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Topic: Damage numbers test Read 446 times  


Here's an experiment with adding damage numbers to SS2. Hey, Prey did it!

Can optionally combine consecutive damage received within a certain time window into a single popup, which is enabled in the above video.

Not sure if the numbers are big enough. Since they're HUD overlays, the size of the numbers is dependent on the HUD scale. Making them bigger would require a custom font, though it would be a font with only ten characters, so not much work to make.

One issue is that the numbers render behind the health bars, but that's just how custom overlays work, nothing we can do about it.

Code: [Select]
// Script configuration
const COMBINE_THRESHOLD = 250; // 250 works well for damage combining
const DMG_ANIM_TIME = 500;
const DMG_MAX_NUMS = 8;
const DMG_HUD_CON = "zbDmgCon";

// working variables
local _numList = [];
local xRef = int_ref();
local yRef = int_ref();
local xNum = 0;
local yNum = 0;
local t = 0;
local iter = 0;
local numObj = {};
local numPurge = 0;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class damageNumbers extends SqRootScript {
function OnDamage() {
local i, ai, hudObj, height, pos, num, lastDamage;
local m = message();
local AIHeights = [
["Assassin", 7.22],
["Human", 7.22],
["Midwife", 7.27],
["Protocol Droid", 6.72],
["Training Droid", 6.72],
["Once-Grunts", 7.42],
["Big Droids", 6.88],
["Rumbler", 8.61],
["SHODAN", 8.07]

// only display numbers for damage player caused
if (!Link.AnyExist("~CulpableFor", m.culprit, "Player")) {

// ensure overlay manager exists in current map
if (ObjID(DMG_HUD_CON)) {
hudObj = ObjID(DMG_HUD_CON);
else {
hudObj = Object.Create("Marker");
Object.SetName(hudObj, DMG_HUD_CON)
Property.Set(hudObj, "Scripts", "Script 0", "zbNumHudControl");

// handle damage stacking and multiple damage sources on same projectile
lastDamage = 0;
if (ShockGame.SimTime() - (GetData("LastDmgTime") || 0) <= COMBINE_THRESHOLD) {
for (i = _numList.len() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (_numList[i].obj == self) {
lastDamage = _numList.remove(i).text.tointeger();
SetData("LastDmgTime", ShockGame.SimTime());

// create damage number
num = {obj = self, state=0, text=(m.damage + lastDamage).tostring(), pos=vector(), startTime=ShockGame.SimTime(), xOffset=0, yOffset=0, xArc=0};
pos = Object.Position(self);
height = 0;
// no way to get raw creature height or bounding box, so look up in a table
// (this is for human-sized AIs only; smaller AIs just use the object center)
foreach (ai in AIHeights) {
if (Object.InheritsFrom(self, ai[0])) {
height = ((ai[1] * (HasProperty("CretScale") ? GetProperty("CretScale") : 1)) / 2) * 0.5;
num.pos = vector(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + height);

// add to render list
if (_numList.len() > DMG_MAX_NUMS) {
SendMessage(hudObj, "Show");

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HUD controller
class zbNumHudControl extends SqRootScript {
function OnShow() {

function OnEndScript() {

function destructor() {

function clobberAll() {
_numList = [];

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Display damage numbers in HUD
class dmgOverlayClass extends IShockOverlayHandler {
function DrawHUD() {
ShockOverlay.SetCustomFont(0, "metafont", "intrface\\");
numPurge = -1;
for (iter = 0; iter < _numList.len(); iter++) {
numObj = _numList[iter];
if (numObj.state == 0) {
ShockOverlay.GetStringSize(numObj.text, xRef, yRef);
numObj.xOffset = xRef.tointeger() / 2;
numObj.yOffset = yRef.tointeger();
numObj.xArc = Data.RandFltNeg1to1();
numObj.state = 1;
if (numObj.state == 1) {
t = (ShockGame.SimTime() - numObj.startTime).tofloat() / DMG_ANIM_TIME;
if (t < 1) {
if (ShockOverlay.WorldToScreen(numObj.pos, xRef, yRef)) {
xNum = xRef.tointeger() - numObj.xOffset;
numObj.xOffset += numObj.xArc;
//yNum = (yRef.tointeger() - yOffset) - sqrt(1-(--t)*t) * 25;
yNum = (yRef.tointeger() - numObj.yOffset) - (1 - ((1 - t) * (1 - t))) * 30;
ShockOverlay.SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
ShockOverlay.DrawString(numObj.text, xNum + 1, yNum + 1);
ShockOverlay.SetTextColor(250 - 70 * t, 20, 20);
ShockOverlay.DrawString(numObj.text, xNum, yNum);
else {
numObj.state = 2;
else {
numPurge = iter;
// clean up finished slots
if (numPurge > -1) {
_numList = _numList.slice(numPurge + 1);
if (_numList.len() == 0) {

// This must follow the class definition
dmgOverlay <- dmgOverlayClass();
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki


Speaking of which, for these sort of things is it the norm for the killing blow to display the potential damage, or the actual damage?

Like, should dropping a nuke on an earthworm display "-100000000", or "-1"?


my preference would be actual damage, meaning if a worm has 8 hp, takes 24 points of damage and is slain, the number displayed is 24, not 8.
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki
Another nice little addon. You do come up with some interesting ideas, and then apply them very well, ZB. I wish I had your talent.


Thanks but, y'know, I didn't come up with this sort of thing. I even cited Prey as the direct inspiration.


we are smarter than the Prey people.


Speaking of which, for these sort of things is it the norm for the killing blow to display the potential damage, or the actual damage?

Like, should dropping a nuke on an earthworm display "-100000000", or "-1"?

The potential damage number is arguably more useful, because it let's you know the true damage you're doing and how much overkill you're applying.

By the end of the game, hybrids will often die in 1 shot. By the damage numbers it might look like the pistol and assault rifle are doing the same damage because they both do an instant kill.

The numbers Mason, what do they mean?
Acknowledged by: Chandlermaki


Welp, it turns out there's one scenario where using metaproperties to add scripts to objects is completely useless-- when the object is set to not inherit scripts. Sigh.


yes, that one I really dislike, and the only thing you can do afaik is handle it locally, a map dml getting rid of the not inherit checkmark or adding the mod script on the concrete.

guess we could also handle this by simply editing the SCP maps and removing the few not inherit checkmarks permanently.


In this case the issue is more the gamesys. Several AI archetypes have scripts set with inherit disabled.

No choice but to assign directly to a script slot on those guys.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


I asked a while ago in the SCP suggestions thread if there could be some effort to reduce or remove the don't inherit flag on as many objects as possible, specifically because of this.

Keypads are some of the worst offenders iirc.


Most objects with Don't Inherit have it for a reason, because otherwise they'd inherit scripts that would mess things up.

The keypads thing was fixable because Irrational implemented two different ways to make keypads unhackable, presumably the awful way that requires a custom script first, then the better way by setting a negative code later.


Finally promoted this to the mods forum, since I've already put way more effort into this than I ever thought I would. Configurable color, automatic color, frame rate- and resolution-independent animation, dynamic font selection, yadda yadda.


already put way more effort into this than I ever thought I would.
by now you should know better.

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