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Topic: SS2 Traduzione Italiana Read 40177 times  

Hi there!!

First of all I would like to say thanks for the great job!!
To replay a beautiful game like SS2 with your mods makes it a great experience!!
I installed all the patches and all the mods I found here in the web site and I'm really enjoying my time   (nothing to compare with the last ones in commerce...) :thumbwink:
I would like to ask you something: I found here patches that able to play in other languages...
Exist also an old patch that translate all the texts in Italian... but with a problem: it work just with the original game....
If I put the mods doesn't works anymore...
My question is.....
Do you think is possible to look at that and to see if is possible to fix it so I can use it with the last releases of the game?!
Here the link where is possible to find this file...


Thanks a lot!! ;)
« Last Edit: 03. October 2014, 12:35:30 by Kolya »
Re: Translate SS2 in Italian
Tags: °translation °SS2

This should work.

EDIT: version 1.2 contains fixed misc.str file (more info)
EDIT: Videos with Italian subtitles added, courtesy of motoko. (more info)
EDIT: Added reviewed translation by Motoko.
« Last Edit: 03. October 2016, 18:12:03 by Kolya »


Re: Translate SS2 in Italian
(sorry for my english   ;) )

In these days I try to make a translation of this game in Italian.
Starting from the first translation idea!
because I notice that in the screens that appeared when your character finished his training work, during the first second and third year at the beginning of the Game, the text about the story of the training EXCEEDS the line at the bottom of the screen!

an example:


Image: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8970/ss2marine22.jpg

Look at the last line:

Hai guadagnato +1 Armi Energetiche e +1 Affinita' Cibernetica

in english: You've gained +1 Energy Weapons and +1 Cybernetic Affinity

and this is only 1 example of the many others!
« Last Edit: 30. September 2009, 12:25:37 by Semilux »
Re: Translate SS2 in Italian
My dear Kolya, your patch works perfectly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbwink:
Really good job!!
Thannnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssss!! :D
X Semilux: I wait news from you... BTW actually I'm glad that I can use the old patch in the new version!! :sweat:


Lambo  :rolleyesgreen:
i think "translation projects" are very important.
If a translation is not good
the Game losts most of the atmosphere.
After minutes passed to examinate all .CRF files and .TXT files to find
possibilities of translation... you can see that the italian translation
has made by a lot of HANDS.

The sense of many sentences (and some txts in general) has been twisted!
especially at the beginning of the Game
when you choose the school of training you want to do to advance in abilities.
I hope don't get confused!!  :p

Anyway better then nothing!! :)
In the past I used other amatorial translations (like for Clive Barker's Undying!!) and I found them ok even with some errors (expecially grammatical!!)...
The important is to understand the base of the game... and the practice make the rest!!
It's important an italian translation because on the web I found many people fans of this game... and I think a translation help to make a deeper experience...

That's why I wait news from you too!!  :thumbwink:
I think this thread needs a refresh. I hate dust, I love this game, and I'm Italian obviously. I have no problems playing it in English, but I understand that the story is not so simple for who's not trained. Don't know if Semilux is still working on that revision he spoken about, (4 years passed...I don't think so.) but sincerly I don't see real reasons for such a work. And the problem with the training results texts is easy to fix. The real problem, is that the translation is vanilla.
A nice work I think will be an adaptation of this mod that suits a specific System mod. I started with SecMod 'cause I can't play without it, and Keybinds now are ok, but less simple addings need to be done for the correct descriptions of many objects, the new modifications and so on... All this things are messed up.
This could be useful also for other translations. Once identified the lines to add or change, multiples corrections in every translation mod could be done...
What do you think about it guys?


I think this thread needs a refresh. I hate dust, I love this game, and I'm Italian obviously.
Just the person I was looking for. :) There are some untranslated texts.
See the text file here 

italian audiolog page:
I couldn't find the name of the translator, so I put "???" there.
This could be useful also for other translations. Once identified the lines to add or change, multiples corrections in every translation mod could be done...
What do you think about it guys?
Custom translations for Secmod and possibly SCP (once it's out) would certainly be welcome. I think they should all be collected here, as a one-stop translation point for Italian players. If you can provide any, I'll gladly add them as separate downloads in the second post.
Just the person I was looking for. :) There are some untranslated texts.
See the text file here 

italian audiolog page:
I couldn't find the name of the translator, so I put "???" there.

Hi unn_atropos.
Ok. I take the Italian job!
About the Italian translators now I've found this page: http://www.oldgamesitalia.net/traduzioni/system-shock-2. It is the same patch loaded here. Another dusted page...
Custom translations for Secmod and possibly SCP (once it's out) would certainly be welcome. I think they should all be collected here, as a one-stop translation point for Italian players. If you can provide any, I'll gladly add them as separate downloads in the second post.

nice. started...

I've also found some really bad translations, at least in CHARGEN.STR, as mentioned by semilux, and possibly even worst. Push in place of Pull and many others (and bigger) meaning errors. So, I will do a deep check...


yeah, I know exactly what you are talking about.

also, SCP, being so close to the vanilla game, does not really need customized translation - as long as the orig translation is usable for the vanilla game, it should do just fine for SCP as well.


...e bravo motoko!

Anche io mi immolo per la causa, ci fosse bisogno di aiuto! La puzza del traduttore di google si sente a chilometri di distanza!

I can offer my help for the italian translation too! The smell of google translator is everywhere!
I've had problems with the PC. but with a bunch of modifications, now I'm back to business..!

Hi franz4ever. I'll contact you soon, thanks!
With the great contribute of Franz4ever, 3 mods are in progress :)

SS2_Traduzione Italiana by franz4ever [In progress]
Fully reviewed translation
Traduzione completamente rivista

SS2_SecMod_Ita [Cryogenized project]
To fully enjoy this legendary Mod
Per apprezzare pienamente questa mitica Mod

SS2_Ita_Video_v1.0 [Complete]
The 3 videos with printed Italian subtitles
I 3 video con sottotitoli in Italiano sovraimpressi
« Last Edit: 22. May 2015, 09:02:15 by motoko »
Mitico si traduce "legendary": in inglese, "mythic" possiede un'ineffabile connotazione negativa... e cioè che quel "mito", in realtà, non è vero.

As to say: that italian word, in English, is generally translated "legendary".
The 3 videos with printed Italian subtitles
I 3 video con sottotitoli in Italiano sovraimpressi

Someone could enlighten me on arranging these videos in a Mod..?  Thanks!
« Last Edit: 27. March 2014, 18:20:18 by motoko »
I think you would just place all the videos in a "cutscenes" folder. Should work fine with Blue's Mod Manager then.


Not sure if BlueModManager can handle the modding for cutscenes.
At any rate, it would probably need to produce something like this in install.cfg.
If it doesn't, then the user would need to do so.

Code: [Select]
movie_path .\cutscenes+.\Data\cutscenes\italian+.\Data\cutscenes
The last directory would contain the language-independent videos, whereas the second one holds the 3 translated movies.
Thanks for your help! I'll do some tests...

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