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Topic: Cut Content and SHODAN Fem Pronouns Read 319 times  


  • Company: N/A
This is a collection of two mods, and one that combines them.

Mod Features:
- A version of the game with cut audio logs, emails, icons, and enemies restored (Restored cut enemies currently not featured in combat, only viewable with an in game log explaining things (in Level 4: Storage) this is planned to change with future versions).

- A version of the game with Female Pronouns for audio logs and emails by and mentioning SHODAN since in the original game her pronouns as used by other characters is inconsistent, this changes it to make the logs and emails better fit with SHODAN's voice acting/character and System Shock 2 (this currently only affects text and not audio, and currently changes the english text, this is planned to change with future versions).
   ^ * This mod comes in both base log and proper log versions (the proper logs version is currently a work in progress)

- A version of the game with both cut content and female pronouns for logs and emails by and mentioning SHODAN (both of the previous limitations apply to this version as well).

Installation instructions are included in the README file


  • Company: N/A
This was posted a few years ago but I am making a new thread since the original one was archived. I was told to fix the CyberStrng however IIRC I did use the original cybstrng.res.

AFAIK everything else should work, it is the Enhanced/Proper Log version that is having an issue

The Original Topic can be found here:

I am mainly reposting this to find out whatever is wrong so I can fix it, though if the Proper Logs version is the only thing that is broken then it should work. I don't see why it needs to stay in Engineering Soley due to the WIP part of the mod crashing.


iirc the mod was based off the cybstrng.res that was modified to only work with SSEESP, causing issues with the other builds. if this is not the case, then it should be ok to mark this as good to go (but it seems like everything is still work in progress? if that's the case then Engineering is the correct place - generally speaking, a mod is moved to the proper subforum once it a) is stable, and b) does what it's meant to do. so "may crash your game sometimes" and "restores content but that content is not doing anything" is not going to cut it). and unlocked the original topic in case you need to post there for whatever reason.

would really recommend splitting the uber-archive into separate downloads, each having a proper mod format/structure though (maybe even separate topics, one for the restored content and the other for the logs).

also note that the latest version of proper logs already takes care of the few emails/logs that refer to Shodan as male (text and audio), so not sure where the fixed pronoun part of your mod is supposed to fit.
« Last Edit: 12. May 2024, 18:03:20 by voodoo47 »

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