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Topic: SS1 mission: Derelict
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Just finished this mod. Great work! There are a lot of unique and memorable locations as well an interesting puzzles and sudden scary traps.

First, I encountered some bugs related to enemies, couple of them are in the attachments. Anyway, one of the Mutated Cyborgs stuck inside flight bay, flight bots in SHODAN neural buds room are seem to be stuck, since one of them drifted way over to elevator, as well as Cortex Reavers since they didn't try to attack me besides throwing grenades. Also you crash if you try to use System Analyzer while inside Exterior Repair Pod.

Second, I managed to open the retinal scanner door without the head. If you crawl onto the desk in one of the viewing/office rooms you can reach big red button to open the door. You can keep as it is but if you want to change it you can just place the button on the opposite wall so the player won't see it.

Third, I really like the sense of free form objectives, where there is some sort of linearity in progression but not entirely, where you can fabricate chipsets in whatever order you see fit. Or you can ignore going into Alpha Grove and just go to level R for the second battery. But I couldn't go to the Engine (No maint required message) and while I can see it is optional there are no logs or hints about accessing this part.

Fourth, The cyberspace sections are really impressive, although incredibly easy to get lost in. I mean I still died there only one time because I played cyber 3 and my time limit ran out because there were so many paths with enemies I need to take out to progress and the only way out is by using the single Turbo Boost.

Anyway, again, great work! This mod is really refreshing, giving the sense of exploration and uneasiness just like in the OG game. Do you plan on doing voices for (audio)logs and custom textures? I would be willing to help.

P.S. The Groves are too big too render whole. I didn't see anyone discussing it here but there is a solution to low render distance.
Code: [Select]
r_view_radius_real 64
r_view_radius_cyber 64
These console commands for SS:EE enable maximum (I assume) render distance in real and cyberspace. The default ones are 13 and 12 respectively. With these I could see The Groves in their entire glory.
Thank you for playing! :)

I'll try to fix the crash bug. It might be that there are no cameras in that level. I will have to check it.
I don't think I can do much about the enemy spawns, but I could try to adjust the spawn areas out of the sloping tiles.

There is no engine room, those doors are unopenable.

I did consider moving the button before releasing, but left it as it is because I like the idea of multiple solutions. Although this makes the whole coolant section irrelevant. It is still interesting to explore the coolant section (I hope), but won't get any good rewards...

I'm very happy you enjoyed it!
I wanted to have audio logs, but didn't have the will to organize.
There are couple of customized textures I did (and some textures that are not used in original game).
I tried to make it feel like "System Shock 1.5" or official DLC for the original game and original textures suits well for that.

I wanted to make the groves (and main corridors) longer, but as you noticed the render distance is too short.

Making was quite burdensome and I did have to make some compromises. I also had quite a long pause 1/3 of the way.

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