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Topic: [Obsolete] SS2 Zombe Level Selector Read 59317 times  

Tags: °mis °SS2 °obsolete

Please note that there is an updated version of this mod by Miracle.Freak.

This is a modified version of the earth.mis file. It basically contains the usual first "level" in which you start any new game in System Shock 2. Likewise you can use this level and play SS2 just as usual without any drawbacks.
EDIT: There actually is one minor drawback: In the training facilities you don't get the skills to complete them anymore. (As discussed on TTLG.) Okay, but who needs training... ;)

If you take a good look around you will find a new and very impressive part of the level.
Some of this was already a part of the original earth-level but wasn't accessible before Zombe laid his hands on it.  :thumb:

Here Zombe built a level selector allowing you to go directly to any of the levels in the game, picking up some necessities like guns, cyber modules, etc. first before you jump into the action.  It's all done very nicely with the booths to get your needed stuff matching the theme of the according level. Unfortunately Zombe never finished it though and it might happen that you get stuck on a level when using the level selector.

Here's what Zombe says about that:
Quote by Zombe:
Provides direct access to all levels from earth. On some levels you get stuck unfortunately - as i haven't put the needed traps in.
(modifyed earth.mis)


todo: lot of questbit need to be set - you currently may get stuck in the level you teleported into.
todo: fix somehow the trainings ... i think i have a solution here ...


I use this mod almost all of the time. Though I seldomly teleport into levels (only to check certain modded levels). I like to marvel at the new parts of earth though. If you run into any problems (like getting stuck) please report here.

EDIT: Fixed a minor error in the dir-structure of this mod. It had been downloaded 42 times before.
« Last Edit: 29. December 2016, 11:58:15 by Moderator »

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Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Any idea why the Psi barriers will not deactivate? :borg:
Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Because you walked past them.
It's meant to keep you from getting all the loot from the higher decks and then jump into med/sci.

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Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
wow, I am an idiot... :borg:
Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Haha, I was wondering about that myself the first time. ;)


Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Zombe's Level selector is a great one but it certainly needs some fixes. I love the design, couldn't be better. The original thread at TTLG is dead for years now(!) so I've decided to post it here.

1. Chemicals for researching those implants and weapons: instead of creating storerooms in each level booth with appropriate chemical according to manifest logs I suggest creating one storeroom at the beginning with all the chemicals provided in sufficient number like 10. Anyway I've always piled all chemicals from each deck in the elvator so I've got them all at my current deck at all times. Yep, elevator is a nice place for researching...and playing swine games that is. :P

2. Organs to be fair: As long as the researching is possible, let's add organs
 hybrid organ and monkey brain after medsci
 midwife spine base after engineering
 worm grubs and spider organs after hydro
 swarm grubs after ops
 rumbler organ after rec
 psi-reaver organ after command?
 any missing?

3. OS upgrade stations: why are those missing?
 first after medsci
 second after hydro
 beat me I'm not sure about the other two now, doh! (maybe rec and Rickenbacker?)

4. Exotic weapons slot upgradable: Cannot be bought in the current state. There have to be markers by first crystal shards in ops level with script that enables this upgrade or something like that.

5. Deck 5 rec is unaccessable by common means before meeting Polito. Maybe a DECK 5 CREW card would help a little.

6. About the skill requirements in trainings. Well, Zombe said he might find a solution but it's not clear now whether it worked. I have some ideas myself but consider that I am aware of ShockEd or DromEd and this modding whatnot for three days now I think. So I might be babbling quite laughable garbage now for an experienced mapper or something that comes natural for everyone...but it's worth a try, no?
Well... maybe the skills may be reverted to original and make the "point-of-no-return marker which turns on the HUD just before the level booths" also do nullifying of those skills. Too easy to be possible?
Here's another idea. Why not cut the whole "booths section" in completely new e.g. levsel.mis and make an exit point in the place heading to levsel.mis. Just like the skills are nullified before entering station.mis (or at least I think so) they could be nullified before entering levsel.mis.
Even more so this way levsel.mis could be connected to those game maps which are normally independant from earth.mis and station.mis (they mention something like that in ShockEd tutorial) and that would make it more possible to get Zygoptera's Ultimate Spawn mod and his cube thing selection implemented right in Level Selector thus levsel.mis no? But that's just additional thinking and who knows what might happen if you get through the spawn mode selection twice - first in levsel and then in medsci...maybe nothing and the second selection will override the first one.

Well here are the ideas. I'd think it would be most fittable that it is Zombe who touches his mod. And he's good at it. But there might be a chance he won't be interested and I don't think I have the skills yet not to mention permission. Doh! Anyway this is the layout to make fine thing a better one. Do you agree?
Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Some good ideas, unfortunately Zombe has long stopped working on his SS2 stuff.


Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Well, I've seen him around TTLG. Or is it just about Pharaoh ants and stuff like that? meheh
sorry about rebundand post.

To say anything meaningful, I think I'll try some of the above with Zombe's .mis for private purposes and if I'm satisfied with the result I'll ask Zombe if it's okay to share this update. But this would take some time. I have yet to go through ShockEd tutorial.
Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Yeah, he's still active on TTLG. Go ahead and ask him, I'm sure he doesn't mind that.


Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Ok... I just downloaded the lvl selector and its kool but, you can't skip to my favorite deck: Rec.
Well, you can, but when you get there polito tells you to go to deck 4 and meet her, and you cant go 2 deck 4 because its not on the elevator list. In other words: your stuck in that room. Is there a way to make this NOT happen?
Re: SS2 Zombe LevelSelector
Yeah, Zombe said so himself. Read his quote in the first post, or read the readme.
But hey, maybe it works with the newer version by miracle.freak?

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