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There is only one feature: when the CapsLock engaged the mouse look toggle doesn`t work, due to mod recieves only "e" character and not "E".
bind shift+e cmd.mlook
as for the 1280x1024 res..I have the freeze when I exit the menu while my brother can play this res. Same setup except his PC is faster but 800x600 is perfect for me since I prefer playing in a window... using DOSbox.
Hey Malba Tahan, are you brazillian? I always loved the books of Malba Tahan.
i want to map some functions to the kaypad keys (divide, multiply, minus, plus) but i don't know the key and function names. 'crouch' and 'lie' should be keypad plus and minus, but i cannot find these functions
bind kpplus cmd.setheight default 1 bind kpminus cmd.setheight default 2
bind $0x202B cmd.setheight default 1 bind $0x202D cmd.setheight default 2
Keypad * $0x202AKeypad - $0x202DKeypad + $0x202BKeypad / $0x202FKeypad Enter .......... I haven't figured out yet, because I don't have the "keypad enter" key on my keyboard Keypad Period $0x0853
static struct{ char* name; u8 scan; u16 key;} keystab[] = {{ "escape", 0x01, 0x001B },{ "f1", 0x3B, 0x083B },{ "f2", 0x3C, 0x083C },{ "f3", 0x3D, 0x083D },{ "f4", 0x3E, 0x083E },{ "f5", 0x3F, 0x083F },{ "f6", 0x40, 0x0840 },{ "f7", 0x41, 0x0841 },{ "f8", 0x42, 0x0842 },{ "f9", 0x43, 0x0843 },{ "f10", 0x44, 0x0844 },{ "f11", 0x57, 0x0857 },{ "f12", 0x58, 0x0858 },{ "print", 0x00, 0x2937 },{ "scrolllock", 0x47, 0x0845 },{ "pause", 0x7F, 0x087F },{ "backquote", 0x29, 0x0060 }, // 7E{ "1", 0x02, 0x0031 }, // 21 - 0x10{ "2", 0x03, 0x0032 }, // 40{ "3", 0x04, 0x0033 }, // 23 - 0x10{ "4", 0x05, 0x0034 }, // 24 - 0x10{ "5", 0x06, 0x0035 }, // 25 - 0x10{ "6", 0x07, 0x0036 }, // 5E{ "7", 0x08, 0x0037 }, // 26{ "8", 0x09, 0x0038 }, // 2A{ "9", 0x0A, 0x0039 }, // 28{ "0", 0x0B, 0x0030 }, // 29{ "minus", 0x0C, 0x002D }, // 5F{ "equals", 0x0D, 0x003D }, // 2B{ "backspace", 0x0E, 0x0008 },{ "tab", 0x0F, 0x0009 },{ "q", 0x10, 0x0051 },{ "w", 0x11, 0x0057 },{ "e", 0x12, 0x0045 },{ "r", 0x13, 0x0052 },{ "t", 0x14, 0x0054 },{ "y", 0x15, 0x0059 },{ "u", 0x16, 0x0055 },{ "i", 0x17, 0x0049 },{ "o", 0x18, 0x004F },{ "p", 0x19, 0x0050 },{ "leftbracket", 0x1A, 0x005B }, // 7B + 0x20{ "rightbracket", 0x1B, 0x005D }, // 7D + 0x20{ "backslash", 0x2B, 0x005C }, // 7C + 0x20{ "capslock", 0x3A, 0x083A },{ "a", 0x1E, 0x0041 },{ "s", 0x1F, 0x0053 },{ "d", 0x20, 0x0044 },{ "f", 0x21, 0x0046 },{ "g", 0x22, 0x0047 },{ "h", 0x23, 0x0048 },{ "j", 0x24, 0x004A },{ "k", 0x25, 0x004B },{ "l", 0x26, 0x004C },{ "semicolon", 0x27, 0x003B }, // 3a - 1{ "quote", 0x28, 0x0027 }, // 22{ "enter", 0x1C, 0x000D },{ "lshift", 0x2A, 0x082A },{ "z", 0x2C, 0x005A },{ "x", 0x2D, 0x0058 },{ "c", 0x2E, 0x0043 },{ "v", 0x2F, 0x0056 },{ "b", 0x30, 0x0042 },{ "n", 0x31, 0x004E },{ "m", 0x32, 0x004D },{ "comma", 0x33, 0x002C }, // 3C + 0x10{ "period", 0x34, 0x002E }, // 3E + 0x10{ "slash", 0x35, 0x002F }, // 3F + 0x10{ "rshift", 0x36, 0x0836 },{ "lctrl", 0x1D, 0x081D },{ "lalt", 0x38, 0x0838 },{ "space", 0x39, 0x0020 },{ "ralt", 0xB8, 0x2838 },{ "rctrl", 0x9D, 0x281D },{ "insert", 0xD2, 0x2852 },{ "home", 0xC7, 0x2847 },{ "pageup", 0xC9, 0x2849 },{ "delete", 0xD3, 0x2853 },{ "end", 0xCF, 0x284F },{ "pagedown", 0xD1, 0x2851 },{ "up", 0xC8, 0x2848 },{ "left", 0xCB, 0x284B },{ "down", 0xD0, 0x2850 },{ "right", 0xCD, 0x284D },{ "numlock", 0x45, 0x0845 },{ "kpslash", 0xB5, 0x0000 },{ "kpmultiply", 0x37, 0x0000 },{ "kpminus", 0x4A, 0x0000 },{ "kp7", 0x47, 0x0847 },{ "kp8", 0x48, 0x0848 },{ "kp9", 0x49, 0x0849 },{ "kpplus", 0x4E, 0x0000 },{ "kp4", 0x4B, 0x084B },{ "kp5", 0x4C, 0x084C },{ "kp6", 0x4D, 0x084D },{ "kp1", 0x4F, 0x084F },{ "kp2", 0x50, 0x0850 },{ "kp3", 0x51, 0x0851 },{ "kpenter", 0x9C, 0x0000 },{ "kp0", 0x52, 0x0000 },{ "kpperiod", 0x53, 0x0000 },// cópias dos L{ "shift", 0x2A, 0x082A },{ "ctrl", 0x1D, 0x081D },{ "alt", 0x38, 0x0838 },{ NULL, 0, 0 },};
Quote by nilsbyte:i want to map some functions to the kaypad keys (divide, multiply, minus, plus) but i don't know the key and function names. 'crouch' and 'lie' should be keypad plus and minus, but i cannot find these functionsCongratulations, you have just found another bug!!!Well, if that bug didn't exist, the answer to your question would be:Code: [Select] bind kpplus cmd.setheight default 1 bind kpminus cmd.setheight default 2However, for some reason, I've forgotten to add the keycodes to that keys into the mod. So you'll have to that using the ugly gamecodes themselves. Try this:Code: [Select] bind $0x202B cmd.setheight default 1 bind $0x202D cmd.setheight default 2Here are the keys that I forgot to add and their corresponding keycodes:Code: [Select]Keypad * $0x202AKeypad - $0x202DKeypad + $0x202BKeypad / $0x202FKeypad Enter .......... I haven't figured out yet, because I don't have the "keypad enter" key on my keyboard Keypad Period $0x0853In case anyone needs them, here are the all the key names (and their corresponding scancodes and keycodes ). You'll see that the keys listed above are not on the follwoing list (that's the bug that I mentioned):Code: [Select]static struct{ char* name; u8 scan; u16 key;} keystab[] = {{ "escape", 0x01, 0x001B },{ "f1", 0x3B, 0x083B },{ "f2", 0x3C, 0x083C },{ "f3", 0x3D, 0x083D },{ "f4", 0x3E, 0x083E },{ "f5", 0x3F, 0x083F },{ "f6", 0x40, 0x0840 },{ "f7", 0x41, 0x0841 },{ "f8", 0x42, 0x0842 },{ "f9", 0x43, 0x0843 },{ "f10", 0x44, 0x0844 },{ "f11", 0x57, 0x0857 },{ "f12", 0x58, 0x0858 },{ "print", 0x00, 0x2937 },{ "scrolllock", 0x47, 0x0845 },{ "pause", 0x7F, 0x087F },{ "backquote", 0x29, 0x0060 }, // 7E{ "1", 0x02, 0x0031 }, // 21 - 0x10{ "2", 0x03, 0x0032 }, // 40{ "3", 0x04, 0x0033 }, // 23 - 0x10{ "4", 0x05, 0x0034 }, // 24 - 0x10{ "5", 0x06, 0x0035 }, // 25 - 0x10{ "6", 0x07, 0x0036 }, // 5E{ "7", 0x08, 0x0037 }, // 26{ "8", 0x09, 0x0038 }, // 2A{ "9", 0x0A, 0x0039 }, // 28{ "0", 0x0B, 0x0030 }, // 29{ "minus", 0x0C, 0x002D }, // 5F{ "equals", 0x0D, 0x003D }, // 2B{ "backspace", 0x0E, 0x0008 },{ "tab", 0x0F, 0x0009 },{ "q", 0x10, 0x0051 },{ "w", 0x11, 0x0057 },{ "e", 0x12, 0x0045 },{ "r", 0x13, 0x0052 },{ "t", 0x14, 0x0054 },{ "y", 0x15, 0x0059 },{ "u", 0x16, 0x0055 },{ "i", 0x17, 0x0049 },{ "o", 0x18, 0x004F },{ "p", 0x19, 0x0050 },{ "leftbracket", 0x1A, 0x005B }, // 7B + 0x20{ "rightbracket", 0x1B, 0x005D }, // 7D + 0x20{ "backslash", 0x2B, 0x005C }, // 7C + 0x20{ "capslock", 0x3A, 0x083A },{ "a", 0x1E, 0x0041 },{ "s", 0x1F, 0x0053 },{ "d", 0x20, 0x0044 },{ "f", 0x21, 0x0046 },{ "g", 0x22, 0x0047 },{ "h", 0x23, 0x0048 },{ "j", 0x24, 0x004A },{ "k", 0x25, 0x004B },{ "l", 0x26, 0x004C },{ "semicolon", 0x27, 0x003B }, // 3a - 1{ "quote", 0x28, 0x0027 }, // 22{ "enter", 0x1C, 0x000D },{ "lshift", 0x2A, 0x082A },{ "z", 0x2C, 0x005A },{ "x", 0x2D, 0x0058 },{ "c", 0x2E, 0x0043 },{ "v", 0x2F, 0x0056 },{ "b", 0x30, 0x0042 },{ "n", 0x31, 0x004E },{ "m", 0x32, 0x004D },{ "comma", 0x33, 0x002C }, // 3C + 0x10{ "period", 0x34, 0x002E }, // 3E + 0x10{ "slash", 0x35, 0x002F }, // 3F + 0x10{ "rshift", 0x36, 0x0836 },{ "lctrl", 0x1D, 0x081D },{ "lalt", 0x38, 0x0838 },{ "space", 0x39, 0x0020 },{ "ralt", 0xB8, 0x2838 },{ "rctrl", 0x9D, 0x281D },{ "insert", 0xD2, 0x2852 },{ "home", 0xC7, 0x2847 },{ "pageup", 0xC9, 0x2849 },{ "delete", 0xD3, 0x2853 },{ "end", 0xCF, 0x284F },{ "pagedown", 0xD1, 0x2851 },{ "up", 0xC8, 0x2848 },{ "left", 0xCB, 0x284B },{ "down", 0xD0, 0x2850 },{ "right", 0xCD, 0x284D },{ "numlock", 0x45, 0x0845 },{ "kpslash", 0xB5, 0x0000 },{ "kpmultiply", 0x37, 0x0000 },{ "kpminus", 0x4A, 0x0000 },{ "kp7", 0x47, 0x0847 },{ "kp8", 0x48, 0x0848 },{ "kp9", 0x49, 0x0849 },{ "kpplus", 0x4E, 0x0000 },{ "kp4", 0x4B, 0x084B },{ "kp5", 0x4C, 0x084C },{ "kp6", 0x4D, 0x084D },{ "kp1", 0x4F, 0x084F },{ "kp2", 0x50, 0x0850 },{ "kp3", 0x51, 0x0851 },{ "kpenter", 0x9C, 0x0000 },{ "kp0", 0x52, 0x0000 },{ "kpperiod", 0x53, 0x0000 },// cópias dos L{ "shift", 0x2A, 0x082A },{ "ctrl", 0x1D, 0x081D },{ "alt", 0x38, 0x0838 },{ NULL, 0, 0 },};
Malba, is there any solution except playing with lower resolution video mode ?Or could you fix it on next release of your mod ?
What line should i add to XCYB.cfg to map "fire" to "f" ?
(assuming you haven't already solved it in a release I haven't found - I'm using the version included in LGC_SystemShock-Portable-v1.0.1, apparent date 6/2) Just let me know what you've figured out so far and I'll see if I can't help iron out the wrinkles.