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Topic: SS2 Audio Logs (SPOILERS)
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There's an original screwup in the game with the picture of Malone/McKay. I once wrote a mini-mod for that. Search the Mod forum for Malone.

66f6925a54b78System Shocked

There's an original screwup in the game with the picture of Malone/McKay. I once wrote a mini-mod for that. Search the Mod forum for Malone.
I tried searching for this and came up empty.

66f6925a54cfdYankee Clipper

@Koyla: Maybe you are thinking of this mod:


That one is about the picture for Morris / Wood. My search came up empty for either Malone or McKay.
Right you are. Posted from work without checking and that's what happens. Sorry.

66f6925a54f07System Shocked

Also of note is that the crew photo portraits for Malone and Wood are the same:

Malone and Wood portraits.

[wood.png expired]
[malone.png expired]

66f6925a55007Primitive Primate

Not at all! Wood's shirt is brighter :p

66f6925a5529dSystem Shocked

Not at all! Wood's shirt is brighter :p
... and actually, Malone is more handsome...  :P  :P

66f6925a553b1Primitive Primate

See? So there actually is a difference :D

66f6925a55599System Shocked

See? So there actually is a difference :D
Maybe they're unbeknownst twins separated at birth???

66f6925a556e0Yankee Clipper

@Koyla: OK, so I checked a McKay log, and it uses the picture that is labeled McKay here. So both Malone and McKay use the McKay picture. I'm not clear on what you are saying about your mod. Does it address this bug as well, or does it just address the Morris/Wood situation? I'm not using the ADaOB mod, just SHTUP, 400, Olfred, Tacticool and a couple of Vurt's.

Sorry, it only addresses the Morris/Wood thing. I had remembered that incorrectly.
hi, long time ago

i am a fan of ss2, i play it everytime i can, but at this time i had not so much time

you know i had a spanish audiolog page based on arkero99 translation  (from clandlan.net)  ... i had some text/entries you dont have .. if you wish you can check it to sync our audiologs

i had some extra spanish entries for "bananas" (the intelligent monkey easter egg), the many, and some others .. and have some differences too, (like "the trainer" and myers for example) .. i checked personally some of these entries by hand  ... for example, there are different characters with same voice, or swapped portraits

my spanish audiolog is here -> http://netgamer.cl/ss2  ... you know it looks pretty much like yours because is based on it when you had not spanish audiolog yet, i based on systemshock.org template but i keep the credits

dont flame me tellying i am a copycat, anyone can do whatever web page he wants.. for me systemshock.org audiologs are the only official one, but not the only .. the point is make it collaborative, check it and feel free to do whatever discussion you want .. my spanish audiolog is old and  was intended as a backup and a help to spanish audio files transcription in same site

« Last Edit: 29. August 2014, 00:39:12 by AT-HE »


Is there still work going on for the spanish dubbed version that we talked about here?
I just went throught the list of let's play videos by spanish gamers and there quite a lot of them. Maybe some of them would be interested in helping you to do the dubbing. It's a plus that they have equipement and recording know-how and considering that some are doing videos reguarly, maybe there is a higher "skill" for good voice acting.

About your suggestions for the audiolog page: thanks, I will look into that and see what I can incorporate.


Russian translations?
sorry for double post

I'm having a hard time working out whick russian translation is the best. Right now, I have Fargus (no strings, sounds) and webcoll (strings and sounds). The quality (can't judge the correctness because I don't speak the language) seems to differ from log to log. The webcoll strings do not seem to match the spoken word at all.

I know of more versions:
7 Wolf - claimed as wrong Fargus. Don't know what that is about.
AlexSoft & Fargus - i get the impression that this is the best!?
Наша Марка - don't know

I would like to get them all, but I don't trust torrents very much.
And the downloads always seem to include the complete game, which I'm not very comfortable with.

To summarize: Which russian version has the most accurate translation and best audio? And are there any "no torrent" downloads?


Sorry, me again. Issues with the Russian versions are still unsolved.

Also, Brazilian Portueguese audiologs (text only)
Some texts still in english. Level 1 strings are not included in the translation for some reason unknown.


I have studied web design of things a bit and using frames and separate html's is kinda obsolete technique.
Not that I am the one to show exactly how its done (last time I did a website I used frames but later learned I was doing webpages in the 90's way) but I just noticed this and I thought to voice this concern.

Not sure which media player I have associated with certain file type, probably VLC, but still, I only see one half
of the player whenever I select an log to listen to.
I am an actual web designer and I think it's okay. Not good or anything, but it does the job. Most of the time.
Okay I know the design sucks, but I have no time to change it. Go ahead and provide a better one.
And besides, frames are not useless. They're a technology and like any technology it can be used for good. Or bad.
Like if you have to display a fucking table then use a table. Don't let them make you use DIVs with table properties, because if tables sucked then DIVs who try to act like tables are god damn hellspawn.
And I would argue that in this case, of site that needs to be easily maintainable and useful, frames are fine. The alternative would be loading shit via AJAX and that's not easily maintainable.

The rounded corner graphics need to go though, I agree on that.
Hand written HTML, passed on through the generations since the days of yore.


Russian (WebCall) audiologs are ready: https://www.systemshock.org/shocklogs/indexRUSS.html
Issues I had:
- some texts not translated; especially the many and shodan's initial speech (mostly no russian audio)
- Some names (Amanpour etc.) have no russian equivalent. I did not want to piece it together because I'm 1.) lazy and 2.) I would surely get it wrong^^. Maybe some native speaker could help out?
- none of the logs have the characteristic *beep* and *bratz* at beginning and end. Maybe someone with a skill for audio batch processing could add them back in?
- Shodan is missing her trademark background noice

- get some more voice actors. When you listen to the logs in a row it becomes very apparent that there are only two people. No offense, it's just something that the atmosphere could really benefit from.
- sorry; but the shodan voice in the last cutscene sounds terrible! You could totally do better!!

« Last Edit: 08. May 2016, 12:36:39 by unn_atropos »

66f6925a56b23straight bozo

The message SHODAN gives you numbered 64 and labelled "Note: This is a possible alternate version of the above email, but did not appear in the game." actually does appear in game, if you don't destroy all the eggs, SHODAN will block your attempts to open the first keycard door in rickenbacker pod 3, giving you that message.

I wanted to route an all audio logs speedrun, but the sheer existence of that log requiring you to traverse pod 2 three times (assuming you just leave the last egg unshattered, which is fastest) just leaves a sour taste in my mouth...  I mean for branching ones i'd have to bend rules but that's just something i wouldn't have fun doing thanks to that one email


You can't do an all audio logs run anyway. On Ops/Rec SHODAN will send a different message depending on whether you've completed the Ops tasks or the Rec tasks first.

66f6925a56db4straight bozo

yeah i was like going to make some clause for "for branching cases like ops/rec and cases where sholito gives you a log when she doesn't yell at you to not dawdle, you can choose whatever"

alternatively i could just say just audio logs, not emails, although that would UNNECESSARILY ROB VIEWERS of awkwardly attempting to do the monkey easter egg as fast as possible

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