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Topic: Xenocide [roguelike] Read 4132 times  

Tags: °roguelike
Xenocide has a few features I haven't seen in other roguelikes yet:
- powered armour that can be (de)activated changing your stats when worn
- grenades that can be activated and thrown and detonate after a while
- you can build robots from different parts and have them do your work

I had a few problems getting it to run but those were solely to me playing on a netbook (no keypad, small screen).
Of the ones I've seen so far it's the best roguelike that a possible ShockRL could be based on, C++ source is available.

webpage: http://xeno.chaosforge.org/
« Last Edit: 26. February 2011, 23:49:57 by Kolya »


this is pretty good.
source is kinda gnarly but the game relies pretty heavily on external data, you could have ss2 weapon/monster names and sounds in there in no time

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