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Topic: Blueprints of earthlevel Read 4114 times  


Tags: °blueprint °earth°map
Includes earth and the training levels.
I had some...problems with earth. To be precise: the corridors where you choose navy, marines or OSA could be a bit missleading^^
« Last Edit: 31. July 2014, 22:33:23 by unn_atropos »
You've been watching too much Avatar, it's called Navy, not Navi. ;)

6790a3d184957Nameless Voice

Um, the training sections are "weapons", "technical", and "psi skills".  The career choices are what ought to be labelled Marine, Navy, and OSA.


Yeah I know. But the training sections are introduced by drill seargents of the marines and navy and the osa is presented by a strange aunt^^. So I consider the sections as a presentation of the different arms of service.
And the career choices  have certain locations where you are taken(chesape bay etc).

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