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******************************** COMPILING GEARHEAD ********************************Download the Free Pascal Compiler from "ppc386 arena". That should be it.GearHead takes advantage of many FPC mode features, so if you getstrange errors while compiling check to make sure you're in theright mode. The game probably won't compile under Delphi or Borlandcompatability modes.Note that there may be problems if compiling for DOS using the FPCv1.0.It seems that DirectoryPresent crashes when used. I'd advise towardscompiling for Windows when possible. If you absolutely must compilefor DOS, edit the file gears.pp and remove the CheckDirectoryPresentprocedure along with the call to it during initialization.Many thanks to Michalis Kamburelis for helping to make GearHeadFPCv2 compatable, and portable across OS's.******************************************* COMPILING GEARHEAD WITH SDL *******************************************Download latest jedi-sdl from CVS from and everything should compilefine straight away.Unless you're using the public release of Jedi-SDL, in which case thisis going to get way more complicated. To start off you're goingto need the following things:- The GearHead sources (should be the file this came in)- The GearHead image archive (get it from the web site, or email me for a copy)- FreePascal, available from Jedi-SDL, available from The SDL, SDL_TTF, SDL_Mixer, and SDL_Image runtimes, available from or as part of the Jedi packageFirst things first. Install the compiler, the Jedi-SDL sourcefiles, and the SDL runtimes. Make sure that the Jedi-SDL unitsare in FPC's search path. You'll need to compile for eitherWindows or Linux since AFAIK the package doesn't work in DOS.Install the GH images in your GearHead directory; they shouldbe in a subdirectory called "Image".Next, you must get down to actually compiling the Jedisources with FreePascal. See the document "Using Jedi-SDLwith Free Pascal" for an explanation on how to do so. Severaloptions need to be set before the units will compile correctly.If you don't use the IDE, the following compiler directiveswill do the trick:{$OUTPUT_FORMAT PECOFF}{$MODE DELPHI}{$ASMMODE intel}{$DEFINE FPC}In addition, I couldn't get the unit SDL_Image to work properlywithout a bit of modification. I had to comment out lines 150 and200, the references to "IMG_string_equals", before any programlinked to that unit would run. Did I do a good thing, or did Iopen a pandora's box of potential problems? Only time and the emailI sent to the Jedi-SDL dev team will tell for sure.Finally you should be ready to compile. To link the program withthe SDL units, define a "SDLMODE" symbol. This can be done from thecommand line by using -dSDLMODE when compiling arena.