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Topic: REVERT3D engine Read 33387 times  

The "map viewer project" eventually sparked a new one called "REVERT3D engine" (I'm the author of that one btw)
It's not really a Shock rebuild but more an attempt to create a Shock-like engine/toolkit to make Shock-like games :)
Feel free to visit us at: http://revert3d.blogspot.com
« Last Edit: 13. May 2013, 18:06:14 by Kolya »
Hah! Not bad! :D The ingame editing is especially impressive. I always liked that in games like Cube.


Robert's REVERT3D engine has reached version 0.7b implementing physics. Congratulations! :D


wow. as soon as i see enemy ai, i am gonna have fun with these  :thumbwink: :thumbwink: :thumbwink:
In the meanwhile we have completed a small interactive demo which shows a testmap which you can move through using classic FPS controls.
It contains nearly everything we have implemented so far, as well as the map and object editors.

Download: https://rapidshare.com/files/2819842822/R3Demo.zip
Info:  http://revert3d.blogspot.com
Very cool. I played around with the demo a bit and some things I noticed:
- frobbing objects doesn't always work, it seems that objects are often out of scope when near
- only frobbable objects have a tooltip description that appears next to the reticule (unlike in SS1 where every terrain tile also had a description: A lamp, Ceiling panel, etc)
Thanks! The picking of objects isnt perfect yet, it still depends on the angle you look at it.
As for the "tooltip": It depends on two conditions: a) the object has the "track screen position" property set, and b) the object has the INFO property filled with a text.
We never intended to make a 1:1 rebuild of the Shock engine, so some things just are the way we thought it would be more or less useful :)
Understood, but would it be possible to set "track screen position" and the "INFO" property on terrain at all, to create a faithful rebuild if one was so inclined?

The readout we're talking about serves two functions in SS1:
1. On the practical side it helps to find hidden doors of which there are a lot and those bear a different description than the usual "wall panel" of course

2. On the game experience side of things, the readout plays a role in the immersive simulation that you are indeed outfitted with a cyber-interface that can display information about anything in your view. These informations get richer as you upgrade your cyber-interface during the course of the game.
Well properties for tiles/map elements are not implemented yet, but it should be no big deal.
Sounds good. :)

I think I'll split this conversation into a separate thread about Revert3d.


Link seems bad, I cant download :(

Consteadly getting The connection was interrupted

Have to try this arvo
Still works fine here. Maybe your security software blocks it? Some agents think that rapidshare is 666


That is epic, I have never experienced a better free ware engine, i am gonna have to keep a very close eye on this  :awesome:  :awesome: :awesome:
Do accept donations by any chance ?

wow i am really enjoying this, so simple

I am gonna try get my friend so to enjoy it, We  will donate then properly, If you accept it of course
« Last Edit: 22. July 2011, 22:32:13 by lostone1993 »
Thanks :) but, relax for the moment. we can talk about donations when version 1.0 is finished :)


Real cool work.
in this version (0.7) its all so easy to handle that i let play my daughter a bit around with the editor. shes 7 and had a lot of fun. (me too :) ) but we dont understand how to do that with the floor like you done it in the video. set the floor level higher or lower and change the angels of cubes and so. isnt it in the demo or are we both just "blind" ?

we hope to get the new version soon, to start working on a "selfmade" 3d game.


Ok OK  :)

We found it  - wonderfull.

like i sayed befor - real good work. i love it
nice to hear, that you find it useful. there is a help page in each editor mode. you can access it by pressing F1 (not working in the main menu)


is there a way to tell a SWITCH that he should do more then one thing? like open target 1 and 2  or open a door and move a stone.

and here a little feedback

1 when i create a animatet bot and walk around this bot, then often (not always) i see a big white pic where a animatet pic should be.
2 i often can reach switches when they are A-far a way B behind doors C on the backside of a block
3 i often cant reach a animatet object/bot (with E) or i can do it on a place where the object isnt realy

4 the INFOs start in the middle of the screan. and so often, written informations will not be on the screan.
   can  you make it like in shock???
5 it would be nice if you insert a "floor high" point in the creating menue
Thanks for your feeedback! The picking-code (the stuff that finds the objects you're pointing at) is not that perfect, it was a first try and we will have to redesign this. The picking while in the editor is much better, but unfortunately its also slower. We will have to find a solution between them. The other stuff sounds like theres still a problem with the frame offsets while animating a multi-angle object. We had those issues before and thought it was fixed :D Sometimes developement is a never ending story ^^
BTW: We have just finished v0.8 and will release another demo in a couple of days. It now features scripting and will allow you to create more complex stuff.

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