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Topic: Mod priorities? Read 2411 times  


Hello! New member here.

Some of my mods don't seem to be working, so I wanted to see how I could correct my mod priorities.

Please let me know!


looks ok, what doesn't work exactly?


voodoo47Ah, I believe I spoke with you on Steam asking about the same issue.

Anyway, putting the soundtrack mod as top priority didn't work, plus the audio overall sounds like it outputs lower quality than something like 44100 Hz or 48000.

I've uploaded my settings in the attachments below.


looks standard upon quick glance (you probably did not edit anything manually so no surprise), ss2bmm.log would be of more interest.

still, if you can hear the difference, then the mod is active, and if it sounds off, then the only thing you can do is not use the mod, probably.
« Last Edit: 13. January 2025, 11:58:53 by voodoo47 »


voodoo47I think I see the problem: the .log is saying that too many mods are active. I'll try getting rid of some mods that I don't need much. Thanks!


ok, something weird is going on, 10 mods definitely isn't too many.


voodoo47Okay, well, I removed some mods and reinstalled 400 and SHTUP, and now my Shotgun Hybrids' shotguns look fucked up.


yes, mid game deactivation/activation. you will have to ignore this, the new spawns will be ok.


I'm using ~15 mods with no problem, you shouldn't have a "too many mods" error.
[modlist.PNG expired]
« Last Edit: 14. January 2025, 02:57:22 by sarge945 »


sarge945Strange. Could it be because I'm using DMM instead?


AFAIK the mod managers simply update the games config files in order to add the extra paths for the mod data to the games data paths.

Unless DMM is doing some shenanigans, it should be the same.
I'd like to have a look at the actual mod folder, and more importantly, the DMM config file, dmm.cfg. No, this should not happen (normally). cam_mod.ini would also be nice.

The calculation is: (63 - prefix mods - postfix mods) divided by 2 if override mod folders activated must be greater or equal than the list of mods.
By default, for SS2 at least, this would be 62 (patch_ext counts as a mod), which is of course higher than 10. The 63 is hardcoded according in line with NewDark docu, but it could be made configurable.
« Last Edit: 21. January 2025, 19:36:28 by Marvin »


I have a T2 install I'm not touching (for a different purpose though), here is everything;
Quote by dmm.log:
Mods setup log - Dark engine mod manager 1.0
Created: 26 February 2024, 01:30:00

Thief2.exe version: 1.27
Mods folder path: C:\Users\M\Desktop\thief tests\Thief2 dvd t2fix\MODS\

Warning: Too many mods are active or paused.

 #  Name          Status  Type
--  ------------  ------  ------------------------
 1  EP2           Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 2  Candles       Paused  DML
 3  CarryBody     Paused  Replacement/Other, DML
 4  t2water       Paused  Replacement/Other
 5  t2skies       Paused  Replacement/Other, DML
 6  NewT2SFX      Paused  Replacement/Other
 7  EP            Paused  Replacement/Other
 8  Thief2 Fixed  Paused  Gamesys, CFG, DML, Level
 9  Subtitles     Paused  Subtitle
10  T2FMDML       Paused  Replacement/Other, DML

mod_path .\MODS\EP2+*.\MODS\Candles+*.\MODS\CarryBody+*.\MODS\t2water+*.\MODS\t2skies+*.\MODS\NewT2SFX+*.\MODS\EP+*.\MODS\Thief2 Fixed+*.\MODS\Subtitles+*.\MODS\T2FMDML

movie_path .\MOVIES

Listing of mods folder content:

   t2skies README.html
Thief2 Fixed\
   miss1 - Copy.mis
Quote by dmm.cfg:
; Configuration File - Dark engine mod manager 1.0
application.createLogFile 1
application.showTooltips 1
application.showExtractTip 1
application.version 1.0
game.baseMoviePath .\MOVIES
game.folderPath C:\Users\M\Desktop\thief tests\Thief2 dvd t2fix
game.executableFile Thief2.exe
game.installConfigFile DARKINST.CFG
game.modsFolder MODS
game.archivesFolder DMMArchives
window.isMaximized 0
window.listColumnOrder index name status type
window.position 377 139
window.size 1166 875
Quote by cam_mod.ini:
; ----------
; FM options
; ----------

; FM selection can also be done with command-line options (which override mod.ini)
;   -fm        : to start the FM Selector
;   -fm=name   : to start game with 'name' as active FM

; always start the FM Selector (if one is present)

; start game with FM (the name is the FM's directory name, located in the FM path)
;fm TheDarkMansion

; to specify a path other than the default "FMs" (the specified path must exist or
; it won't be accepted and the game falls back to the default path)
;fm_path .\FMs

; a single relative path name to override the FM movie directory
; default is "Movies" for Thief and "cutscenes" for Shock
;fm_movie_dir Movies

; define the library name of an alternative FM Selector, the default is "fmsel.dll"
;fm_selector fmsel.dll

; prevent the FM Selector DLL to be unloaded when continuing to main game (can be useful
; if you experience crashes when FM Selector closes)

; an FM Selector is a separate library (DLL) containing a utility, usually a UI based
; application that lists the available FMs and lets the user pick which one to run.
; A selector could range from a simple list box with the FM names to a full blown
; manager with extended info, last played timestamps, sorting/filtering etc.

; ---------
; Mod paths
; ---------

; the max path count is 63 for "uber_mod_path" and "mod_path" combined
; (avoid an excessive amount of paths, it can make file handling slower)
; the full path search order is (starting with highest priority)
;     uber_mod_path -> FM dir (if active) -> mod_path -> resname_base(/movie_path/etc.)

; these are mod paths that override the active FM in the search order
;uber_mod_path mods\UpToDateOSMs+MyGemMod
uber_mod_path .\OSM

; these are normal mod paths which are applied after the active FM in the search order
;mod_path MyBowMod+.\TexturePack
mod_path .\MODS\EP2+*.\MODS\Candles+*.\MODS\CarryBody+*.\MODS\t2water+*.\MODS\t2skies+*.\MODS\NewT2SFX+*.\MODS\EP+*.\MODS\Thief2 Fixed+*.\MODS\Subtitles+*.\MODS\T2FMDML
1.0 is rather ancient of a version.

Could you try this fresh debug build? It should log active and max count to a log window during update or apply calls.
Maybe back up your config files beforehand.
[dmm.exe expired]


the tricky part is that this is kind of random, and it happened on my latest TG install which has 1.1.1, and all I did to make it go away was pausing and then unpausing one mod. now it's not happening there anymore. ooh there we go;

Quote by dmm.log:
Mods setup log - Dark engine Mod Manager 1.1.1
Created: 21 January 2025, 21:21:46

Thief.exe version: 1.27
Mods folder path: C:\Users\M\Desktop\new tfix\Thief Gold\MODS\

Warning: Too many mods are active or paused.

 #  Name                     Status  Type
--  -----------------------  ------  ----------------------
 1  T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7      Active  Replacement/Other
 2  EP2                      Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 3  ESRGAN                   Active  Replacement/Other
 4  CANDLES                  Active  DML
 5  Carry Body               Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 6  T2 Skies                 Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 7  T2 Water                 Active  Replacement/Other
 8  T2 Style World Textures  Active  Replacement/Other
 9  T2 Style AI Meshes       Active  Replacement/Other, DML
10  EP                       Active  Replacement/Other, DML
11  FMdml                    Active  Replacement/Other, DML
12  RESBASE                  Active  Replacement/Other

mod_path .\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7\Thief1+.\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7+.\MODS\EP2\Thief1+.\MODS\EP2+.\MODS\ESRGAN\Thief1+.\MODS\ESRGAN+.\MODS\CANDLES\Thief1+.\MODS\CANDLES+.\MODS\Carry Body\Thief1+.\MODS\Carry Body+.\MODS\T2 Skies\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Skies+.\MODS\T2 Water\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Water+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes+.\MODS\EP\Thief1+.\MODS\EP+.\MODS\FMdml\Thief1+.\MODS\FMdml+.\MODS\RESBASE\Thief1+.\MODS\RESBASE

movie_path .\movies

Listing of mods folder content:

Carry Body\
T2 Skies\
T2 Style AI Meshes\
T2 Style World Textures\
T2 Water\
Quote by dmm.cfg:
; Configuration File - Dark engine Mod Manager 1.1.1
application.createLogFile 1
application.showTooltips 1
application.showExtractTip 1
application.version 1.1.1
game.baseMoviePath .\movies
game.folderPath C:\Users\M\Desktop\new tfix\Thief Gold
game.executableFile Thief.exe
game.installConfigFile install.cfg
game.modsFolder MODS
game.archivesFolder DMMArchives
game.dataOverrideSubfolder Thief1
window.isMaximized 0
window.listColumnOrder index name status type
window.position 473 263
window.size 750 600
Quote by cam_mod.ini:
; ----------
; FM options
; ----------

; FM selection can also be done with command-line options (which override mod.ini)
;   -fm        : to start the FM Selector
;   -fm=name   : to start game with 'name' as active FM

; always start the FM Selector (if one is present)

; start game with FM (the name is the FM's directory name, located in the FM path)
;fm TheDarkMansion

; to specify a path other than the default "FMs" (the specified path must exist or
; it won't be accepted and the game falls back to the default path)
;fm_path .\FMs

; a single relative path name to override the FM movie directory
; default is "Movies" for Thief and "cutscenes" for Shock
;fm_movie_dir Movies

; define the library name of an alternative FM Selector, the default is "fmsel.dll"
fm_selector fmsel.dll

; prevent the FM Selector DLL to be unloaded when continuing to main game (can be useful
; if you experience crashes when FM Selector closes)

; an FM Selector is a separate library (DLL) containing a utility, usually a UI based
; application that lists the available FMs and lets the user pick which one to run.
; A selector could range from a simple list box with the FM names to a full blown
; manager with extended info, last played timestamps, sorting/filtering etc.

; ---------
; Mod paths
; ---------

; the max path count is 63 for "uber_mod_path" and "mod_path" combined
; (avoid an excessive amount of paths, it can make file handling slower)
; the full path search order is (starting with highest priority)
;     uber_mod_path -> FM dir (if active) -> mod_path -> resname_base(/movie_path/etc.)

; these are mod paths that override the active FM in the search order
;uber_mod_path mods\UpToDateOSMs+MyGemMod
uber_mod_path OSM

; these are normal mod paths which are applied after the active FM in the search order
;mod_path MyBowMod+.\TexturePack
mod_path .\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7\Thief1+.\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7+.\MODS\EP2\Thief1+.\MODS\EP2+.\MODS\ESRGAN\Thief1+.\MODS\ESRGAN+.\MODS\CANDLES\Thief1+.\MODS\CANDLES+.\MODS\Carry Body\Thief1+.\MODS\Carry Body+.\MODS\T2 Skies\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Skies+.\MODS\T2 Water\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Water+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes+.\MODS\EP\Thief1+.\MODS\EP+.\MODS\FMdml\Thief1+.\MODS\FMdml+.\MODS\RESBASE\Thief1+.\MODS\RESBASE

//aaand here we go:
wxWidgets Library (wxMSW port)
Version 3.2.4 (Unicode: wchar_t, debug level: 2),
compiled at Jan 21 2025 19:48:32

Runtime version of toolkit used is 6.1.

Current active mod count during update: 12 compared to max count 63
Current active mod count during update: 12 compared to max count 63

Mods setup log - Dark engine Mod Manager 1.1.1 Debug
Created: 21 January 2025, 22:01:50

Thief.exe version: 1.27
Mods folder path: C:\Users\M\Desktop\new tfix\Thief Gold\MODS\

Warning: Too many mods are active or paused.

 #  Name                     Status  Type
--  -----------------------  ------  ----------------------
 1  T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7      Active  Replacement/Other
 2  EP2                      Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 3  ESRGAN                   Active  Replacement/Other
 4  CANDLES                  Active  DML
 5  Carry Body               Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 6  T2 Skies                 Active  Replacement/Other, DML
 7  T2 Water                 Active  Replacement/Other
 8  T2 Style World Textures  Active  Replacement/Other
 9  T2 Style AI Meshes       Active  Replacement/Other, DML
10  EP                       Active  Replacement/Other, DML
11  FMdml                    Active  Replacement/Other, DML
12  RESBASE                  Active  Replacement/Other

mod_path .\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7\Thief1+.\MODS\T2_HighPolyMod_v3.7+.\MODS\EP2\Thief1+.\MODS\EP2+.\MODS\ESRGAN\Thief1+.\MODS\ESRGAN+.\MODS\CANDLES\Thief1+.\MODS\CANDLES+.\MODS\Carry Body\Thief1+.\MODS\Carry Body+.\MODS\T2 Skies\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Skies+.\MODS\T2 Water\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Water+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style World Textures+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes\Thief1+.\MODS\T2 Style AI Meshes+.\MODS\EP\Thief1+.\MODS\EP+.\MODS\FMdml\Thief1+.\MODS\FMdml+.\MODS\RESBASE\Thief1+.\MODS\RESBASE

movie_path .\movies

Listing of mods folder content:

Carry Body\
T2 Skies\
T2 Style AI Meshes\
T2 Style World Textures\
T2 Water\
« Last Edit: 21. January 2025, 21:04:53 by voodoo47 »


the good news is I think the mods are actually getting loaded even if the log throws that error - I still can see the hires objects and textures loaded (his issue with the audio mod was not related to this, I believe). I (and anyone else so far, for that matter) also never got into a situation where mods would not be loading for no apparent reason (and I do mess around with this a lot, as you'd expect), so maybe it's not an issue unless someone actually does have too many mods loaded.
« Last Edit: 22. January 2025, 01:06:42 by voodoo47 »
No, the warning is just a warning, it will always let you modify the path.
Seems the counter is correct, but the warning is still wrong. I don't know why, as the process is synchronous, but I can try some more things.

Given that I cannot reproduce the problem locally, where debugging would make it trivial to find the problem: How difficult would it be to just send me the entire folder? 7z, highes compression, Google Drive?


would be annoying, I'm 97% full on all my gdrives. if you have space, maybe you could share a folder, and I'll drop it it? let me see how large is the smallest install where this sometimes can be replicated (again, it's kind of random).

urgh, 3.5Gb. lets see whether I can downsize it a bit.
I probably have some space.

BUT, just to be sure: The warning - is it only showing in the logs, or only the HUD status bar, or both? Or is it totally random?


randomly in the log, never noticed the hud complain about anything.

one update - I think you actually have to go ingame for the log warning to appear. as in, you configure the mods, apply and exit, check the log and it's ok, then you go ingame, exit, check the log and it has the warning now. but, again, not always.
« Last Edit: 26. January 2025, 13:31:10 by voodoo47 »
Thanks. I could replicate it now, so fix in the works.
Acknowledged by: voodoo47


Good morning. My list prioritized mod is jus here. Everything work fluently like charm. Checked from start to end and I am not having idea how to mod better, everything work perfect. Very important is right prioritize subsequent consecutive.

01. "Vurt Goo (Biomatter v1.0)"
02. "bigearth"
03. "SS2_LarkSS_sounds"
04. "Vurt Goo (Dripping v1.0)"
05. "Vurt-Goo-(GrubPodVanilla-1.04)"
06. "Vurt's SS2 Flora Overhaul 1.0k"
07. "Vurt's SS2 WormPod v1.0b"
08. "Vurt's SS2 Water v5.1"
09. "Vurt Goo (Biomatter v1.0)"
10. "Vurt's Hi-Res Space v1.1"
11. "SS2 Black Egg 1.02"
12. "SS2_Vaxquis_VintageSongRemake"
13. "FFD-RebirthMidwifePinkSkin"
14. "FFD-RebirthMidwifeSkin"
15. "Four Hundred v21U"
16. "SS2_Rebirth_v05b"
17. "RealSG_Rebirth_1.05"
18. "ErinBloome"
19. "SHTUP-ND beta 2"
20. "hiresplayermodel"
21. "where_am_i_extreme_retro_v1"
22. "vurts space png  earth adaob"
23. "TC-Pistol-ADaoB028compat-v1.1b"
24. "Tacticool_complete_v1.05"
25. "Tacticool-Pistol-v1.1"
26. "Tacticool-GrenadeLauncher v1.0"
27. "Tacticool Wrench v1.1b"
28. "Tacticool Shotgun v1.0"
29. "Tacticool Laser Pistol v1.1"
30. "Tacticool Assault Rifle v1.0"
31. "SS2_Kolya_loadingScreenMod"
32. "SS2_Eldron_psi-amp_v2"
33. "no_lazer_droid"
34. "Kaucukovnik_Worms_v2"
35. "HUD Logs v2"
36. "English Subtitles"
37. "Complete-RocketGunsPack"

I am carefully checked this list and is just playing whole game and everything work perfect. My version game is 2.48

« Last Edit: 03. February 2025, 02:10:55 by Alan001 »



if you have Tacticool complete, you don't need any other Tacticool weapon, or Edrone's psi amp (as the main Tacticool post explains). the extra midwife skins, pick one. "vurts space earth adaob" or "bigearth", same deal, you don't need both. subtitles should have very high/highest priority, SHTUP (in your case) the lowest.

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