifting to engineering 2, the host would be fine but the client would be stuck and frozen and have nothing equipped but still be connected. Blue would be experiencing sound from the game happening normally. Making sure that Blue continued to be connected and did not disconnect, Red saved a new slot at this point and reloaded the save Red just made, and the game seemed to fix itself and Red+Blue were capable of continuing in engineering 2.

9) Blue managed to crash themselves while going up the gravlift in command in engineering 2 somehow. Worked fine after a rehost. Doesn't seem very reproducible.

10) Red was showing Blue the silly scrambler grenade trick from the readme on the engineering1 replicator, Blue bought a bunch of scrambler grenades from the new inventory and continued investigating combinations. When both were done messing with it for S&G, Red reloaded the last save (which I think was a quicksave?). Red loaded from the save normally, but apparently Blue had lost all the nanites they used on the replicator, despite them using those nanites AFTER the save and not before? Unknown if reproducible.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Oh. I think the different minimap colours I was thinking about were actually from the unified mission mods, so it would make sense that we were all red on the minimap because unified mission mods aren't compatible with secmod so we didn't use them.

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