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Topic: Blueprints of Ponterbee Station Read 8482 times  


Tags: °blueprint °ponterbee°map
Having finished the work on Von Braun and Rickenbacker, I have now started to create blueprints for Christine's great fm "ponterbee station". I have played it several times before and played it again recently to fresh up my knowledge of the level structure. Neverless, if you see any mistakes, please tell me.
Righty right:
« Last Edit: 31. July 2014, 22:30:33 by unn_atropos »


Engineering Section 1&2
I just wondered: is there a high-res version of the Jetaita logo? I like it^^
« Last Edit: 10. July 2010, 19:23:27 by unn_atropos »


Medical section. I think this maps wins the record with the most links(11)
Did you contact Christine yet on implementing those maps? Is she even active anymore?


recreational complete
I contacted her because I had some trouble getting the maps to work on my shocked.
I don't know if a implementation is possible, or if she is still active in the shocked "scene".

EDIT: Recreational complete
« Last Edit: 20. July 2010, 23:40:23 by unn_atropos »


Looked complicated but was really quick to make(well, not that quick actually^^).
While playing the FM I never noticed the small architecure details. Now, after painting it all over, I see that the level is designed very cool.


Finally I completed this one. What a &%$* beast!^^


A few post above I asked if there was a high res version of the jetaita-colony logo. I guess this isn't the case, so I made a poor approach in creating a vector of it. I hope that this .svg format is useable for you, I don't know much about vectors as you can see looking at it^^
« Last Edit: 01. October 2010, 21:12:39 by unn_atropos »


I have to say, the theatre was probably my most favorite of the fan mission.  But overall, the level design in this fan mission was truly superb.  Thanks for showing us X3


How are these created? My GF's main objection to fan missions is the lack of a map, she can't even get from home to work and back without turn by turn GPS. These will be great if they can be integrated into the fan missions.

Thanks for the hard work.

I'd love to make/have one made as an illustration for my story as a floor plan helps make my writing more logical...

Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v709/The_Omega_Theory/Cryoshock/medical.png

Been working from this paint model, not very elaborate or pretty but it's worked so far.


How are these created?
They are made in a very simple way:
I load the map in shockEd, take a picture (solo view gives larger sections), move the view and take another photo and paste them together in photoshop until the whole map is there. When this is finished, I redraw the needed lines on a new layer (or I just repaint the existing lines- what ever is more easy in the situation). Then I connect up and lower levels with numbers and frame them. Finally I place the up/lowers outside the main level lines and save all this. Boom! Blueprint ready :)


They are made in a very simple way:
I load the map in shockEd, take a picture (solo view gives larger sections), move the view and take another photo and paste them together in photoshop until the whole map is there. When this is finished, I redraw the needed lines on a new layer (or I just repaint the existing lines- what ever is more easy in the situation). Then I connect up and lower levels with numbers and frame them. Finally I place the up/lowers outside the main level lines and save all this. Boom! Blueprint ready :)

Mmm, probably won't be able to do blueprints without a shockED map then.

Thanks for the help and thanks for your hard work.


Mmm, probably won't be able to do blueprints without a shockED map then.
I guess my post was a bit misleading, sorry for that.
Of course you can make a blueprint for your story. You don't need shockEd for this.
ShockEd is only needed if you want to make blueprints for a exact map of the game. This is the only method I know to capture even small details. There other ways like this but thats a more rough/raw approach.

For any other map the only limit is imagination. If you can think it, you can draw it: Proof is here
The original MC. I was reminded of him when I read up on Tesseracts lately.

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