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Topic: SBF: Server crash earlier this month Read 1067 times  

Tags: °SBF
Lately a  few attachments  turned up a 404 (attachment missing). Upon investigation I learned that older attachments with extensions zip/rar/mp3/exe were missing. Those were put up when we didn't encrypt the file names yet (and hence changed the extensions on the server).
After speaking with our host it turned out that the server had crashed on 8th of June. The technician then spoiled the RAID. :D Eventually secondary backups were put into place. But by default the file types zip/rar/mp3/exe are not being backup'ed by the host to reduce the backup-size. 

However I have backups of all missing files and have re-uploaded a large part already, keeping download counts and encrypting file names, reducing the risk of file loss in future.

While this mess may shine an unfavourable light on our host, I'd like to point out that it's the first time something like this happened in 8 years I'm with them. They provide us with an awesome server uptime, individual service and special privileges that make it possible to run this site in the first place.
So no hard feelings, just a bit of work for me. I'll make another note here once I'm finished, which will probably be today.

I'd like to thank wrench for reporting the missing attachments and thereby bringing the problem to my attention.
« Last Edit: 27. March 2010, 15:08:42 by Kolya »
All files known to be missing have been re-uploaded. Please report any broken attachments or links. Thank you.
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