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Topic: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8 [obsolete]
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Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Suggestions for 2.8

- After modify a weapon, the modification skill you have chosen is invisible. I think it is better if the skill will not invisible but transparent. So you can see in a moment wich skill ist activated.
- What about three Modification than two???
- Is it possible to make Opponents slower if you hit them??

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I must say, Secmod is the mod to have when you want to relive this game (after completing it the normal way ofcourse). Now I've been playing ome time with this and I'm really enjoying it. Now I'm somewhat toying around 'ubermensching' on engineering and med-sci, trying to set up a 'defend the area'-style thingie at the shuttle bay in engineering (near the cargo bays). I've found out that spawning cameras is useless to trigger alarms since it seems other camera's are programmed to trigger alarms, while spawned ones don't.
Now I'm just going through med/sci and engineering again to return to that place and NOT kill the two camera's there, but I've bumped into a something:
I've been using scramble gren's to mix up replicator databases (and get some ridiculous results). I did get scramble grenades for sale in one, but I got freaked when I bought 10 scramble's then used them all on a replicator, never being able to regain any scramble's. Now I ask: would anyone knowing the spawning codes (for the console) please tell me (or PM me) all spawning codes for the secmod objects? I've only been able to spawn the smartgun, but that's all. I hope anyone can help me enjoying this mod even more.

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
This mod is pretty interesting, I have to say. I like the custom modifications, although some seem more useful than others (not much point to full auto on a pistol when it disables the ability to just fire a single shot, or to bigger clips when the thing only takes like a half-second to reload). I'm going to try seeing how well the laser pistol works in full auto once I get my Modification skill higher. Hehe.

A few small issues I've noticed:
- Broken batteries don't stack. Maybe this is impossible since you can repair them? Beats me.
- Dragging a maintenance tool onto a stack of other maintenance tools seems to devour one of them. Ouch.
- The plasma SMG is nice, but I honestly really, really don't like the projectile. The purple-and-greenness of it looks weird, it makes my screen flash green with every shot (annoying since it's full-auto), and the hit graphic (for hitting walls and such) looks slightly odd too. I think a small green (or blue, or whatever) plasma-flame thing would work better for a projectile, with a little flame/cloud effect for hitting, sort of like a tinier version of the plasma rifle's hit effect in Deus Ex. Kind of nitpicking, but it honestly does make me want to use the weapon less.

Also, that goddamn grenade launcher hybrid near the beginning took me by surprise and blew my head off. That's not a complaint or anything; I like the added difficulty. Pipe hybrids look a little weird swinging so fast, but at least fighting them is actually tense now.

Again, really liking this.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I have a few more things to add.

- Psi is still hideously expensive, and the combat psi disciplines don't seem terribly useful to me. At 5 psi and overloading everything, it still takes several hits for, say, electrokinesis to kill a cyborg assassin. In general, they seem grossly underpowered. After all, a psi hypo costs a lot of nanites and is only giving me 20psi per hypo, which is enough to kill, what, a *few* enemies with the tier 3 attack disiplines? My overloaded pyrokinesis doesn't even seem to be setting stuff on fire or having splash damage even though, with the overloading, it should be at psi 7. Oh, and the elektrokinesis bolts seem sort of slow and bad at detecting whether or not they're hitting stuff, and the homing ones have a tendency to get stuck in the level geometry and go nowhere, becoming a sort of weird electrical trap in the process.
- Automatic fire on the laser pistol probably shouldn't apply to the Overload setting, since it still makes you fire two shots, one after the cooldown, which is sorta weird.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hello fellow shockers!
Secmod is just awesome, playing it with a friend right now.
We have the same problem that was already mentioned  here - crash after entering Engineering deck.
One thing was bothering me also, it is a ridiculously high difficulty of hacking/modifying. The first security terminal had 80% difficulty and 63 (!) faulty nodes (ALL red, i was playing as hacker). Same goes for modify

We're using this mod setup in this exact order:
1. Rebirth Beta 01 - Complemented Version
2. SHTUP Beta 6
3. SS2_TF_Secmod_2.7
4. SecMod -- Rebirth Patch


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I've found a possible bug in Secmod. It's with the worm skin - the description says that it slowly drains psi points to stop the wearer from being eaten by his armour, but I've found that it slowly regenerates my psi instead. Is this intentional?

I'm running a fair few mods, but I don't think it's some sort of clash. They are:
SHTUP beta 6, Rebirth beta 01 complemented (with Secmod compatibility patch), fixed goo models, high-res player models, low tech weapon sounds, SHMUP, Tacticool wrench and laser pistol (with the Secmod compatibility patches installed) and vague enemy healthbar.

On another note: if you're taking requests, would it be possible to get hotkeys for annelid psi and health hypos? Spamming the 'h' key when you're cornered by 2 rumblers and a reaver is not fun...
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
The final version of the fixed goo was inluded with SHTUP, just saying.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
In the medical sector, there is a pistol which has a modification level 1 when you pick it up. It is there in the original SS2, but does not fit well with Secmod as you can perform all six modifications to it - although it only accepts one since then it is at level 2.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
For some reason modifying weapons doesn't work.

I have used widescreen mod and dx32 or whatever its called with the mod.  I disabled widescreen mod because I thought that was the issue and it didn't work.  Haven't tried removing dx32 yet.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
I tried to turn off DX32 and that didn't work either.

Used ubermensch code, that didn't work either.  I think something is wrong with my modify buttons.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Give a little more detail. What exactly happens when you try to modify a weapon?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Well I click the modify button, and it shows that big ass window with all the modifications in it, and I click on one and the window disappears.  At first I assumed the modification was done but then my nanite count was the same and the gun didn't seem to be affected.  To really make sure I used the ubermensch code and tried out the ammo count modification, but the weapon's clip size remained the same.  Every time I click on a modification the modify window closes and nothing happens.

66f8ca0ec1ab2Nameless Voice

Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
You need to right-click on the icon rather than left-clicking.
That "feature" will be fixed if there's ever another release of SecMod.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
That's one laid back Christmas tune in the video now.
Have a cookie TF.

66f8ca0ec1d78Nameless Voice


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Um...am I missing something? What video are we talking about?
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
In the first post.


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Oh, that's what that is. It wasn't loading for me, so I ignored it. Thanks.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
What is the status on this? Has the development stopped on this mod?


Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
That's one laid back Christmas tune in the video now.
Have a cookie TF.

who knew that retarded audioswap would eventually make sense
anyway thanks, nice holidays etc. everyone (no mod updates anytime soon im afraid)
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
Hi, playing this modification as we speak. Have run into a problem with the modification. When i klick the mods, i don't get to the hacking screen, and this yellow modify icon only flashes for a nanosecond when i right click the weapon. Any help appreciated.
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
first make sure you have the latest patch in the first post, second i think your ingame resolution needs to be at least 1024x768 for the icons to work right
Re: SS2 TF's Secmod 2.8
actually more likely what kolya said rofl

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