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Topic: SS2 Music Read 104912 times  

Tags: °music °SS2
Lately there had been a request for SS2 music and I noticed that some good songs are either hard to find or not available at all. So I will try to collect them here.
Some explanation first: If you have digged through the CRF archives of SS2 before (just associate the CRF-extension with your favourite unpacker) you might have noticed that there are no complete songs but fragments which get faded into one another depending on where you go in the game.
This leads to several forms of SS2 music:
  • Level-Mixes try to recreate the music experienced when playing the game as faithfully as possible by putting together the fragments.
  • Fan-Remixes are based on the level music or own music and often work with speech samples from the game and/or sounds, melodies.
  • Humour-Mixes are mostly speech oriented.

Here you will find mostly Fan-Remixes unless noted otherwise. It will be by no means an exhaustive list of SS2 music. For more songs please follow these links:

« Last Edit: 18. November 2014, 01:16:21 by Kolya »
Acknowledged by: Colonel SFF
Apoplexia - The Way Out
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/apoplexia-the-way-out-shodan SPAM!

One of my favourites tunes comes with Dhaelis' own catchy music and many samples. I think he made it in January 2001.
It had been up for a long time at the TTLG music page where musicians from TTLG had stored some fine music, hosted by Gray and Daxim. Unfortunately this site is no more but anyway here's the song by Dhaelis aka Apoplexia: The Way Out
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:01:22 by Kolya »
Past Recall - Lauf
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/pastrecall-lauf-system-shock-2 SPAM!

This pushing Fan-Remix is by Past Recall, made in 2003. It was done with the German version of SS2 and features some of the best timed sound engineering there is in SS2 fan music, plus a great beat.
English speakers who have played the Redux GerMany Conversion may recognize some of the samples.

Quote by Past Recall - Lauf:
SHODAN: Denke daran, dass mein Wille dich hierher geleitet hat, mein Wille verlieh dir die Cyberimplantate, das einzig Schöne in diesem Fleisch, das du als Deinen Körper bezeichnest. Wenn dir dein Körper etwas wert ist, wirst du meinen Anweisungen folgen.
Ich bin SHODAN.

Hybrid: Beeil dich, lauf!

Xerxes: Hier spricht Xerxes. Melden Sie Ihrem unmittelbaren Vorgesetzten bitte alle illegalen Datenbankzugriffe. Denken Sie daran: Jeder ist für einen ordentlichen Betrieb mitverantwortlich.

Bot: Sekundärsensoren haben etwas entdeckt, Xerxes!
Xerxes, Anomalie entdeckt!

Hybrid: Beeil dich, lauf!
Dein Lied ist nicht unseres.

Protocol droid: Befinden Sie sich im gewünschten Betriebszustand?
Benötigen Sie eine Aufladung?
Tut mir leid! Aber ich kann nicht sehen, wo Sie sind.
Oh, ich habe einen Kunden vertrieben. Wahrscheinlich werde ich degradiert.


Xerxes: Hier spricht Xerxes. Um nullzweihundert wird Protokolleinheit T892/2 im Freizeitbereich von Deck fünf eine Dichterlesung veranstalten.

Bot: Sekundärsensoren haben etwas entdeckt, Xerxes!

Xerxes: Sicherheitseinheiten zu Sektor D06.

Assassin: (incomprehensible original gibberish)

Janice Polito: Machen Sie schneller! Sie haben ja keine Ahnung, was auf dem Spiel steht.

(Chorus with slight variation)
Hybrid: Einer kann der Masse nicht entkommen.

Protocol droid: Tss, tss, die Leute sind so schüchtern. Umdihum .... umdihumdihumdihum ...
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:02:01 by Kolya »
Two very unusal tracks by Bart Klepka.
Individuality (Fear mix) relies on it's own nice shuffling beat and a few SS2 samples.
Shodan (Hacked Mix) starts out with the medsci breakbeats, then takes off for it's own speedy lego block sound.

Klepka's site has been down for a while now, so I put up these songs here.
« Last Edit: 05. January 2007, 18:08:28 by Kolya »
These are three songs I made myself with SS2-samples.
All have been discussed on TTLG at the time of their release: Killing Kenny, Move it Tommy!, Von Braun Delta Inducer V8
"Killing Kenny" is a humour mix based on a well known country song.

Move it Tommy!
This was the most popular of the three back then. It tells the story of the crew members Tommy Suarez and Rebecca Siddons by their own logs.
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/move-it-tommy SPAM!

Von Braun Delta Inducer V8
This is a soother, a sort of ambient track that uses ultralow frequencies mixed with the humming of the spaceship Von Braun to put you to sleep. Put on some good headphones if available.
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/the-von-braun-delta-inducer-v8 SPAM!

For more sleepy ambient tracks also listen to these webradios: Cryosleep Radio, Sleepbot Radio, Drone Zone, Mixing of particulate solids.
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:02:47 by Kolya »
You can download a high resolution version of this video.

This is the band Tribe from Boston. The red haired woman in the green skirt is Terri Barous who later married Eric Brosius (the blonde Tribe guitarist and System Shock sound engineer) and became the voice of SHODAN in SS1 and SS2 and also the voice of Viktoria in Thief 1, 2 and 3. Greg LoPiccolo (bass in Tribe), who also worked on System Shock, and Eric Brosius later went on to make the games Guitar Hero and EyeToy AntiGrav while working for Harmonix.

Tribe live at the Avalon Ballroom, Boston, MA. Includes the song Rescue me sung by Terri Brosius @ 35:50. The recording was likely made in 1992.

http://www.tribeonline.info has live and studio performances and comprehensive information.
Tribe on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/tribeonline
Interview 16.04.07 with LoPiccolo in Gamasutra
« Last Edit: 18. November 2014, 01:04:45 by Kolya »
Timmy Magic made this cool SS2 beatbox. Unfortunately his website practically stopped existing. I saved the beatbox before it went down.

Requires Flash.

« Last Edit: 29. March 2019, 22:36:19 by Kolya »

67d43975be60fThe Brain

When I was doing some clean up procedures on my hard disks (mostly deleting/moving files), I found this fan mix and decided to upload it in this thread.
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/shock-live-sept-2010 SPAM!

By the original creator of most of SS2's music, Josh "Robotkid" Randall. (As discussed here on TTLG.)
This gets right back to the urgency of the first tracks. Thank you, Robotkid.

EDIT: I found out what the sample at the start and end of the track says in full:
"Galasphere 347 of space patrol calling unidentified ship! They're not answering."
This is a sample from the early 1960s BBC children's TV series, named "Space Patrol" featuring marionettes. (Not to be confused with the 1950s American live action series of the same name.)
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:03:31 by Kolya »


Would ya mind telling me how ya composed "Move it Tommy"?  I know that it contains voice clips but I was curious about the music used - why ya used it or how you came upon it.
I took Audacity, sampled a loop from De La Soul's track "All Good?", added a few steel guitar samples from a Cowboy Bebop tune and started throwing Bec's and Tommy's logs at it until they stuck.
I used to listen to De La a lot when I was a teenager...that's how I came upon it and I wanted to make a club track.
« Last Edit: 24. July 2012, 19:15:01 by Kolya »
A few weeks ago Josh "Robotkid" Randall posted his original multi-track recordings on his site and announced them on TTLG .

MedSci (Project date: 1/2/1999)
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/system-shock-2-medsci-original SPAM!

Engineering (Project date: 1/1/1999)
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/system-shock-2-engineering SPAM!

Institute of Technology - d-TOX
This was used in the shuttle bays of System Shock 2 and in "Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri".
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/institute-of-technology-d-tox SPAM!

Unused Track (Project date: 12/21/1998)
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/system-shock-2-unused-track SPAM!

Hydroponics (Project date: 11/19/1998)
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/system-shock-2-hydroponics SPAM!

Operations (Project date: 12/29/1998)
Later remixed as Shock Live 2010
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/robotkid/system-shock-2-operations SPAM!
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:07:45 by Kolya »
 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/max-intro-we-design-the-future SPAM!

Got this via Porpentine's site. From what I could find out the original song was released in 1985 by a short lived Yugoslavian band. The remixer is unknown to me. And yes, this is weird as fuck, like anything that comes via Porpentine. Love it.

EDIT: We may have found the remixer: C Ψ B Ξ R Q U Ξ Ξ N
Turns out this is an excerpt of a much longer remix named we design the future containing various songs and delightful 80s audiotrash.
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:04:24 by Kolya »


Sorry for the short post, but after reading this thread I think I just had a nerdgasm!

Will re-visit this thread again LATER! :thumb:


« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:04:40 by Moderator »
Very nice. The camera panning makes me think a SS3 should have this as a new Cyberspace challenge in addition to SS1's style, or the boss battle with Shodan in SS1 should have been this way, shooting her whilst dodging her projectiles and the virtual environment. Bit on rails but challenging and engaging as a final boss. The end battle in SS1 didn't really do it for me and there didn't seem to be any strategy to it, just get to the middle, aim at her and spam attack.
Le Shomp quatorze
It's been a while since I made some music. Today I sat down with a song that I'd been wanting too grace with cybernetic style since I heard it on my cellphone standing outside an Italian restaurant in Berlin smoking a cigarette.
Now please follow me 49 seconds into an alternate future of the events on the Von Braun where Turnbull and Bronson join into an ass kicking 2 girl army and eventually celebrate their survival with replicated whiskey onboard a tiny escape pod, 4 billion miles to earth.

 SPAM! https://soundcloud.com/kolya33/le-shomp-quatorze SPAM!
« Last Edit: 28. May 2020, 15:04:58 by Kolya »


System Shock 2 - Med Sci 1 "Epic Rock" Cover (Little V)
System Shock 2 - Med Sci 1 "Epic Rock" Cover (Little V)
Free download


This is the greatest thing ever.
Brought tears to my eyes man. :)


AWESOME stuff, Kolya!

Took great pleasure reading the literature out there that is available regarding the SS2 music because I think it's actually quite good. Plus I've tried my hand at game music for custom maps in other engines and (I'm no musician but I've spoken to some who are knowledgeable) and it really is difficult sometimes. Especially the case of working with remixing or increasing quality of old music while remaining faithful to the original.

Gonna enjoy listening to these.

67d43975c0cafBriareos H

While browsing YouTube I found an interesting orchestration of Med Sci 1, very cinematic.
« Last Edit: 12. January 2015, 22:07:16 by Kolya »
I moved two tracks to recdeck that were less interesting in my opinion and removed one about SS1 music. While any electronic music track with interlaced SHODAN samples technically qualifies as "SS2 music" I'm picky about this. It also has to be great or interesting in some way. I know that including my own tracks doesn't support my position as an independent judge, but please bear with me. My suggestion is to post new tracks to recdeck from the start and if it fits the bill it will be moved here. Thanks for not being mad at me.
Acknowledged by: unn_atropos


Hydroponic music on the Piano. Godd enouff for ya, K? :lordy:

« Last Edit: 19. January 2015, 06:39:17 by Kolya »

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