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Topic: Shocked Commands List Read 10351 times  

Tags: °SS2 °tutorial
Combined lists by Zail & Alfred Chu (ShockEd Dmp_cmd Project) and Icemann's ShockEd Commands List

active_psi - Spew active psi powers to a specified file
add_family - Adds a Texture family (eg shared)
add_pool - Give player additional build pool points. You specify the number of points to add
ai_sleep_all - Put all AIs to sleep
ai_wake_all - Wake all sleeping AIs
ai_wake - Wake a sleeping AI
ambient - Sets the light level, where intensity is the light level
cam_warp - warp camera to mouse loc
cc 1 - Teleports you back to your level (when your way too far away from it)
clear_teleport - Clear any existing teleport marker.clear_teleport[/b] - Clear any existing teleport marker.
clear_world - Reset to the empty world
coord_mask - hide and show coordinates x, y, z, d, w, h, uses integers and 'all'
compress_family [familyname] - Removes all unused textures from the appropriate family
cret_set_debug_obj - set debug obj ??? -- unknown
cs_rec - Crashes Shocked. It might record a new track for a conversation-basedcut-scene by specifying the conversation's ID.
ctrl+f9 - Takes a screenshot (must be in-game to take a screenshot)
cycle_ammo - cycle through available ammo types. 1 for forward, -1 for back
cycle_weapon - Cycles through next equippable weapon. 1 for fwd, -1 for back
drag_and_drop_frob - same as frob_object
drag_and_drop_mode - brings up the cyber interface
dump_cmds - Dumps a list of all commands to the specified filename
equip_weapon - searches your inv for a particular weapon and equips it. Specify a name or number
find_obj - Finds the specified object (eg find_obj 766)
fire_weapon - 1 = start firing 0 = finish firing
fix_ai_proj - Reinstantiate AI projectiles & links but normally AI is added with its projectile, but they are not selectable, this command causes the projectile objects to become selectable
fixup_creature_phys - This seems to change Physics->Model->dimension,control & state properties back to original values.
flash_clamp - Set flashbomb max effect time in ms
frob_object - simple frob of selected object in the world
frob_object_inv - simple frob of selected object, in world or in inv
frob_toggle - switch between modes. Brings up cyber interface, or frobs the selected object
gamma - Set the gamma
gfh_coord_edit - Edits the text of markers. Hilight one of the GFH coordinates, use 0-8 to represent the coordinates
gun_setting - Change the setting of the current gun. This can be 1 or 2.
halt_schema - Halts the specified sound file
halt_schemas - Halts all currently playing sound files (schema`s)
info_window - Displays statistics about the current level
interface_use - Use a selected item in your inventory
launch_obb - creates an obb (Physics->Model->Type->Obb) object
letterbox - Set letterbox mode supposedly. It adds bars on the screen
light_bright - Lights up the entire level (type again to de-active)
link_draw_on - Provides a representation of what objects are linked together under the specified link type.
link_draw_off - Removes the representation of links between the specified link type.
lit_obj_toggle - Lights up objects (type again to de-active)
load_a_texture - load a single texture buy entering the family, a space, then the texture
load_family - old style single family load
load_sky - Changes the set "sky hack" texture.
load_gun - Load the current gun with ammo
load_song - Load a song by number
mesh_joints_display - use crosses to show joints of AI in 3d view
mesh_segs_display - Shows the locations of the head, left arm, left hand, ect. of creatures as coloured spots to show different parts of AI in 3d view
mesh_segs_reset - reset to show all segments
mesh_seg_set - select a segment
mlog close - Stops sending all object information to the specified text file.
mlog statobjlist.txt - Creates a list of all objects and sends it to the specified text file.
modify_gun - Modify the current gun to specified level
next_proj - Load the next valid projectile type for the current gun
open_mfd - Opens up the cyber interface
play_song - This should play the loaded song but it doesn't work
play_schema - Plays the specified sound file (schema)
play_unread_log - Play an unread log, last one first
psi_all - Give player all psi powers
psi_full - Give the player full psi points
play_song - Play the loaded song
psi_power - acts like the 1-5 level buttons for Psi power
quickbind - Bind a quick slot to the specified slot number
quickload - Load from 'current' subdir.
quicksave - Save to 'current' subdir.
quickuse - Activate a quick slot
reload_gun - reloads the current weapon out of inventory
remove_family [familyname] - Removes all textures from the appropriate family
render_backward - Renders sceens from the back to the front. You will see everything that Dromed is rendering that you would not normally see.
reset_moving_terrain - Reset all moving terrain to it's starting position
script_load allobjs - Loads the objects and items script (mandatory for a level to work)
script_drop - drop a script file from mission.
script_drop_all - drop all script files from mission.
select_gun - Selects a gun to ready by name or number
set_gamesys - Creates a gamesys file (for when you change default options)
set_gun - Set an object to be the current gun
select_psipower - brings up the psi power selection MFD
set_psi_points - Set the current psi points
set_max_psi - Set max psi points
shock_jump_player - a regular jump
show_creature_joints - Shows blue circles to show the stick figure of AI in 3d view
show_image - load image from disk
show_version - Display version of System Shock while in game mode.
show_shadtab - draw shading table over the whole Shocked window.
shk_load_full - loads gamesys and mission
shk_load_game - crashs Shocked
shk_save_game - just saves the game
song_dumpmono - Dump info about current song to mono
song_event - Send an event to the currently playing song.
stop_email - Stop any currently playing email/log
stop_song - Stop the currently playing song (if this command worked).
summon_obj - Summon an object from the world by name or number
swap_guns - switches primary and secondary weapons
synch_brush_scale - Change all the brush scales to what the current face is.
synch_brush_tx - Change all the textures to the texture that the current brush face is.
synch_brush_full - Does both synch_brush_scale and synch_brush_tx
test_HUD - Put HUD brackets around an object.
texture_pal - Bring up the texture palette. It's equal to alt-T
toggle_compass - toggle compass state
toggle_inv - Open or close the inventory panel
train_mfd - Open up a training MFD
ubermensch - Turns the player into homo superior.
wpn_setting_toggle - switches between weapon settings
« Last Edit: 19. December 2010, 02:14:42 by Kolya »

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