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Topic: Vurt's Thief 2 Graphics Overhaul
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ok, rotation looks good, but the model offset has changed, will now sink into ground by 0.6572 if trying to apply the model on the map concretes which already are floored. also offset to the side, but that's probably not a big deal (the last two models with the same position, the sunken one offset to the left is the latest model).
Try this one.


I proclaim this model good to go - thanks as always.

buuuut.. just realized there needs to be a proper corpse model set up because the player can kill the plant, very sure @vurt does not have one, but lets find out before I bother you some more.
i don't have a model for that.

.bin, is there an easy way to import to blender? i'm doing 3D modelling for Morrowind right now, so if it's easy to get the model into blender 4.1 i can take a look and do a "dead" model.


check this, but no idea how to set everything up, Olfred would know.

attaching a corpse model suggestion.

its for some older blender. i just removed all my old blender versions, because its so annoying and messy/confusing to have to rely on more than 1. if Olfred wants to do a model i can do something with the textures, if needed, eg. add blood to stem or eye etc.
Currently I'm using a fork of nemyax blender plugin which seems to work up to Blender 3.6. I believe after that it's broken again.
The original one works up to 2.79 if I remember correctly.

Here's my blender file. On export you need to set Origin to "Object origin" for it to be at the right position. Also you can remove the "Limit Rotation" from the Constraints as it shouldn't rotate anymore.
If that's too much of a hassle you can also just give me a Blender file with your edits and I do the export stuff.
i'll have to give it a skip for now, might look into it later. just got too much with Morrowind right now. sorry :/
attaching a corpse model suggestion.
Do you want the cut off part on the model or just the stem? Or do you want the cut off as a standalone model to be used as gibs?

@vurt , do you have a texture ready I can use for the cut part of the stem?


no need for anything fancy, so just the base with some of the stem, basically the curved part with the eye gets destroyed and the base with the stem and its leaves will remain.

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