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Topic: SS2 Zombe SNC Sound Theme Tool Read 3979 times  

A tool to create musical theme files (.snc) for Fan Missions. Includes an example. (As discussed on TTLG)

Uses the following schemes: begin(what you use), restart, quiet, end(starts to play empty.wav).
You need some .wav files. Then you specify how/when/in_what_order shock will play them.

Quote by Zombe:
A little tool for building SS2 .snc (sound theme) files. Also allows to extract existing .snc files. The program doesn't have any help files though - but i'm sure you're able to understand it when you have extracted some of the original files ... it's allso helpful to visit the relevant topic on TTLG.

« Last Edit: 21. October 2009, 08:28:23 by Kolya »
SS2 Jobby SNC-Creator
Another tool for the same purpose with better documentation. You can read the documentation online and it's also included in the archive.
Note: If you add too much (not sure what the limit is) music to a level it will trigger a known inventory mode crash similar to that some find in ADAOB's later versions where dragging anything in inventory changes the cursor to an access card, followed by a crash.

6790c037d289eNameless Voice

I think that's basically a generic bug when SS2 runs out of memory and tries to free the memory used by the cursor icons when they're still in use.

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