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Well isn't that something. Ok while we're on the topic, is there a way to save an editor game so if you want to debug something in a later level you don't need to go through the whole game to set up all the mission/plot states and stuff?
if there's a way to save your game in the editor and load it up again, that would probably be ideal.
But this button just saves quest data? What if I want the placement of the potted plants to be just where I threw them? Wouldn't I need a proper save to capture everything?
Like when you're playing the vanilla game and you get to say engineering and you save the game, you have medsci1, medsci2 and engineering in the save folder with a file size that doesn't match the original so I'm assuming whatever you did in those levels before leaving them (killed some monsters, relocated some items, opened some doors, etc) is saved in some sort of state data in those mis files right (or maybe it just re-saves the mis file when you leave it)? So that's what I want to do from the editor, so that when I warp into level 3 or whatever, and I decide to go back to level 2, everything is just as it was when I left it. Otherwise, I would think that starting in level 3 and going back to a fresh level 2 might break a bunch of stuff that isn't necessarily related to quests. I can't be more specific because I've been replaying the game from scratch every time so this hasn't been an issue.
are you aware there are rules to follow (and if not followed, pain will ensue)?
I want all the "stuff" that level 3 needs to work properly (from the other levels) to work
AND I want to go back and forth to the previous levels and have all of them in a "used" condition, reflecting their already-activated condition. Otherwise my inventory is all fucked, I have no skills, my logs aren't up to date, whatever...
type set game_mode_backup 0 in the editor command window and hit enter, go ingame, create the save (quick or regular), exit the editor
to answer the question, type set game_mode_backup 0 in the editor command window and hit enter, go ingame, create the save (quick or regular), exit the editor (NEVER save your map in the editor after doing this) and you can load the save with the regular exe.
ZB I get what you're saying about resource caches and cheat codes but sounds clumsy and stapled-together to me.
Level transitioning in the editor is disabled by default for a reason - the editor simply cannot handle it.
What's not apparent about "Testing a level directly is faster than replaying the entire campaign from the beginning"? That seems, like, super duper apparent.