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Topic: SS1 weapons and ammo stats Read 30429 times  


Lead Pipe

All TriOptimum security personnel are trained in the use of clubs, pipes and similar instruments.

Damage Per Hit15
Armor Penetration40
Offense Value3
Attack TypeMelee
Lead Pipe Icon
Lead Pipe

TS-04 Laser Rapier

This energized lance projects a monofilament thread that is suspended in a contained energy field. Upon contact, the thread slices through organic and synthetic materials, permanently disabling most creatures and robots. The rapier is usually carried only by senior security officers and military commanders.

Damage Per Hit200
Armor Penetration80
Offense Value5
Attack TypeMelee Energy
TS-04 Laser Rapier Icon
TS-04 Laser Rapier

ML-41 Minipistol

Designed primarily as a defensive weapon, this minipistol is standard issue for TriOptimum executives.

MLStandardRounds20 Standard rounds (poor stopping power, moderate accuracy)
MLTeflonCoatedRounds20 Teflon-Coated Rounds (enhanced armor penetration)
Damage Per HitStandard - 20; Teflon - 30
Armor PenetrationStandard - 20; Teflon - 30
Offense ValueStandard - 2; Teflon - 3
Attack TypeProjectile
ML-41 Minipistol Icon
ML-41 Minipistol

SV-23 Dart Pistol

This gun provides excellent control of laboratory animals, delivering an explosive bite or a paralyzing neurotoxin.

SVNeedleDarts15 Needle packs (micro-explosives embedded in needle housing)
SVTranqDarts15 Tranq needles (paralyzing neurotoxin in needle housing)
Damage Per HitNeedle - 15; Tranq - 5
Armor PenetrationNeedle - 6; Tranq - 0
Offense ValueNeedle - 2; Tranq - 3
Attack TypeProjectile
SV-23 Dart Pistol Icon
SV-23 Dart Pistol

Magnum 2100

Standard issue for TriOptimum security officers, this pistol is a preferred offensive tool in confined spaces. Rounds are designed for high damage.

HollowTip2100Clip12 Hollow-tip rounds (fragment inside soft targets)
HeavySlug2100Clip12 Heavy slug rounds (high-density osmium slug)
Damage Per HitHollow - 60; Heavy - 85
Armor PenetrationHollow - 30; Heavy - 25
Offense ValueHollow - 4; Heavy - 5
Attack TypeProjectile
Magnum 2100 Icon
Magnum 2100

AM-27 Flechette

Favored among TriOptimum security officers, this 6mm submachine gun fires needle-like ammunition.

AMHornetClip60 Hornets (sharp, single-body pellets)
AMSplinterClip60 Splinters (multi-part slugs that splinter inside soft targets)
Damage Per HitHornet - 10; Splinter - 22
Armor PenetrationHornet - 35; Splinter - 32
Offense ValueHornet - 2; Splinter - 3
Attack TypeProjectile
AM-27 Flechette Icon
AM-27 Flechette

RF-07 Skorpion

The RF-07 is a 9mm submachine gun similar to the flechette, but larger, with heavier ammunition. This is the most powerful weapon in the standard TriOptimum security arsenal.

RFSlagClip50 Slags (heavy, super-heated slugs)
RFLargeSlagClip100 Large Slag Clips (slag rounds in a larger magazine)
Damage Per Hit35
Armor Penetration40
Offense Value2
Attack TypeProjectile
RF-07 Skorpion Icon
RF-07 Skorpion

MARK III Assault Rifle

This full-sized combat rifle is based on the 2064 Interlocutor KR-5.

Mark3MagnesiumTipShells10 Magnesium tips (caseless, caustic slug that maximizes wound damage)
Mark3PenetratorShells8 Penetrators (high-power rounds that can penetrate 20mm steel armor)
Damage Per HitMagnesium - 75; Penetrator - 160
Armor PenetrationMagnesium - 50; Penetrator - 70
Offense ValueMagnesium - 4; Penetrator - 5
Attack TypeProjectile
MARK III Assault Rifle Icon
MARK III Assault Rifle

DC-05 Riot Gun

For riot situations, this weapon provides maximum knock-back with minimal damage (recommended for neutralizing less-dangerous targets).

DCRubberSlugs20 Rubber slugs
OperationManual repeating, pump action
Damage Per Hit6
Armor Penetration0
Offense Value2
Attack TypeProjectile
DC-05 Riot Gun Icon
DC-05 Riot Gun

MM-76 Accelerator Rail Gun

This heavy assault weapon propels a grenade-like projectile that explodes on contact and is capable of penetrating heavy armor.

MMRailClip12-count Rail gun clip (heavy armor penetration and fragmentation damage)
OperationSemi-automatic, slow projectile
Damage Per Hit200
Armor Penetration35
Offense Value6
Attack TypeProjectile
MM-76 Accelerator Rail Gun Icon
MM-76 Accelerator Rail Gun

SB-20 Mag-Pulse Rifle

The intense electromagnetic bursts from this rifle damage any shielded circuitry. It is the recommended means of deactivating malfunctioning combat robots.

SBMagPulseCart25-count Mag-Pulse Cartridge
OperationSemi-automatic, slow projectile
Damage Per Hit45
Armor Penetration100
Offense Value4
Attack TypeMagnetic
SB-20 Mag-Pulse Rifle Icon
SB-20 Mag-Pulse Rifle

Sparqbeam Sidearm

Although meant as a personal defense device, the sparqbeam generates a respectable offensive blast at higher settings. Note: A single blast desintegrates corpses while contained items fall on the floor. (Tip by Kyur)

Ammo:Internal Energy
OperationElectron Burst
Damage Per BlastLow - 6; High - 36; Overload - 60
Energy Usage Per BlastLow - 2V; High - 8V; Overload - 24V
Armor Penetration25
Offense Value3
Attack TypeEnergy Beam
Sparqbeam Sidearm Icon
Sparqbeam Sidearm

DH-07 Stun Gun

This gun throws a weak plasma projectile at a target, discharging an arc that registers 10 kV to stun living creatures and damage cyborgs.

Ammo:Internal Energy
OperationLow intensity, concentric energy burst
Damage Per BlastLow - 2; High - 15
Energy Usage Per BlastLow - 3V; High - 30V
Armor Penetration0
Offense Value3
Attack TypeProjectile Energy Beam
DH-07 Stun Gun Icon
DH-07 Stun Gun

ER-90 Blaster

This new laser weapon fires a pulse of high-energy ultraviolet light. The built-in liquid nitrogen cooling system allows for high-intensity damage.

Ammo:Internal Energy
OperationSingle-pulse ultraviolet ray
Damage Per BlastLow - 12; High - 70; Overload - 115
Energy Usage Per BlastLow - 3V; High - 15V; Overload - 50V
Armor Penetration25
Offense Value4
Attack TypeEnergy Beam
ER-90 Blaster Icon
ER-90 Blaster

RW-45 Ion Rifle

Prototypes of this advanced energy beam gun evolved from late-model beam sidearms. It delivers a powerful stream of ionic particles with more force than normal blaster guns.

Ammo:Internal Energy
OperationParticle beam burst
Damage Per BlastLow - 18; High - 108; Overload - 180
Energy Usage Per BlastLow - 5V; High - 30V; Overload - 100V
Armor Penetration35
Offense Value6
Attack TypeEnergy Beam
RW-45 Ion Rifle Icon
RW-45 Ion Rifle

LG-XX Plasma Rifle

No description available.

Ammo:Internal Energy
OperationRefracting plasma projectile
Damage Per BlastLow - 35; High - 350
Energy Usage Per BlastLow - 13V; High - 130V
Armor Penetration0
Offense Value3
Attack TypeProjectile Energy Beam
LG-XX Plasma Rifle Icon
LG-XX Plasma Rifle

Information taken from the ICE Breaker.
Thanks to Karen for writing it all down in the first place, to ZylonBane for more & better images and to myself for re-coding.

Also see: System Shock 1 - Weapon Effectiveness
« Last Edit: 11. February 2019, 19:26:11 by Kolya »


If she never responds, you could always say the info was taken from the ICE Breaker, as I believe that's where she obtained hers. Of course, you'd have to do without the pictures, but it's better than nothing.
Well I only mailed her today, so we'll see about that.


Understood, that was simply a "just in case" thing.


Replacing the weapon pictures would actually be a good thing, since these all appear to have been dithered down to a web-safe palette.

Adding the HUD icons would be a cool improvement too.
« Last Edit: 15. February 2010, 00:44:35 by Kolya »
I just received Karen's permission to put up these infos. Thanks Karen! :)


Attached is a ZIP of all the SS1 weapon sprites and weapon HUD icons, extracted directly from the resource files. PNG format with transparency. Sprites zoomed 300%, HUD icons zoomed 200%.
« Last Edit: 15. February 2010, 11:00:57 by Kolya »
Thanks, I worked the new images in and rewrote the whole thing to validate.


Any way to get the black border back? Most of the weapons are kind of hard to see on the gray background.

The apparently random differences between weapon sprite sizes and their icon sizes is weird, but I guess we can't really do anything about it.
I noticed the weird sizes too, it's understandable though as proportionally correct icons would have been too small or too large for the interface and possibly indistinguishable.

I switched the columns, I think it makes more sense to have the names first and the images be a part of associated data.


Looking good!

Personally I'd prefer the weapon sprites on top of the icons, but maybe that's just me.
Very nice list of information, but there's one thing that confuses me about the  ML-41's ammunation:

Damage Per Hit   Standard - 20; Teflon - 30
Armor Penetration   Standard - 20; Teflon - 30

Well, where's the difference ?

67ca5d55788f3Nameless Voice

From the I.C.E.  Breaker:

Damage calculations undergo four major steps. 

1.  Armor Absorption.  If a hit is scared, the weapon's penetration value is compared to the target's armor value.  If the armor value isn't greater than the penetration value, the target's armor doesn't affect the bit and the creature takes the weapon's full damage.  If the armor value  is greater than the penetration value, than the damage is reduced by that many points. 

2.  Weapon Vulnerabilities. If the creature  is particularly  vulnerable to the weapon, the damage may be doubled or quadrupled (refer to table on p.  40).  For example, all robots have • • • • ("quadrupled") vulnerability to Magnetic attacks, and an EMP grenade makes a Magnetic attack.  Any robot will take double damage from an EMP grenade. 

3.  Critical Hits. Each weapon has an offense value.  Every creature has a defense value.  If the attack value is higher than the defense value, you can score a critical  hit [a hit that strikes the weakest part of a creature's armor).  If not, a critical hit is not possible. 
The greater the difference between these two values, the greater the chance of scoring a critical hit, and the greater the damage of the critical hit.  Critical hits can result in anywhere from 33% to 300% extra damage.  (Critical hit damage is in addition to the result of any weapon vulnerabilities.  If a weapon scores a critical hit on a particularly vulnerable creature, that hit might inflict 16 times normal damage.)

4.  Random Factor. The weapon's total damage is randomized by +/-10%.  Damage randomization can change how much damage the same weapon delivers during different attacks. 
Damn, I totally got (read) it wrong, my bad. Shouldn't get into game mechanic calculations on a very late saturday night (even if they are very basic), sorry, feel free to delete my posts here :rolleyesgreen:

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