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The vanilla gameplay isn't that good, though.
I see no reason why any of those mods shouldn't load. anything unusual in the logs? started a completely new game?
I don't know. I just checked the thread for the mod and the complete version it mentions the inclusion of the psiamp and "not needing anything else".;topic=691
Now that's a hall of shame quote right there.
There is a warning stating "Too many mods active or paused" in the log.
try the dmm.exe from here (which one are you using right now btw?) and see what happens.//ok, random idea, try to shorten the SS2_Vaxquis_VintageSongRemake and SS2_DeNoised_CutscenesV1 foldernames (SS2_Vaxquis and SS2_DeNoised for example).
I guess this is something to do with the max length of the mod paths, which ss2bmm usually warns about, but maybe not DMM.
SS2 is a game where:Every single guide recommends a handful of skills, because the rest are borderline useless.Of the skills that are useful, most of their utility is front-loaded (Research, Modify, Hack), and higher level investment is always never worth it. In the case of Modify, the standard tactic is to get Modify to the level needed to get to weapon mod 1, then use a FE device to get to level 2, rendering high level Modify investment almost completely worthless. 1 point of Research (which is literally required) is enough to get a 10% damage bonus against every enemy, which is super powerful compared to the other benefits given by the Research skill.Every melee enemy can be instantly rendered harmless by backpedalling (including rumblers!!!!). You may have assault rifles, fusion cannons, and explosive grenades, but the S key remains your most effective weapon.The Security system mechanics are laughable, cameras are extremely easy to bypass, it's typical for even an inexperienced player to go through the whole game without ever setting off a single alarm. I have seen multiple lets-plays by fresh, new players who set off the alarm once in MedSci before they understand the mechanics, and then never ever set it off again because it's so easy and so quick to destroy cameras. The security mechanics might as well not exist. Even Bioshock did better here, because as terrible as the pipe-mania hacking minigame is, at least you couldn't just destroy all of the cameras with one easy, simple pistol shot.Psionics is a complete mess. Psi Overloading only applies to a handful of skills, a number of psi skills are almost completely useless (alarms time out faster), others have weird/wacky undocumented interactions (pyro field making you immune to incendiary damage), some are far too strong to actually be useful and are just a waste of psi points (advanced healing), and some really should be useful but are hamstrung by bad map design or countered by other mechanics (why use psi pull when you can shoot down most objects?).Some OS Upgrades are VERY good. Others are laughably bad. SCP already addresses this issue, so I know you agree with me on this one.Mechanics are not particularly well explained and constantly trip up new players (Repair vs Maintenance, for instance)Because of the above issues, and many others, Impossible difficulty isn't particularly difficult, and most veteran players already play on Impossible and still find the game not particularly difficult because it's so exploitable. Hybrids can boop you in 1 hit? Bro just backpedal. Everything costs lots of CMs? Just don't buy the crap skills. By the time you get up to Command, the difficulty essentially plateaus and the rest of the game is piss easy, but even before that point the game is pretty easy after the cargo bays, which is the hardest part of the entire game because it's a gauntlet that you will likely face before your overpowered min-max build is really online.SS2 is a very good game in terms of it's atmosphere and what it tried to do at the time. Making an FPS-RPG hybrid with that level of depth is downright impressive. But the implementation absolutely sucked. SCP fixes some of these issues, but mods like Repairman and RSD are needed to fix most of the rest. At that point, SS2 becomes far less cheesable and is much, much better than the out of box experience, ESPECIALLY for veteran players who are probably so familiar with how exploitable the game is at this point that they likely do entire playthroughs without needing to have a single independent thought, because the game is so completely rote because it's so utterly broken in it's fundamental design. Unfortunately, by deluding themselves into thinking the gameplay is actually excellent and all criticism is just mindless whining from clueless call of duty players, a lot of veteran players are missing out on an actually good modded SS2 experience that makes them think and strategise and use their brain the way the game likely did the first time they played. Their bias is literally preventing them from having a more fun experience.If you think this criticising the vanilla gameplay is "hall of shame" worthy, then I'm sorry but you're just plain wrong. SCP has had to fix a lot of the vanilla design issues, but even then, it's only a drop in the bucket towards fixing everything. Other mods are required to really fix all of the problems and make the game fun/interesting again for people who have already "solved it".
The balance issues suck in SS2 but the best part about that is nothing is notably overpowered.
Standard Weapons?The Assault Rifle is hands-down the best weapon in Vanilla. It's still really good even after being nerfed by ss2tool and SCP, is available the earliest of all the 6-skill weapons, and has the most ammo readily available and the most enemy types it can damage.I remember running through BotM two-shotting Rumblers with anti-personnel rounds. It's definitely overpowered
ok, nope, that "Too many mods active or paused" thing is random, was able to replicate and it has nothing to do with foldername lengths or anything, it just comes and goes, or so it would seem.also, migraine cyberspace is a level texture mod, so yeah, if you have multiple loaded (Four Hundred), then you will have to give it a higher priority, I thought that was clear.
Now I know that in dark mod manager this is load PRIORITY and not load ORDER
It has to be at least a little to justify all those Cybermodules
oh yes, we do get this complaint every five years or so, never really understood why a few people think this way but some do. so yes, if multiple mods modify the same thing, whatever has the position closest to the top of the list will end up shown in the game.
Regarding the arguments on vanilla gameplay, I don't really understand why one would go through so much effort to change how the game mechanics fundamentally function. Do you not like the game for what it is?
Also essentially all first person shooters well into the 2010's (with few exceptions) could basically be "cheesed" by two basic tactics: running backwards down a hallway shooting while an overly aggressive enemy attempts to hit you with a melee attack or by circle straffing while shooting an enemy with a ranged attack. This was countered in the early days by the use of hit scan which I've seen more complaints about being "cheap' than anything else. Later games (once the computational capabilities of hardware improved) were programmed with better AI which lead to enemies falling back or flanking but this could more often than not be addressed by either waiting the enemy out or side step shooting around a corner. Human players are resourceful and will always find ways to exploit enemy AI tendencies one way or another.
I will be, next playthrough.